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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. This service is so dead lol, what happened to all the N64 games?! My sub isn't on auto-renew and runs out in February and I doubt I'll renew it at this rate. I get there aren't that many 64 games but geez, just release them already. It's not like the Wii U days where they had to fill the weekly releases with a VC title so there was something new, we get 20+ new games a week on the eShop, so they should feel no pressure in spreading out the NSO releases to fill any kind of release gap. I get that they want a steady drip for NSO subs to stay on, but surely that can be achieved now with the added GB and GBA consoles, not to mention all the other games they could release on their existing apps if they tossed a few coins at third parties.
  2. It was a struggle to find much news early on in the week but it picked up near the end! Because the things you call dead haven't yet had a chance to be born.
  3. I love Chain Chomp so I'd be all for it. It's somehow only just occurred to me how similar in design those two are!
  4. Looks ok. I honestly wasn't that fussed by Pac-Man 99 so it will be interesting to see if this is an improvement. That name is SO bad though, like, Nintendo style bad. Like the new Red Switch OLED that they inexplicably have called Nintendo Switch – OLED Model Mario Red Edition. Anyway we reached peak Pac-Man years ago and for some reason it still doesn't have a Switch port - Pac-Man256! Though maybe it's for the best as I got unhealthily hooked on that game at the time lol.
  5. I was in the town centre today to pick up my new glasses and was about to go to Argos and buy the controller when I suddenly remembered I need... food and electric lol. The perils of survival. Alas, come payday I will get myself one. And I think the Tails one is my favourite, and that's not out for another week, and I don't need TWO, so I shall wait.
  6. The best ever Nintendo Switch accessory is now available: https://www.n-europe.com/news/sonic-trapped-in-nintendo-switch-controller/
  7. A sad day indeed, but also another opportunity for a lovely Iwata photo on the front page. https://www.n-europe.com/news/online-services-end-for-wii-u-and-nintendo-3ds-in-2024/
  8. I got it! Best I got to was 8th place after a few games, I'm either out of practice or all the hardcore players are out right now lol
  9. https://www.n-europe.com/news/super-mario-party-joy-con-bundle-announced/ A new bundle featuring the game and a set of Joy-Cons has been announced! I guess given the motion capabilities of the Cons, it makes sense to bundle them with this Mario Party instead of Superstars. And it's the older game, gotta squeeze that last bit of juice out of it!
  10. 4k and stable frames? Well that's unheard of (it's unheard of). We've got to believe in N-E, that's all there ever will be, that's all there's ever been, for you and me
  11. I'm not sure, but I started downloading before I left the house today so I'll let you know what I think!
  12. With Part 2 launching "Winter 2023" do you think this physical release originally intended to go out with both installed, but Part 2 wasn't ready in time? Otherwise I see no real reason to release a physical edition boasting about included DLC, when all of the DLC isn't even in there lol. I really can't tell if this is a typical bizarre Nintendo/Pokémon move, or a compromise for a DLC that has clearly missed a deadline but a cart that needs to be out for the holiday season.
  13. My Hero Rumble announced for the Switch but sometimes feels like livin' down in a ditch. Mortal Kombat 1 wasn't quite as it seemed, like some kinda horror films bad movie scene. But then out comes Sonic, like some kinda tonic, to save the day and chase our hybrid fears away. All I'm tryin't say is this week on Switch, has been both rich yet also a bitch.
  14. Totally agree, I didn't even personally come across many glitches, but the loading times, especially in the town area, did piss me off greatly. That said, the online reaction is probably one of the biggest over reactions ever. I especially love this game for Silver, some incredible music, gorgeous cutscenes and some cool ideas. I would love it if they remade the title, but from what I've seen on YouTube, I'd be just as well playing the fan remake. I kinda agree with Glen-i and RedShell, Wii Music didn't deserve the level of hate it got, but it DID lack content and Nintendo completely dropped the ball. They spent so much time and effort making the gameplay fun, the Mii's were endearing, I loved the little extras like the ability to make album covers, the layering you could do on songs was also great. In fact, the game would have been PERFECT for me (and I still had hours and hours of fun when it came out) but the song list was just SO inadequate. They really could have spent more money getting more songs, especially as they'd have been licenses for the songs only, it's not like they were getting full recordings with the original artist vocals lol. It also had great Wii Connect 24 capabilities, you could send completed songs to your friends! and the SECRETS! being able to make your Mii's do the secret high 5 thing with the nunchuk. That's another game that, like Sonic 06, could be really incredible with a remake. There's an idea, why keep remaking good games?! Developers should go back and remake flawed games into what they always had the potential to be! NiGHTS Journey of Dreams on the Nintendo Wii is one of my favourite games ever. I LOVE the world and settings, the levels are great fun to traverse, the music and story are SUBLIME. I still have the soundtrack playing regularly to this day, the game was honestly pure magic for me. I think it's a tragedy it was so overlooked and somewhat panned at the time. I loved the My Worlds section of it too, a big liminal field which slowly populated itself with Chao things (the NiGHTS version of which I can't remember the name right now lol) and enemies you'd encountered in levels. It also connected to the Wii weather channel and was especially impressive on rainy days, when even little ponds could form from the rain. You could also visit one another's My Worlds online, and I fondly remember going over to F00had's place a few times. Oh and the My Worlds music was so nice and relaxing, and also changed with the weather. Damn, take me back: You could also race people online in levels! A flying 2D NiGHTS race, damn, 2007 really was a time to be alive. I especially just can't wrap my head around classic SEGA fans who also don't like it. It's head and shoulders above the Saturn NiGHTS, which honestly I find passable at best. Balan Wonderworld is another one I have played recently which I think is okay. It's not great or anything (though I did play up my love for it for comic effect occasionally on Twitter lol) but it is an absolutely fine and enjoyable game and I can't quite understand the insane hate it gets either. Especially obvious in-game jokes like the Box Fox which people lost their minds over. They're the only real big, obvious bad games I have played. I have played plenty of other 'bad' games but they're not especially well known lol. I enjoy Cobra Kai on Switch which is just a dumb side-scrolling Streets of Rage-type game, I had a decent time with it and thought it was fun, despite it obviously having frame-rate issues and pretty ass visuals lol. Then again, I haven't played Cobra Kai since getting sober, so maybe it isn't as fine as I remember lol.
  15. I believe its GAME exclusive (at least as far as the high street is concerned), I saw it in store for £45!
  16. Why are the sticks such an issue these days when they weren't in the GameCube era? Is there a reason they can't use those sticks on modern hardware? Our of curiosity, where does the current Switch stand in relation to other consoles? I always assumed it was relatively close to base Xbox One but with the Switch 2 targeting that then I guess not. Shows how good Nintendo are at pushing their own titles for me to believe that for so long though.
  17. "I've got gold plated toilet tissue, money never is an issue, TV people call me as their guest" - Funky Kong's reaction to being added to Mario Kart 8
  18. I'm surprised they announced that Peach game so early as to give us that placeholder name, it feels very pre-mature and Wii U-like to do that, like they're desperate to show us anything and everything they're making. But in this case they didn't have to as there's always tons of stuff coming out on Switch. In that direct they had Wonder! So yeah, just bizarre they didn't wait to reveal her game properly.
  19. Heard you readin' Ninty news, you know how'ta eschew lifes blues. Every morning hit your knees, ninety news posts, ninety days. Heard you share. We care. Check it out Sammy.
  20. how are the hanafuda cards? I've been eyeing them up for a while! I got the Brewster coasters yesterday, I'd actually been meaning to buy coasters for a while so it was good timing. https://twitter.com/HenshinJosh/status/1699903809722495246?s=20
  21. Get it while you can! The original Fitness Boxing is being de-listed. The good news is though, Fitness Boxing 2 and Fitness Boxing Fist of the North Star will remain. And also, ANOTHER entry has been revealed! https://www.n-europe.com/news/hatsune-miku-fitness-boxing-announced-for-nintendo-switch/ It's becoming quite the thing! I hope they continue to lean in to more weird collaborations.
  22. Phantom Sparkin, Excite Bikin', Mario+Rabbid and Fitness Boxin, tell me 'bout the Wonder of Directs.
  23. I do hope it is backwards compatible with upgrades as even first-party games could do with it. While Pikmin 4 looks nice, it does look like bit of a blurry mess at times, and the slow moving camera is really choppy - It feels like it was made for a more powerful console and then a bunch of settings were pared down to get it working on the Switch. While this is commonplace for third party software, it feels weird, especially for Nintendo, to be doing this kind of thing with their own releases. It makes me wonder if a Switch 2 was planned earlier and then pushed back due to chip shortages/the unexpected continued success of OG Switch /COVID.
  24. Front page news! https://www.n-europe.com/news/charles-martinet-steps-down-as-super-mario-voice-actor/
  25. It was mentioned in the article but worth posting here, if you already own Marble It Up! then ULTRA is available on the eShop for free! I got it yesterday and its as fun as I remember, great physics and stuff, though I think the new content must be later on, as I definitely vaguely remember the levels I've played so far lol. I guess being Marble It Up Ultra as oppose to Marble It Up 2 suggests the addition of levels and not a whole new game!
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