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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. It could be that Vithun didn't do much/was more boring than the others but with the entire season being pre-recorded this time it feels like perhaps the edit has been swayed in favour of big storylines now that they don't have to edit things on a day to day basis, so he got reduced to barely any screen time. I say this because the few times we did get to see him he either seemed really sweet or pretty funny, even if his anonymous mode shenanigans could be seen as snakey. As for Femi, it seems they've either forgiven him or just forgot about the Gladiator thing for now because they didn't mention that or the fact he's a potential catfish for the entire of the latest episode! I agree with @Beast though, he seems to get mad pretty easily but it's still early days for him, I haven't wrote him off yet! It was interesting to see Manrika completely turn on Andy in the space of one episode The fact she has new 'allies' in the form of the two newbies is bad news for them! They will be next on the chopping block now that she's got their back! It really pissed me off initially too but I swear she is doing it on purpose now. Last night's "TONIGHTTTT" basically muffled the mic, she must be self aware and taking the piss. I think on the final episode she'll just go "TONI-----" followed by a loud pitched noise and a scrambled image.
  2. I think after all this time Syed might finally be seeing her sneaky side, now that his simp glasses are off. And I felt so bad for Vithun honestly! I feel like he got done over and deserved more screen time! I will certainly start the US show on Netflix if you get on it too, I hope the US characters arent too OTT Speaking of Vithun, The Circle posted a great video of him seeing the reveals, he was already on to Felix!
  3. Circle Message: Season 3 is currently airing on Channel 4 and All4! There will be a new season of the American version soon on Netflix! Circle Chat is now OPEN!
  4. Don't know how to do that but I'll start a new thread to save you all, I didn't realise I'd get into a daily post habit about it
  5. I love the trilogy man, though for some reason I never thought to try them on Blu-ray! The audio/visual quality of the original film has always been a bit iffy so if they managed to get the original film reel and update to bluray then that's mega, I honestly think the DVD I have, despite being official, is just a rip of a VHS lol. I only half watched 2/3 for all these years as they were regular showings on Sky Movies and we always had Sky Movies on at the care home so between rooms I'd always catch snippets and try to piece it all together - It was nice to actually watch them both properly last year. I really really loved the third film, despite being the least eventful and revisiting the now tired formula of meeting girl and getting rival in such a convoluted way. Just the whole making of the shop and starting a new life in the city with Miyagi felt so wholesome to me, by this point Ralph Macchio was also pretty cute, though not the hot daddy he ends up becoming in Cobra Kai, ho mama. I got The Next Karate Kid on the Microsoft Store recently (thank you Bing Rewards!) and am probably 3/4 of the way in but I got sleepy and stopped. I swear I will finish it at some point! I kinda like it for how cheesy it is and more Mr Miyagi is always a good thing but I'm genuinely shocked at how bad the acting from Hillary Swank is, and this is coming from a big Saved by the Bell fan No knock on her as I appreciate it was one of her first roles, but couldn't the director have stepped in at some parts and asked for a retake? Some of the scenes she delivers are so stiff lol.
  6. Circle, take me to #CircleBitchesChat Oh man that date was great! I always wonder what it must be like for the people writing the speech to text in those innuendo filled cringe fests. And haha yeah it was funny to see Hunter having a go but you're right there, he's not exactly one to be preaching about integrity! And omg IKR? Felix is in way too deep now, I can't fathom what their meetup will be like, providing she takes this charade to the end and doesn't 'come out' first ala James. I feel for poor Vithun in that statistics game and that he came last in the ratings, just who are these bastards that live in the circle and why are they so mean to our son? I've got about half of last nights episode left to watch but I already know the tragic ending, I had it spoiled on Twitter - Though that's bound to happen when I decided to follow him a few days ago whoops Depending on how tired I am I'll catch up with tonights airing too but that may have to wait till tomorrow, either way I'll be back here to discuss it with my #CircleBabe kiss emoji, hands pray emoji, kiss kiss send EDIT: I always knew there would be some influence from production for this show but geez: James AKA Hunter AKA Gemma broke his NDA and did an Instagram live yesterday dishing all sorts of interesting stuff. Like how production choose who you talk to and when (they didn't let him speak to vithun for the first 11 days) and when asked who he'd like to go see at the end he asked for Dot 3 times but they forced him to go and see Manrika instead. The producers had a chat for hours about whether he was allowed to tell Andy he was a catfish. The show also left him "in a dark place" mentally for a few weeks after he left. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CNIst-WiyAZ/?igshid=xagthbn90uhd
  7. ALERT! Hello my little action man! You must forgive me as I'm now a DAY behind on the circle, just caught up with last nights episode before I hit the hay. As if Manrika got her way AGAIN and managed to block Gemma, tbf she's wanted her out for ages so I can see why she was eager to do it but Andy really did the dirty! Says he'll have Gemma's back, even gets her to admit her real identity and then bam, shit on her from a great height. I've gotta say James meeting Manrika was one of the best meetups ever. Talk about frosty! I love how he really gave it to her, you can tell she can't take it like she can dish it out, she seemed to struggle to keep her composure when he was going in on her. And FINALLY more Vithun! I thought we'd never see the day. He's seriously such a sweetie that even his fairly innocent and funny stirring of the pot the other day was playing on his mind so much that he not only came clean to Manrika but was crying over it too! Also gotta love that date at the end. See you on the flippety flop. #CircleSisters xoxo send
  8. @Beast Josh has invited you to #CircleBoysOfN-EuropeChat Circle message: Good evening darling, how are you doing? Not sure what to think of Tammy's response to meeting Manrika and finding out she went behind her back, she took it well and was the higher person but I really wanted some drama Speaking of Manrika, it's kind of a relief to see that she does view her 'circle boyfriend' Felix as a bit of tongue in cheek fun and nothing serious as it would be really mean for her to have fallen for him only to find out it's a catfish basically using her to further themselves. I was impressed James/Gemma came out as themselves to Andy but that really revealed a bad side to Andy, he seemed so self righteous and up himself when he was all, "well I'm disappointed she didn't tell me everything when I asked her a few days ago honestly...", hope he doesn't fall off that high horse of his. And two newbies! Can't say I'm feeling either of them at the minute but it's early days. And when are these producers going to realise we want more Vithan?! angry emoji, angry emoji, thinking emoji, kiss kiss, send.
  9. How time flies eh? For those of you that are still interested, the game is only on sale until Wednesday, speaking of which: https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/uk-super-mario-3d-all-stars-sales-rocket-ahead-of-the-game-being-pulled-from-sale/ EDIT: I haven't closely been keeping track of sales and stuff since the arse end of the WiiU era so it's insane to me to see 8 of the top 10 all-format charts are comprised of Switch games!
  10. I hate so much about what this game chooses to be - the (mostly) fixed camera can make platforming hard to judge in some places and also just makes the look of the game a seem a bit stiff. I'm also not a fan of the overall look, I know the way that things are cube shaped and block-like is an intentional art style but it just makes it feel a bit thrown together like a user generated 3D Mario Maker, I wish it had a few more things to make it feel like an actual place akin to Odyssey or Galaxy. The map screens feel particularly dull and so empty which I initially couldn't put my finger on because it's something I hadn't noticed on the Wii U version and then it hit me - Miiverse! It was used to varying degrees of success but I believe 3D World was one of the highlights, the map screen was full of Mii's chirping about World specific things and I loved that, there's so much empty space without them. Speaking of Miiverse, the end score screen also feels depressingly empty and hangs for too long which is also where level specific Miiverse posts used to be, I always thought it was great seeing people cursing a particular hard jump or green star. So yeah, a lot of the charm from the WiiU game came from its fantastic implementation of Miiverse and Nintendo did nothing to fill the hole that's left over. I very recently played through Mario 3D All-Stars and Odyssey is relatively fresh in my mind so the biggest takeaway for me from this so far is how safe it is, this is by far the least ambitious and low-key main Mario title besides the New Super Mario Bros. games, heck even compared to its modern day twin Bowser's Fury this seems so entrenched in old traditions such as the timer and mind numbingly dull battles with the Koopa Kids. The inclusion of the Koopa kids is a bit bizarre and I think it shows that the developers were torn on whether they should stay traditional or branch out, as most of their battles are simple affairs of jumping on their heads in those small square shaped rooms while the new boss fights are the complete opposite and really great such as Hisstocrat and Motley Bossblob - even if they are also super easy I loved the music and character designs! It made me wonder why they bothered with the boring Koopa Kid fights at all. And everything is so short, it's not too noticeable as I try to get all green stars and stamps on my first run, but if I miss a third star or something and go back to the level and race through it often takes around 30 seconds, so without the collectibles the actual platforming is limited, though I guess this is made up for with the sheer number of levels. I think had I played this in multiplayer I'd be having a lot more fun, I know that was the case on WiiU, but things are different for me now compared to 2013, I would meet up with a bunch of friends at least once a week and we'd all have local multiplayer games together which isn't the case now even before COVID, so it could be that this just isn't my kind of game anymore which is fine as even as a huge Mario fan I'm not going to be into every single title. Despite all of this, the title still has its moments and is ultimately fun, I just think for me it's not worth a replay, I'm up to World 6 now and think I will probably leave it at that.
  11. Squeenix and Naka know a good advertising opportunity when they see one!
  12. Possibly Reala from NiGHTS?
  13. I love it for this, I felt so validated seeing awful customers during covid being satirized after such a crazy year of it IRL. I have the final two episodes lined up on my PC for tonight so will read your spoiler tag afterwards! The cliff-hangers have a lot to answer for, I just hope Dot really makes more effort now, this last episode is the first time I've actually enjoyed the character and bizarrely is the first time I've come around to liking Blue Tally, which is a shame given she's now in Circle Heaven with Woody, Tim and the gang. Angel emoji, heart emoji, kiss kiss send.
  14. Manrika is the ultimate snake! And oh my god, that cliffhanger, did you also know that the next episode isn't until MONDAY night?! What the fuck, man. It will be interesting to see the fallout from all of this, I hope she goes to see Syed but I can't help but think she's going to go and see her Geezergal Manrika! Shocked emoji, angry emoji, kiss kiss, send
  15. Forgive me if there's already a thread - I couldn't find one! Has anyone picked up Balan Wonderland world yet? I know it had mixed reactions when the demo came out but I really enjoyed what I played of it, though granted the Switch version wasn't great on a technical level. Though I liked what I played, at this point I'm waiting for a potential price drop or review before I get it though suspiciously I haven't been able to find reviews anywhere despite it releasing yesterday and then I saw this on Twitter, I wonder if it's the case for other publications too: Synopsis for those not in the know For those that think I'm crazy, I know there's a lot of red flags and most people have nothing but bad things to say but I love 3D platformers and thoroughly enjoyed NiGHTS Journey of Dreams and Yooka Laylee, both of which were largely maligned, so I'm willing to take a punt on this at some point.
  16. Yeah she's playing tactically but Tally was the one person she claimed "I've got your back" to - the only thing she has for her back is a knife! Ayooo! And yeah Syed is an absolute treasure IRL and the fake persona! And yeah James has been ruthless from the start, just look at the assassination and that picture of Billy he defaced in his room! Fish emoji, hand on chin thinking emoji, kiss kiss, send
  17. Seems like she's totally thrown Tally under the bus, eh? And I'm not sure haha, I think Manrika would eat him alive Gotta say that painting task was great, I literally lol'd when I saw the picture of Tally with the #FISHY hashtag! With Tally and Dot as the bottom two I think it's a no brainer Dot will be the next to go but I said that about Gemma vs Billy so we'll have to wait and see! EDIT: Dancing lady emoji, kiss kiss, send
  18. Yeah Syed is great but I do love the character he's playing too! Unlike Dot who seems kinda boring as a catfish and as himself lol. And yeah totally with you there, Felix has crossed a line now, I hope for Manrika's sake that she see's the relationship as a bit of tounge in cheek fun but she does seem to quite genuinely be falling for 'him' which is sad - Also some serious cracks forming in her previously unbreakable bond with Blue Tammy I thought! Could their opinions on Gemma BE any different right now? #UnexpectedChandler kiss kiss, double hand closed emoji, send
  19. OH MY DAYS GEMMA! I can't believe it man, and holy moly that meetup was a bit awkward lol.
  20. Lol yeah, Mario Kart Tour is one of the most quality mobile games I've played but also the most greedy, they try to absolutely bleed you dry on that game. It will be interesting to see what they do with this, I still play Pokémon Go occasionally but enjoy it for the map aspect such as walking to a certain area and catching a Pokémon there, the actual AR function of Go I haven't bothered using since its first month or release, partly because it's just easier not to use it and I feel like less of a dick not using it when out in public.
  21. It's very confusing now. I turned down meeting up with two different people last week outside for a walk as they're not in my bubble but they said you're allowed to exercise in a group - I thought that wasn't a thing until next week but now I'm questioning myself. From my experience lately people have been so unsure they're just making up their own rules. For my own sake and conscience I'm trying to stray away from doing that but everything is so muddy now.
  22. Yeah "Gemma" had been pretty convincing so far I thought but she really screwed the pooch with that Billy lie - I know it was a cliff hanger last night (so over their cheap use of cliff hangers this season btw) but it's pretty obvious that she's the one being blocked after the conversation Andy had with Billy before the vote, pretty much proving that she's a total liar. Felix is great, probably the best catfish character in there, I love that he's already so deep into the group despite being a newbie! Syed is really running the risk of letting his own personality seep in to his persona, his love of Manrika is close to coming out, his conversation with Felix maybe just barely passed the bill as caring uncle though it was very close to coming across as a bit creepy I thought. Agree with you on Vithun, he's a good egg, I'm not sure on Andy though, he's fine but a bit boring for that kinda show I think. I can't stand Manrika because she's so too faced but on the flip side that is kinda what the game is all about and she's proved she's doing a great job of it by being voted the most liked! Shocked emoji, kiss kiss, send.
  23. Circle Message: I knew you'd be a fellow fan! Who is your favourite so far? Blue Tally annoyed the life out of me, I'm much more for her fake orange twin. I'm up and down on Syed but generally think he's funny. Send message. Elsewhere in the last 2 months I pretty much breezed through SuperStore on Netflix, I've literally just watched every episode including the newest season in America, so I have to wait until next week for the season finale! I absolutely loved it for the most part though it did take a noticeable downward slope from the start of Season 5 onwards and I wasn't a fan of where things went at the start of Season 6. Despite that I still like it and will be interested to see how they end things, especially as they kinda had the rug pulled from under them and got cancelled mid season.
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