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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. It has been 9 years since the last original Monkey Ball game on PS Vita but finally after dipping their toe back in the water recently with the HD re-release of Banana Blitz, SEGA are blessing us with a wonderful celebration of the whole series, lovingly remade for modern consoles! The official word from Bad-Boon: Also - Getting the real answers, the original announcer is back!
  2. Honestly me too, not for that reason but I sold Super Mario Party so this is the perfect way to jump back in. I'm also really excited but can't help but be cynical and bitter without realising
  3. Why offer DLC when you can churn out another entry in the same engine!
  4. Have fun!! I wasn't planning on getting a new console any time soon but my XBOX One is my main current gen console and it chugs along so slowly through the menus and stuff now AND Forza Horizon is love of my life so I'm pretty sure I'll pick up an S or X around November ready for it!
  5. I predict a 3/5 considering how other publisher events have gone and given the stunt in development COVID caused.
  6. I was distraught from the news at the recent Ubisoft event that the latest instalment of Just Dance will not be coming to the Wii but what's more surprising to me is that it didn't arrive on Wii last year either, my avid following of the series the past few years is to blame for me missing this! It is a shame though - lasting a year longer than the WiiU, the final Wii version of Just Dance just squeezed in before the pandemic. But despite how dead the console is, the Just Dance games still sold a decent amount on the system each year, perhaps due to people hanging on to Just Dance as a yearly tradition to dust off the old Wii and because there's literally no other competition software-wise on the console. The series hasn't really changed apart from the additional online streaming aspect (which was simply omitted from the last few Wii titles) so it got me to wondering if this was actually the fault of Ubisoft or if it simply wasn't possible any longer, otherwise it seems like an easy buck to keep slapping them on a Wii disc. Alas after the endless jokes year on year that Just Dance will be the final Wii game, it seems it was trumped by last years Shakedown Hawaii! Not only that, but a blog post by the developer of that game gave a great insight into likely why Just Dance ended at the arse end of 2019 on the Wii. It seems NOA had already stopped producing Wii discs and NOE finished their last batch in Summer 2020: The whole post is worth a read so be sure to check it our here. Well done on 14 great years, Revolution!
  7. I second this UNLESS it's someone from Tokyo Mirage Sessions in which case I'm all for it! But let's be honest, we have more chance of Donkey Konga 4 or DK Racing resurfacing than that.
  8. The original is by far one of my favourite Switch games so I can't wait for this!! It's a shame the reveal was dampened a bit by Nintendo just putting it on their website, it meant I found out about it in a random tweet which is a bit less hard hitting lol, but still, bring on 2022!!
  9. They can add so much playability to games too with specific or hard tasks tied to trophies! I have wanted this for a long time but I don't see it happening any time soon, I'm sure Nintendo has some explanation as to why they don't believe trophies belong in games.
  10. I'm looking forward to this but I can't see much that makes it ultimate other than the HD upgrade and the gross unrelated baby Sonic keychain lol. I will get it anyway though as it's a great game that will be a joy to play again and it's one of the few that I just couldn't get working well on Dolphin a few months ago when I was on my Wiicube replay.
  11. off the top of my head: Minecraft and the Xenoblade port were exclusive, I can't think of much else. I personally don't think they'll make exclusive software again as I don't think it's worth their time, I'm guessing Xenoblade didn't do great if Nintendo decided not to follow up with more exclusive software. I see it working as the XBOX ONE/ S/ X situation, new games looking and playing great on the new box but you still have the option to play on the old one, it just performs like shit.
  12. Nothing yet but also no message about a cancellation either so hopefully it sticks.
  13. Wow that's a shock, on the article I read they didn't give a reason. AFAIK viewing figures improved gradually over time
  14. Heaven and earth have collided @Glen-i I haven't been so hyped since the Wii launch, MAN!
  15. This looks so great! I'm massively interested - gimme that dedicated direct, Nintendo!
  16. Also, interesting to note - Sochi 2014 came so early in the WiiU lifespan that characters like Donkey Kong, Daisy, Wario and Waluigi had their first HD appearance in a videogame developed and published by SEGA.
  17. I didn't play much of the original Olympic Games because they felt like absolute piss, as you said they are like a backwards Wii Sports and it lacks any soul whatsoever. I was dead against it... until 2012. I can't wait until you get there, honestly London 2012 is one of the best party games ever and put the Mario & Sonic Olympics on a whole other level for me. They have consistently been one of my all time favourite party games ever since then, in a time where Mario Party had lost all credit. They also went above and beyond to celebrate both franchises 2012 onwards. I'll forever be bitter that SEGA started on such a sour note, as the games that followed were all fantastic in their own way but required a "believe me, it's better than you think" speech. An example of how far the series has come:
  18. I have definitely noticed it with Ellie, I've used Final Hour about 10 times in the last few hours and it has worked every time! I almost feel bad like I'm cheating the game but then I remember they are cheating me out of time with this grinding And I take back what I said about the Savage Enemies, it's a new set now and they are pretty hardcore!!
  19. I'll be honest, I agree with you both I actually heard this song first having never played Shadow back in the day and was pretty pumped for it. Rest assured when I did finally get around to playing the game a few years ago I was massively disappointed. I usually stick up for Sonic Team but man, that game is garbage. This says a lot lol: "And Taku, being a big games fan, mentions it’s an honour to be working on a track to support the Sonic series. Even if it is Shadow."
  20. Haha yeah as a JRPG noob I didn't pay much attention to the individual stats until recently apart from 'big level number equals good' So I'm deffo using up all those skls I've collected so far and gaining more as we speak! I honestly thought they were randomly triggered so I'm gonna go ham on the skill stats now.
  21. I do, though I barely ever see it! Saying that I do believe I didn't have it on Wii U as I remember thinking it was perhaps new to Switch or something as it's the only duo art I couldn't remember! And god yeah they are nightmares, I just hope for the best I can do a near 1 shot kill with Ellie's Final Hour Though I try not to use it as I mostly like to keep my SP for Mamori's microwavin' as it gives her another go after using it, when I do normal heals I nearly always just end up in a healing loop until I die!
  22. Damn straight - It's Shadow the Hedgehog, baby!
  23. How dare you speak ill of the dead Ours was incredibly hit and miss depending on the season but I loved the final season, which was like 2 or 3 years ago now! How are you watching Aussie BB, my bb? If I had to be a catfish I feel like I'd want to be a 50-something cougar. I have this older white woman just waiting to burst out from inside of me so I think I might be able to pull it off, ayooooo
  24. Lol yeah, looking back now I can't believe I even attempted it when I was in my late 70's The random duo songs also seem a lot less common in this boss fight than any other fights But it might just feel that way as I'm always gasping for air
  25. Ok so that secret boss is still kicking my ass so I spent the week hardcore grinding and got all my party members up to level 99 (max). I go in for another shot and still get annihilated! But, and here's the big butt, I have a game plan. While I am at level 99 with all characters, some of their stats aren't max and you can get single stat boosts of each type (mag, str, def etc) by trading 9 detritus with a guy in the arena. You get detritus from killing Savage Enemies and so more grinding awaits for that detritus to hopefully fully max out my heroes - and thanks to my previous grinding, these so called Savage Enemies aren't too savage for me now anyway. Finally, I need the final weapons for each character, I only have Itsuki's final weapon so far. To get them I need a War Testament, which I get by completing the hard as nails (but again slightly easier now I'm buff af) Legendary arena which awards me with 9 arena coins which I can then trade for a war testament when I get up to 40 coins. So I'm hoping that when I have finally got all the final weapons and boosted my stats to the high heavens I can beat this dickhead of a secret boss. After all this, the actual final boss which I've been putting off until now will be as easy as eating chips (a great phrase one of my teachers used to say) Anyway, onto getting the actual special edition and... I paid immediately upon selecting 'buy it now' and so was pumped every morning getting to my front door with the hope that it would be here. Fast forward to FRIDAY and the seller is like "here's some final pics, just making sure you are happy with it before I post". 5 days after and they're saying things like before I post!??! Alas I replied with "yes that's great" and let the anger sink down into my soul as I know how much of a steal I'm getting this for - and with their slow hesitant response rate makes me think they've realised they perhaps listed it a bit low lol. Anyway, here's hoping I get it sometime this week instead
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