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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. I've gotta say, it's amazing to see Mii's so crisp and clear after years of blurry Wii, the pixel hell that is 3DS and (my own fault) my hideous 'HD Ready' TV. They're so crisp and clean! But yeah, my initial fears of getting bored of this are gone. I don't use it as excessively as I did, but it's still worth booting up once a day. I just wish more of my friends would jump on board, it's still very much a social network for Nintendo fans only.
  2. When I'm having a really down day and feel a 'bed day' is needed then off TV play is a god send. Other than that, I don't use it. So it's a saviour in my times of need but also just a reminder of being depressed any other time. Very apt for the Wii U, I'd say.
  3. SNES onwards, Nintendo has never been too hot with third parties and I don't think they ever will be, at least not with their current audience. Even if we DID get regular cod and Fifa games on Wii U as a lot of you say, I doubt they'd have sold that well. Whilst Nintendo weren't on top in the N64 era, they were still doing really well, and if they could put themselves in that kind of position for generations to come they'll be more than fine, so they just need to do what they did then, have a variety of exclusive games that appeal to the west. Rare were a god-send in that era as far as that is concerned, the likes of Perfect Dark, Banjo and Goldeneye being huge system sellers, so Nintendo need to replicate this, with the most likely solution in my eyes being what serebii said and getting more titles such as Beyond G&E and Bayonetta. Couple that with more variety from Nintendo themselves (a return of F-Zero, Wave Race, Excite Truck etc) and they could do well.
  4. The Wii U isn't exactly flying off the shelves right now anyway, and I doubt much is going to change that now. I'm sure they can make one last batch and last a good while, certainly way into the life of NX
  5. I was about to defend the original DS design and then saw this comment, I guess I just have bad taste :p The Gamepad though, my god, that thing is so hideous - It's like what tablets would look like in the 90's.
  6. Micro-transactions work well when done right, it's just that The Pokémon Company is one of the very worst offenders.
  7. Is there any reason for this to have more credibility than any other random mockup? Who posted it? If this IS the NX controller then it's clear they've learnt nothing and you can count me out.
  8. Everywhere this bundle gets posted I see people raggin' on that shirt but damn, I think it looks amazing. Then again my fashion sense is terrible/non-existent. In fact, I was on the fence about if I should or shouldn't get this game but that shirt has pushed me onto the 'YES' side.
  9. I was kinda looking forward to this but the more I see of it, the less fussed I am. Seems like a stripped back Tomodachi life mixed with that old Q&A site, forget the name. And Nintendo just had to mess it up somehow - it seems SO backwards to not allow you to add NNID friends, which will be the majority of people playing. With the people from this site and reddit etc, I could add 20ish people to this game with their NNID's but through facebook I know like... 3 people that might get this? I would ask WHY they'd do such a thing, but it's like not being able to search for friend battles in certain online games, or having separate friend codes per game, it seems like a task Nintendo set out before any online endeavor to make one really big and annoying backwards step. I can imagine Miyamoto walking into the development studio and putting up a bullet point on the white board saying "make something really awkward for no reason"
  10. AWESOME! And no, I won't be needing the cables thankfully, there's so many going into my tv that I dread having to trawl through that electric spaghetti, so I'll take my devil slim out and put the new one in its place. And no way, I wonder what that could be :p And just to be awkward no, I get paid on Monday!
  11. I did the same search and it is the ribbon - and it's REALLY bad! It sticks out a good CM, and its white where it's been scratching everything. I try and prod it back in but it bounces right back up, I think whoever sold it me must have left it turned off for a good year or two with the ribbon out so it's kinda stuck as is That's a very kind offer! I was looking to buy a new one actually! I'll get back to you on payday with a worthy offer As I'm DYING to play Klonoa and Parappa but am holding off as I don't wanna damage the discs more than I already have!
  12. Finished a relaxing night shift this morning, which is possibly the first time in 2 years I could describe that job as 'relaxing', not that its bad, I enjoy it, it's just always hectic. I'm back up to full time again this week, for the first time in a while, and I'm enjoying it - hopefully gonna stick at it too. More money and a feeling of being sane again! Finishing the day off with High School Musical 3 on BLURAY (I am 10 years late to the whole blu-ray thing, man they look crisp don't they?)
  13. My PS2 Slim is destroying my discs I got Klonoa 2 and Parappa 2 in great condition but looking at the back of the discs, they suddenly have big circle indents in them after playing them, the ps2 is basically sanding them away :'(
  14. £9.85 for Bayonetta 2! http://www.shopto.net/video-games/wiiu/WIIUBA03-bayonetta-2
  15. I love the look of the game but was slightly put-off as I'm really shit with conventional fighters (even Soul), Smash is the only real fighter I play. But as the N-E review says, it's more a mix of both so maybe it'd be a good place for me to jump in? Also, anything that lets me dress my avatar has me frothing at the mouth.
  16. I'll be sure to check out some of your levels, I spent hours making a couple with coins but they always end up being garbage, I'm cursed when making levels on this game >.> still fun to play them though! I haven't been on in a few months so it was pretty cool getting some of the new costumes - some very bizarre and unexpected ones in there :p
  17. I've been meaning to sell the steaming garbage that is NSMBU and Luigi U for ages, better get em on ebay before these new RRP's come into play. Feel a bit of a nob doing it but A MANS GOTTA MAKE MONEY
  18. Tropical Freeze is incredible. I was so bored of 2D platformers by the time it came out but it blew me away, it feels so fresh and new, with amazing music, beautiful graphics, great platforming and so much replayability. Also the first DK game in YEARS celebrate its history instead of ignoring everything great about the series before 2000.
  19. JAPAN TRIP IS BOOKED! Gonna be at the Hilton Hotel in Tokyoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo SO PUMPED
  20. I forgot about that in Wii Sports Club, it's a shame that game was a bust as online Wii Sports could have been awesome. From what I remember though, it was awful, like... Worse than Mario Kart DS online. You couldn't even exit the search screen! If you changed your mind after 30 seconds of searching and not finding anyone you just had to... Wait for the game to let you free.
  21. The original N64 game supports widescreen but this one doesnt, the option is still in the menu it just doesn't do anything. Serious input lag at times, trying to shoot can be really hard in some sections. Some sections have messed up textures which wasn't the case in the original. I think there's more but I didn't end up playing it much on Wii U in the end so I don't know.
  22. Nintendo aren't against releasing virtual console games with sub-par performance - look at DK64
  23. Full gyro is a bit rubbish but WITH twin sticks is amazing. I like aiming in Splatoon and fefining it with a little tilt but the best use was in Gravity Rush, using the sticks to get in position and then moving it ever so slightly in any direction with the gyro. This is mostly because I suck at dial analouge control though.
  24. There's not much on Wii U this year but with the announcement of Paper Mario, Jpop fire emblem, recently released TP, Pokken and Mario and Sonic Olympics it certainly has a better lineup than the last year of Wii. I could see them just about getting through this year without a new console if Zelda does appear on Wii U in November. But if that happens then it'll be a March NX launch. It's hard to make a call atm. Judging by current games though, I'd definitely say a console NX will arrive before a handheld one.
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