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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. For when I drop and get a scratch on my 3DS: (it happened ) Audio Driving test:
  2. Got another incredible letter from Red Shell, Reggie's shiny chin blew me away once more
  3. If this is around the same time as SOS we should also attend, @f00had though obviously you can take charge of trains and *shudders* the underground else I will get lost and confused.
  4. Had a crazy mix of Disaronno and Cider with @f00had - even Donkey Konga 2 emo songs (as we all know, the European Donkey Konga 2 is the second most emo of all versions) couldn't set me straight. Though I did straight a few zombies (or people, i'm not even sure) on Resident Evil 5! Highlight has to be singing Daytona's Sky High though.
  5. Still not sold on the car thing, I hope it has classic Mario Party too! The minigames look awesome though!
  6. I finally got round to playing the demo of this earlier and I was mighty impressed, though it did scare the life out of me! (And I died :P)
  7. You have a good choice, Mario Party 5 is by far the best in the series! I've had many fun times on that And I got Wii Party a few days ago, I'll play it later this week so hopefully it holds up well. Though I don't think anything will put me off getting Mario Party 9 anyway :p
  8. Haha like last time :P It must be hard to have a random battle that last to the end online I can't imagine random opponents staying on for the few hours it takes!
  9. I'm in an honest and open mood so here goes... I've never had a kebab.
  10. I played a lot of Mario Party 6 a few days ago with my friend, now the only game in the series we haven't played is the first! Though I don't want to damage any joysticks or hands so I'll leave it at that. anyway, you should all check out the rather lovely EU box. http://n-europe.com/news.php?nid=16727
  11. I've added you @Gentleben I tried adding you too @yesteryeargames but couldn't see your FC! I'll totally be up for a game tonight if anyone wants to, I'll play after work so should be on about 10.30pm, I'll check on here first!
  12. I shall be getting this! But yeah what is going on with the car? Is there much point in a board if you're all moving along together?!
  13. I'm at Joe's tomorrow so I can't Though me and Joe will most likely be playing Boom Street anyway (with the heated blanket and cake ofc) xD Have fun online without me!
  14. I rose from the ashes, after lagging in fourth place for 97% of the game, I suddenly shot to first on the very last roll thanks to a bit of luck, f00's "I feel sorry for you" investments and erm, well that was about it :p Yay! ;D And thanks @Gentleben - I'll add you when I'm next on!
  15. I'm on very easy mode right now, Master Hand takes a mere few hits. I really need to make a few changes this year because if I'm in the same position this time next year i'm going to start continually banging my head against the wall. Still, I have 11 months to sort something out so here's hoping
  16. Finally! My internet is working again! You know what this means.... BOOM Street! @Beverage the Japanese beer was mighty nice thank you, I'm drinking the remaining bottles now :P And you WILL like the game, I suggest you snap it up whilst you can, I can't imagine it being widely available for long! Anyway guys, me and @f00had are about to start an online game if you wish to join! My FC is: 1335 1980 7675 (I'm looking at you @yesteryeargames
  17. All of them sound like great gifts! I think Disneyland would be the most incredible present though because, yknow, it's DISNEYLAND. You have to record their reactions for N-Europe and advertising purposes! And like, seeing as were in the good stuff thread I may as well throw this out there: Finally got the dentist out of the way and have nice shiny teeth. AND i have cold pizza left to eat.
  18. @f00had Oh yeah, the brother went back to bed didn't he. And I wouldn't know, I've never played the NES version I've heard it's rubbish compared to Turtles In Time! And I might watch some more movies later, I've generally used it for watching TV Series!
  19. Though his older brother was no good at Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on NES Who plays all night to get to the first stage?
  20. The Wizard and Kirby were much better alternatives And sorry @yesteryeargames I didn't see your post! But yeah, we didn't have time today anyway! Tag me when you're next planning to play so I don't miss it but I should definately be on tomorrow night. I have the dentist so I will be at home not eating or drinking and feeling sorry for myself - Nothing could make me feel better than a burly investment with the help of Birdo
  21. Josh64


    I saw Sexual Chocolate trending and thought, "Woah, the N-E community is so tight", who'd have thought it was something to do with wrestling.
  22. I've only heard that version but thanks for the heads up, I'll track down the album version on YouTube now!
  23. I'm not usually a big fan but wow, this is amazing.
  24. DLC would be amazing, this is one of my favourite Sonic games along with Colours. I still can't believe I paid £40 for it to then see it for £20 a few weeks later but I suppose that was my own fault :p It was worth it for the Sonic Avatar costume.
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