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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. It could be because it's in his OTHER inbox! I mean, who checks those? I checked mine a few weeks ago and was reading through Birthday invites from 2 years ago :p Does he not still work at the coffee place? Going in for one last splash of pigeon milk could do the trick, just flip your hair and stare at him longingly whilst asking for you drink. ____ As far as relationships are concerned with me atm: I just want someone to care enough about me to smell my dick when I come home at 5 in the morn' :/
  2. And without the time constraints, there's less strategy than before. I'd say it's more exploration, cute, charming exploration... that tugs at your heart strings around every corner. I still remember plucking my first Pikmin, I was so excited, so confused. And oh man, the first time I accidentally left one behind, that was a stand out moment. The more I think about the first game, and how fresh and exciting it was, the more I suddenly can't wait for this. Forget my earlier pessimism, Pikmin is awesome... I'm just pissed we've had to wait this long for the third!!
  3. I've lost pretty much all hype for this, I guess it's just like Twilight Princess all over again, it got delayed so much I just don't care about it any more! Will certainly pick it up in a few months or so when I'm done with Fire Emblem (which I've barely started), Luigi's Mansion 2 (barely started) and Animal Crossing (I can't play enough of)... Meh, maybe next year instead!
  4. You expect me to be able to go fishing, bug collecting and to water my flowers IN REAL LIFE?!
  5. As cube said, if tv shows aren't included then FILMS as I barely watch them as it is!
  6. I... just wanted you to be proud that I left my room today
  7. All the technology I own is being weird today. Phone keeps freezing and then closing apps after a while, 360 kept pausing gameplay for about 5 seconds every few minutes or so before going back to normal and my laptop seems to be enjoying a lot of random freezing today as well. Not bad, just annoying. Has to all go at once, eh?
  8. Yeah they can, if you do it a certain way they all slot into each other! And don't be ridiculous Magnus! That's what id say if I hadn't played a 3D sonic game for the last 5 years!
  9. The first half is fantastic, I learnt a bunch of interesting and weird things about the SEGA and Sonic franchise. Some unreleased games, interesting art work and its all very well put together. I also loved reading about the dodgy 1997 - 2001 days of SEGA, pretty sad in parts. After about half way through though it just re-caps games and characters from the series spouting common knowledge and turns into a kind of boring Wikipedia type thing. It's definitely worth it though, and the thing itself is lovely! And apparently there are only 1000 copies of it too, so its worth the price. (Mines marked 203)
  10. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu has another new album and iTunes came to the rescue once more! I love this woman, and her music is finally starting to sound as crazy as her music videos. I also used to LOVE this guy called FrankMusik back in like 2009 and he's finally released a sequel to his debut album (after a few iffy EP's and change of identity and all sorts), and it's great. Not exactly ground breaking, but more of the same, which is fine by me. Like Mario Galaxy 2, more of the same but who would want anything else? It actually sounds way better on the album. He delayed it by a few weeks to do some tweaks and you can really tell on this song. The backing track and vocals sound miles better than in the video.
  11. Two of my favourite DS games right there! At one point I just couldn't help but constantly bang on about how great Ghost Trick is to ANYONE that had a DS and my head nearly exploded when every time everyone said "yeah, I might pick it up one day". Seriously one of the best DS games of all time. Rhythm heaven is also pretty awesome but that's a given. I never got into Picross, and for a second mistook it for Polarium, an early DS title that I completely adored. It's probably a good job you didn't get Polarium, you'd never get rid of me. __________ Anyway, I decided to get myself a new lamp! I was rocking this random blue lamp I had given to me by my nan one day (it was almost like an Animal Crossing 'here, have this' moment) until the light bulb burst a few weeks ago and scared the life out of me. But the burst light bulb reminded me, I was meant to get a new non-temporary lamp. So I went and got myself one I'd been eyeing up for ages which is this Tetris one, the bottom one is the light and you can connect the other pieces however you like. It's really awesome, and was on offer on Amazon from £30 to £23. I put it on my Sonic shelf because I don't match things up very well!
  12. 43 guests actually, we all just really want Animal to have wizard babies, I think.
  13. Their cheese is what I love most! If anything I just thought they seemed completely crazy in the Dreamcsst era with the likes of Space Channel 5, Jet Set Radio and that weird pet simulator type thing with the man fish. I loved their crazy days.
  14. Yeah I do quite often forget! I remember coming from Wreck it Ralph and being annoyed at how irritating the young girl in the film was. It wasn't until my friend said "well it is technically a kids film" that I thought yeah, they're trying to please a lot more than just 20 something men :p
  15. I'm always one for a documentary and didn't really know what to watch so did a random choice on Netflix and stumbled upon Catfish. I can't really say much without giving things away, but it's about a photographer who gets involved with an 8-year old girl and her family thanks to her fantastic paintings. My god. It really is quite something. It started off pretty slow but about half way through, things really heat up.
  16. For me it was pretty much 10% Nintendo, 90% something else, all the time. Especially in primary school, it was SEGA or PlayStation. I remember me and this girl were racing each other on the playground one day and she said something along the lines of "my racing name should be Pipsy"...I was like "Well, my racing name is gonna be TipTup..." We gave each other this look, and then she excitedly said "do you have an N64?!". It was like coming out. But yeah, then in secondary school I don't think I knew anyone with a GameCube, not anyone I spoke to anyway. The only time that I really felt a Nintendo presence was at the start of the Wii era.
  17. I like how on GTA you can kill people, steal cars and all sorts of stuff, and as long as you have the ability to hide from police for 5 mins, you're off the hook.
  18. I thought the ending of Harry Potter was pretty lame, all this crazy stuff going on for years and then it just ends with them going off, marrying each other and having kids? Bullshit. But yeah, you should send her that scene of Hermione and Ron in the future with their kids and be like "this could be us one day." This is also why I shouldn't speak to people.
  19. Thanks guys! Banjo is also appreciative of this new found love for pugs! And oh shit man, I keep forgetting to do the Just Dance off's now! I did SEE your result... which is what scared me most :P I thought I was unstoppable on that! I need more time! The only other hope I have at beating you is Let's go to the mall! And I think some of you don't realise I'm bstmte for a reason, I did phase out for a good few years and then return under a new name for many good reasons :p I stumbled upon a few very old posts a few months ago and my gosh, never have I cringed so much :p
  20. I ventured into the sun today, it nearly killed me.
  21. I agree with you guys, the Wii is by far my favorite console, full of such nice little touches and bizarre features! Like the black cat hidden within some of the Wii Channels! And my god, that News Channel slideshow music was something else.
  22. If it's free-to-play or very cheap on the eShop then it makes sense. But it won't be.
  23. Yeah, people are always spreading doom and gloom around Nintendo, the only difference is that this year it's justified. And yeah, the lack of games is more noticeable on Wii U because of low third-party support and that's a HUGE problem. I'm certain the XBONE and PS4 will have way more titles in the first year, perhaps not from Sony and Microsoft themselves, but certainly from other developers.
  24. They fucking need them, geez. Seriously. I'm not holding my breath though, as Iwata also stated the Wii U would not suffer a 'games drought' like the Wii and 3DS did before it. Pahahahahahahahahhahaha.
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