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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. Also YouTube has fully given up on me, it only ever suggests videos I have seen before. If I didn't actively search for new things I'd be stuck in a constant loop. Then again it is 2021 and I find myself playing a Super Monkey Ball 1 & 2 collection and Sonic Colours Ultimate so maybe I'm just that predictable.
  2. Twitter is awful! I love the music of Hideki Naganuma but his online presence is annoying to say the least, so I unfollowed him. A few days later I see his tweets again under the topic SEGA so I unfollow (especially because I actually like sega and the topic seems focused on their constant mishaps lol), then he appears again under another suggested topic 'Sonic the Hedgehog', then again days later under the even more vague 'videogames' topic. Just fuck off and let me read my followers only, Twitter!
  3. I struggled with this massively the first time around on GameCube The first few goes on here gave me trouble too between the mix of the slightly different physics, using a joycon instead of cube control stick and just losing my edge after all these years. You really gotta hug those turns eh??
  4. Nintendo also said they wanted the GameCube to last longer than a normal lifecycle and also denied the DS Lite (or was it 3DS XL?) literally days before announcing it so their statements are about as believable as those 1 megapixel UFO videos I find on YouTube in the early hours of the morning.
  5. Haha oh man, what levels were giving you a hard time? I had a similar amount of fallouts thanks to one of the extra stages
  6. Not sure what happened there as I watched a video a few months before release where the OG announcer had already recorded lines for the game. Have asked him on Twitter about it so will hopefully find out what went wrong there but I know there was a lot going on between him and SEGA so I wouldn't be surprised if there were some sort of late stage FALL OUT between the two. I'm really enjoying the game so far, especially the 'missions' for each level which include reaching the extra goals, clearing in a certain amount of time or completing with all the bananas. I agree the physics are mostly fine but the camera took some getting used to, it doesn't follow as vigilantly as before and actually sometimes requires some manual movement. I have played a good few hours and still loving every second, I'm also surprised by just how good some of the new music is - some inevitable duds but also some surprising total bangers, to the point where I still have yet to get round to download the OG soundtrack for the game!
  7. I hadn't heard this until yesterday either. I always knew Body Harvest was somewhat of a precursor and some parts of it feel very much like GTA3. Something along the lines of Nintendo weren't happy with it and dropped them when they were meant to be publisher but thankfully someone else stepped in. via pressthebuttons I'm really excited for this, I loved playing GTA 3 back when it first came out, I was a little young for it then so didn't own it myself but often played my brothers copy on his PS2. I remember really enjoying punching the public onto train tracks and waiting for the train to come by... looking back I can see why some of the public and all of the media were concerned about kids playing it but it's honestly still quite comical and slapstick in its presentation As for this remake I can't see why there wouldn't be a physical version as it would sell like crazy, especially the Switch version, but after what happened recently with Kingdom Hearts I guess we can't take anything for granted. The dream scenario would be the whole package on one cart but given what LA Noire was like and some of the other retro game compilations from elsewhere like Crash and Spyro, I think we may have GTA3 on cart with the other games being downloadable. I wouldn't hold out hope for original soundtracks, I'm sure some of the music may stay in but I'm sure a vast majority won't, it's not as east licensing music as it was back then and I also don't think Rockstar will go to the effort when they know it will just be the hardcore nostalgia fans complaining compared to the millions of casual players not noticing the difference. Graphically you're all likely right about it just being a resolution bump but we may at least see some cleaned up character models, I got the iOS port for my iPhone and Pad years back, like 2013 ish, and the overworld all looked the same but the characters did look nice and clearly had updated textures and even higher poly models, they have actual hands in that version unlike the comical N64 style blocks with lines seen in the original PS2 version of 3. I never played the other two as much, I was too knee deep in Melee and Sunshine by the time Vice City came out and wasn't too fussed but I do remember by the time San Andreas rolled around I did get my first pang of jealousy and wondering whether the grass is greener on the other side as all my friends had a blast in Andreas while I was picking noses on WarioWare and bangin' bongos on Konga 2 (love both obviously but there was clearly a lot to be envious of in what seemed like such a huge sprawling world back then). I'm rambling anyway, yeah I'm looking forward to it lol.
  8. I hope this is a meaty update! I often long for the first year of the game where I played daily and enjoyed building up and decorating my island - I went back recently after the direct to clean up weeds and stuff in time for Brewster and his pigeon milk, alas my island is so full there's barely anywhere for weeds to actually grow If there is somehow a way to expand your island I'll be reeled back in but otherwise I can't see myself playing too much as my island is set up just how I want it now and that was my favourite aspect of the game, I'm not too fussed on catching fish and bugs these days.
  9. I have enjoyed what I have played of this game, I completed the story mode and beat all the single player missions, I also levelled up Cricket and gave him a Kawaii design but I'm pretty much done with it. I sometimes dig up the old games to this day and still have a blast but this one isn't quite wacky enough to hold my interest and the character mechanic ultimately slows down the gameplay and sucks out a lot of the gameplay variety. Given the myriad of different unique things about the joycon, the IR, the HD rumble and ofc motion controls, it's a shame we didn't get a sequel to Smooth Moves but given the existence of the Lite and how local play seems to thrive on the system I can see why they'd go with this route. Not for me but I can see how this ultimately appeals to a wider audience and will be more welcoming to newcomers. The only true thing that is objectively worse about this game and not just personal preference is the complete lack of extras - I loved all the weird and stupid extra unlockables you could get in previous games.
  10. I'll start this by saying I like the game! I'm just so torn on it. Ok, in general, this is a Blast to play and as Mandalore said, it's got a lot of unlockables and it's genuinely fun collecting the hidden keys. The reason I'm irked by this game is because it could be so great, maybe even this generations Excite Truck/Bots, but everything I love is followed by something that irks me. For starters the levels are all fun and interesting but looking back, the claim of 29 race tracks is barely true, as at least half are just very light variations on earlier tracks just with things like dinosaurs being replaced with apes or London now being set at night time with UFO's flying around - again, they are all still fun but I can't help but see how they kind of quickly slapped these extra levels together. The length of tracks is also odd, generally they seem to be 1.30 to 2 minutes long but then you'll have a stage that is barely 40 seconds in length and you barely have time to use all your allocated boosts. The UI is also a bit lazy, the grand prix mode is fun to play but there are no points after each match saying what your overall standing is, you just have to hope you get enough 1st place wins to be given the gold cup at the end. The music was also a let down for me though I'm probably in the minority lol - I love that super corny theme song with the woman wailing as though she's a Donkey Konga 2 cover artist and for whatever reason, perhaps uncontrollable excitement and optimism, I'd told myself a lot of the other music in the game would be like that akin to Sonic R. Alas the only song with vocals is that very theme, the rest of the music in the game is pretty generic sounding dance music. I sometimes feel as though I don't have enough freedom when driving too - If you see a shortcut you have to go in at a certain time as if you make a last minute turn too late you'll hit an invisible wall and be thrown forward on the normal track, like playing Mario Kart with that annoying auto assist function turned on. Like I said, I do like the game and perhaps the reason I'm being so nitpicky is because I can see just how great this could have been - but as it is, it's just a bit of mindless arcade fun - which I guess is on me as they never really stated it was anything but that.
  11. I'm sure I'll be old and Wrinkly before they announce some kind of Smash DLC collection. I had a dream about Klonoa last night and that would be my ultimate Smash addition, I was always surprised he never made it into 4 when it was announced Namco were helping and the reveal of Pacman.
  12. It didn't look like my sort of thing growing up but I'm not against giving them a chance now!
  13. I know little about the franchise, have watched a couple over the years but never the whole lot - Hobbs and Shaw is the first I saw in cinemas and yeah it was terrible in some parts, mainly any part that tried to convey the characters as actual people, but the ridiculous action scenes seemed ok to me. Idris Elba as evil super villain saved it for me but yeah, the film didn't inspire me to check out the rest of the films I have missed
  14. The OG Switch screen still seems ok to me but given I have an original model and it's getting a little creaky in places (not to mention my kick stand always breaks off lol) I wouldn't mind upgrading at some point. While I'm not too fussed about the OLED, i AM interested in less bezels (ugh) and more internal storage that this new one offers. Definitely not a day one purchase but certainly on standby for when my OG becomes too decrepit.
  15. Any info on pricing? I feel like this should be the same price as the OG model and perhaps slap a price cut on the OG but this is money-bags Nintendo so I'm not sure what to expect Given that this isn't a massive upgrade in any way other than the screen I feel like this is the modern day DS Lite and in a year they'll phase out the original model and just sell this as the standard like what happened to my lovely silver Phat boy.
  16. I got these about a week ago, the first two as they were pretty cheap in GAME and looked interesting and BOTW as it's something I've been meaning to try again since I dabbled in it in 2017. The high school game is fine but just play it like on the train and stuff, you go out for short missions which are about 10 minutes long which in turn get you money or prestige for you to upgrade your school and get more/better students for more expeditions. Arcade Sprits has been great so far, I find visual novels very hit and miss but I like the humour in this and the setting of a modern world where arcades never died is very up my alley. Late to the party but I'm enjoying BOTW immensely, I guess I just wasn't in the right frame of mind when it first came around in 2017 (and I was playing on WiiU then lul).
  17. It looked ok from trailers but I wasn't totally sold until I watched the treehouse stream last week. Battle UI and various other elements are straight from TMS so I should feel at home. It looks nice to have the same kinda gameplay as TMS but with a more open world as oppose to lots of corridors. Also the main character is so fabulous, I long to have hair as lush as his. I haven't actually played a SMT game so it might be a regular feature but I liked how you could decide to hire enemies to fight alongside you as well as just all out fighting against them. I'll be there day one for this.
  18. Thank you, senpai. I made it in the end. It feels so bitter sweet. I haven't felt such a RUSH in forever, especially considering I was so close just the other night when one of those fuckers FULLY HEALED HIM AS HE WAS AT RED HEALTH. As I was dealing with the comedown I came across a full 4 min version of the new single for Switch, which I assumed wouldn't be a thing!
  19. I remember you sending me the link
  20. From the Monkey Ball Facebook page!!
  21. I've been having the same problem, I have patchy internet as it is so it's a right pain to download anything. I'm surprised they haven't pushed for a fix any quicker than this, it has been at least a week right? I can't imagine it is good for sales.
  22. It didn't even occur to me that this is possible! That will be truly awesome! Some more info! via The Verge Also, Engadget has some info regarding the release - what seems interesting to me is that 'original soundtrack' is included in that, so I wonder what we can expect from a potential new soundtrack on the base game I've scoured Twitter for some of the character skins and they look incredible, especially OG AiAi!
  23. Cruis'nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! This one was a bit out of the left field at yesterday's event but looks like a wild time! Is anyone else excited for this? I feel as though it might be a good substitute for those of us that loved Excite Truck and Excite Bots. I've never owned a Cruis'n game before but it's in my local arcade and is a right blast. After a bit of searching it seems the series has fairly strong Nintendo roots as the aforementioned arcade machine is donned with massive Nintendo logo's and the N64 games seemed like a staples of the console. There seems to have been exclusive GBA and Wii releases too, though I didn't know that until just now. Is this a Nintendo property?
  24. That's all I've ever known! And I used to be able to do it fine, just linger around until about 0.37 and bomb it but I just could NOT do it. Ended up using a save state at about the 40 second mark and doing it about 20 times before finally bodging my way in. I have no idea how I had it down so easy back in the day.
  25. GOD that was one of them but not the one I was thinking of I was actually thinking of arthropod! Also, some unlockable content found within the website not yet officially announced: Spoiler link
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