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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. Lol that's sweet, it kinda reminds me of those polyphonic ringtones you could used to get on your mobile!
  2. https://youtu.be/Wz0d2acCBG8?si=PC6NvholJ-6qS4zK
  3. 1 is worth it for a bit of dumb fun! I doubt 2 has had any patches but will check when I'm next on my switch, if it hasn't then I really can't recommend it because it's just too broken. I also have a soft spot for 1 as it was the first game I could buy physically again after the first COVID lockdown. Freedom and Cobra Kai!
  4. I've just seen footage of trump bleeding from the ear and crouching to the floor, a shooter just missed him. One audience member and the shooter are dead. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cd1d31jeyzlo
  5. I love Karate Kid and Cobra Kai so Im looking forward to this, it also seems like a sensible style to take the videogame series in. I tried the first Cobra Kai game, a side-scrolling 2.5d beat em up, and while rough around the edges I enjoyed it! The sequel, Cobra Kai 2, was fully 3D, more janky, and the performance was awful. I'm not picky when it comes to performance, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet isn't great but I can deal with it, but Cobra Kai 2 was another level, the screen frequently either freezes and/or the FPS drops to 1 frame a second, there's so many bugs, and the graphics look ridiculously bad. The gameplay and passion is there, but the games have always been let down on a technical level, hopefully the 2D sprites will rectify that!
  6. This Turtles game launches in October! Trailer here: https://www.n-europe.com/news/teenage-mutants-ninja-turtles-mutants-unleashed-announcement-trailer/ Seems to be a 3D adventure from what I can see in the trailer, but the official description is pretty vague. I also tried to summarise the Turtles titles on the Switch right now, as we suddenly have quite a lot! I'm out of touch with kids media outside of Nintendo, but I can only guess that the Turtles are as huge again as they were back in the 90s, because this many games seems absurd lol. There I was thinking it was risky to release Shredder's Revenge and the Cowabunga Collection around the same time, in fear of saturating the market
  7. Sadness for Switch 2 sizzle reel! Followed by years of delays, and a follow up article by another Phillips
  8. The N-Europe Sadness interview: https://www.n-europe.com/news/feature-nibris-the-full-interview/
  9. Basketball launches tomorrow! Sooner than expected: https://www.n-europe.com/news/basketball-launches-today-on-nintendo-switch-sports/ And I just noticed my previous post lol, I did get the game about a year ago! I really love football with the leg strap and had a lot of fun playing tennis online, I haven't played for ages though so maybe this will draw me back in.
  10. @darksnowman Well looking at a trailer just now of sc, I see that his running animation is pretty odd, so you could be right to think that the game will be lewd The gameplay in Natsu-Mon looks to be more free and open, so I'm tempted by that, but the art-style of Shin Chan is just so great.
  11. I was going to mention it's connection to the Shin Chan game and link back to it, but I inexplicably couldn't find a news article about the Shin Chan game! I was certain I had posted about it at some point, but apparently not! I'm still waiting to pick up Shin Chan when it's on sale, you'll be glad to know it isn't vile in the game, I've heard there's a weird divide of normal/wild Shin Chan stuff, I think it possibly has to do with the TV shows western release being different to the Japanese one, though I'm not totally sure.
  12. I briefly tried this on NSO but I think I've had my farming fill for a good few years thanks to Stardew and Doraemon. As you said, it is was probably good at the time, but going back to it now isn't great after the genre has been refined so much in the last few years!
  13. First of all, how dare you. Glad to be of help! I posted it when I couldn't get on the forums and remembered reading at some point about the upgrade, though that's why I didn't put many details in there as I couldn't get to the thread myself either lol. Though hopefully the vagueness made it seem more like I was intentionally building up hype as oppose to being inept at getting all the deets. In regards to the forum, it looks great! Nice and fresh! And it's got the classic emoji's, yay I'd been meaning to update my profile for a while as I haven't listened to K-Pop for a good few years so having a 2010-era image of G-Dragon as my profile picture seems quite outdated, but at the same time I'm not sure people will know who I am if I change said image, given I'm not that regular on the forums But now seems as good a time as ever to have a refresh! I must confess that outside of Nintendo gaming I was never completely sure whether to go to Other Consoles or General Gaming Discussion when it comes to certain games or topics, so I personally think merging those two would be a good idea, but definitely also think we should still have a dedicated Nintendo board.
  14. So many releases this past week! I thought gaming in the summer was famously dry lol
  15. I thought I was having some crazy form of deja vu as I definitely remembered seeing that cute cover art, then realised the quoted message was from months ago lol. I'm NOT going crazy 🤣 https://www.n-europe.com/news/chico-and-the-magic-orchards-out-now/
  16. Good work on the direct coverage this week Sammy lad!
  17. Very fun games! Baby Park is definitely cursed for me though 😂 I always do SO terribly on that stage lol. I was so excited I got joint first in that one cup! And I much prefer my Mii voice this week, thanks Glen-i!
  18. I've never been interested in the Lite but that is gorgeous and tempting
  19. Thanks! I did! Back to red it is! Sounds so weird otherwise!
  20. Was fun, though I did terribly today lol, and got disconnected near the end, on my favourite level too, Yoshi's Circuit! Glen-i, my mii used to sound like that! For some reason mine has a different voice now I updated my Mii not long ago, so maybe that also changed my voice somehow?!
  21. Wizardry now on the front page!
  22. That looks like a cool dungeon crawler! I would definitely be interested if it was cheaper, so we'll see. I'm glad to hear Luigi's Mansion has fared better, I saw an ad for TOTK in the cinema too, before the Mario movie I think, and it looked really rough. Not sure if that's just what 720p looks like blown up on the big screen or if for some reason the advert was even lower quality than in-game! I haven't got Plumbers Don't Wear Ties yet! It definitely would have been something I'd have enjoyed back in the day for laughs, but doesn't seem my bag anymore, especially not now we don't get actual review codes and I'd have to buy it myself
  23. I'm running out of steam in my day to day life atm, but it just so happens that Nintendo and the Switch have been the same this past week, so while I haven't had the drive to post much, thankfully there wasn't much missed either! Hopefully I get a boost in the coming week or two! I do wonder what Nintendo's social media accounts will post when Paper Mario is out, they have been living on a diet of short Paper Mario clips for over a month now lol
  24. Interesting! I've put it on the front page
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