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Everything posted by Marshmellow

  1. Happy Birthday Ashley
  2. God I was just surprised to actually see a thread that I had posted in still on the first page
  3. Maybe it'll take you longer than a week to finish it now but i doubt it
  4. I cannot wait for this! Tomorrow (:
  5. So much to read... (: I would but I don't visit often enough to fully participate. And I'd forget to come back everyday..or however it works.

  6. I have. I don't know why I keep leaving. I don't do anything else with my internet time besides troll around eBay and Engadget. Ha.

  7. Usually read WIRED..occasionally stalk GTS with Soul Silver..ha.
  8. Yeah the number pad is slightly bothersome, but since it was a keyboard for my laptop when at home that wasn't much of a bargain breaker for me. It's fucking awesome though! I love customizing it and the rainbow affect is brilliant. Also the number pad is available online on random sites...for like £70 or something. Which was not worth buying for me..although I am trying to find a Korean buddy who can order it off the Korean Luxeed site for about $50.
  9. Yess sir Manchester, UK. I've never been there, but I've heard nothing but good and beautiful comments about it. On the other side though I absolutely love downtown Seattle... So it'll be tough.
  10. Black Luxeed U5 Keyboard $107 via ThinkGeek
  11. MW2. 9/10. Absolutely lovely game, only complaint, which is big, is the lack of more than 1vs1vs1vs1 etc etc for system link. I mean really only one person per Xbox? Or am I doing something wrong here?
  12. Epic. Fucking epic.
  13. This didn't necessarily happen today..but I don't think creating a whole new thread to express my enthusiasm was necessary. Anyway, I got accepted to Seattle University and University of Manchester! Those were my top two choices for colleges so I'm very excited and proud of myself, now I just gotta make a decision..
  14. nice =] maybe i'll see ya around next year then! good thing about a car... I was kinda hoping a car would not be necessary. What about housing? what would you recommend? I've been thinking about studying Computer Science/Engineering. More then likely if I chose Manchester/got in I would sign up for this course.
  15. Ooo no I missed that small bit of text with all the pics. Sorry mate, my apologies. Question though, do you enjoy reviewing the same game for multiple console, or does it get kind of boring?
  16. Well those were just questions that came into mind, I don't specifically just need those answers. Just general Do's and Dont's for the university. My main question is for people that got accepted, what do you recommend for the whole applying process? Just from what you learned. thanks everybody btw =]
  17. Seriously..three copies of Blood Bowl? Why.. :/
  18. So as a senior this year, I've been looking at colleges world wide to attend next year and the University of Manchester looks pretty nice. Anyone been? Anyone going? Anyone graduated? Have any hints/tips, for admission, living, need a car?, general requirements for entry, is it nice? etc. A well educated coworker of mine is heading to the UK for his vacation and he's going to check it out for me and see whats up. But what do you guys got to say about it?
  19. Happy Birthday guys =]
  20. Been playing Fight Night 4 lately...pretty damned good. ..Just thought I'd let you guys know. =]
  21. Umm I wouldn't really say that.. The troopers that my dad drives around on the boat (he's not a trooper, he just drives them around..makes more money then them.) They just go about the water in Alaska and make sure no Russians are fishing in Alaskan waters and making sure everybody is fishing the right stuff in the right season. More like cops, then an "army reserve."
  22. My day was alright nothing interesting..decorated and "modded" some shopping carts that was fun though. Video from a couple nights ago. Our Safeway is being redone so we grabbed some shopping carts that they had left by the dumpster and put them to use. Enjoy =] (I'm filming)
  23. My dad is the captain of a state trooper boat, for the state of Alaska. yay...
  24. Usually just with remotes..pushing buttons and sorts. Or with a soccer ball if I have one available. I'll just roll between my feet and such.
  25. Does the site ship internationally?...at a reasonable price. I'm doing clothe shopping soon and I'd love to pick up some if they can ship to me. What I bought today off eBay. For my new camera, $39.99 Honestly, one of the best games ever. I borrowed it, got 1000, but I'm coming back for more! $10.99
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