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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. I'm in Hertfordshire at the moment, but I'd imagine it's pretty similar (if not worse) in Cambridge. Ah well, it melted pretty quickly.
  2. It's all melted now, but I took me a couple of photos this morning:
  3. I don't do any formal sport, but I tend to walk 2-5 miles a day just to get to places. I used to sail in lasers and toppers and climb on indoor walls.
  4. Pah, Vonlenska's not a real langauge... Anyway, I reserve the next lot of questions.
  5. It's reasonably heavy, but it's just melting when it hits the ground.
  6. Hmm, 'tis snowing here now. Methinks sleep is for the weak.
  7. I'd imagine they're not counted, though I can't be sure. But yeah, there are way more languages than most people think.
  8. Nope, narrowed down to 6911. Assuming we're only talking about known living languages.
  9. This looks cool, I just hope it doesn't talk down to you.
  10. I didn't have one, but in a way I'd have liked to... ah well, I should be going to Japan for a bit this summer so it's all good.
  11. By the same logic I may be at my parents' house at the moment, but I feel my home is at university. Not that I dislike my parents or anything, I just feel really at home in Cambridge. Anyway, I went shopping today for food, and feel I ought to start work soonish.
  12. Aren't you supposed to wait until tomorrow? Anyway, I'll be getting an orange chocolatey thing that looks quite nice.
  13. Either it's ironic or it's because Jesus died for our sins; methinks the latter. Re: evolution - I see no problem with God orchestrating it, though the nudgy thing really grates as I'm sure you'd be able to tell. Surely God could big bang the universe and be awesome enough to see the consequences of this right down to present day? Okay, there're random factors involved but this is a perfect being we're talking about. On topic: I'd vaguely heard of this meat thingy, and never followed it, at least not on purpose.
  14. Does it say バター on it, or would that be too easy? I hate the way you can't buy non-sweet sliced bread in most European countries.
  15. It's maybe not quite dark enough, but have you seen Welcome to the NHK? That's pretty clever, though it takes a few episodes to get into. Also: I am currently watching the drama of Densha Otoko, and it's great. I recommend it, but it might be best if you read the original first. (which can be bought translated in novel form) For those who don't know, this is based on the true story of an otaku who saves a girl from a drunk guy on a train and then goes to 2channel for dating advice.
  16. That sounds like fun... does your text go all different colours or something?
  17. Ah, I remember this guy... happy birthday to him.
  18. Actually, our answers are one and the same, you've just rationalised the denominator by multiplying top and bottom by sqrt(2): 5/(sqrt(2)) = (5sqrt(2))/((sqrt(2))(sqrt(2))) = (5sqrt(2))/2 = (5/2)sqrt(2).
  19. Well, if it makes angles of pi/4 radians (aka 45 degrees) with both i and k, then it stands to reason that it lies in the i k plane. (draw a diagram if you can't see why this is). So the j component is 0, but what of the other two? Well they'll both be 5cos(pi/4) (or 5sin(pi/4), same thing), which is 5/sqrt(2). So the i component is 5/sqrt(2), the j component is 0 and the k component is 5/sqrt(2), which you can write as a column vector.
  20. I'd consider being previously banned a bannable offence...
  21. I don't really make up results any more, but it does make things easy. The way whole courses are designed to make this the easy way out doesn't really help. Anyway, I came home today. Is a little bit odd, though not as much as last time. Still just as boring though...
  22. Natural numbers are the integers from 1 upwards, so 'twouldn't. (sometimes 0 is included, but here that's irrelevant)
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