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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. I think they've made the right decision, I mean if I saw this I'd probably masturbate to the sight of the rapist and create a human millipede of my own, attach a chainsaw to ma cock and "Falcon Dick!" them all into oblivion. On a serious note - would you befriend the actor that plays the rapist in this film? Or other extreme horror/gore villains? Strange thought.
  2. The water that comes splashing toward the camera at the very end is not all too convincing but otherwise it looks fantastiche.
  3. I think it's a flat 100 pound charge. Which is myeh.
  4. GTA can fuck off too.
  5. Nah, 3D is cack. Visual quality gets compromised for an unjustified cause.
  6. I thought E3's advert for gaming was awful. There was nothing new or exciting this year other than hardware. Except I'm not really that interested in the NGP and the WiiU set-up looks plain backward.
  7. Lolol. Basically from now I want every game to be like Journey on PSN, Sword and Sworcery for the iPad, and The Last Guardian. I want different. If games can't master narrative they can at least nail some emotion by keeping it short and sweet and by being arty. Lower down the hierarchy lies Dark Souls, which is unique and atmospheric. It's its own thing but has the same sort of draws of similar past genres. Then comes what I've been playing for years - modernised games. I'm becoming less interested in Uncharteds and Resistances but I still need my fix occasionally. I actually hope one day I won't care for them. Everything else can get fucked, games suck.
  8. I don't think the market operates how it it does in your head. You can't defeat branding and stigmas. You won't get people switching, even if Nintendo managed to launch a graphically and equally supported machine alongside its competitors. You're shifting the focus away from the console and how now it might be satisfying more of your needs and instead placing emphasis on other people's expectations and spending habits.
  9. I wouldn't buy anything that's ostensibly the same on two occasions, unless it's a perishable.
  10. I agree with all of this. My only concerns - and they're objective - are that they might be doing this all too late. What with Battlefield and Arkham etc pre-dating the machine by a good stretch, is it likely many will make the switch. I think branding has secured people too much. That said, Nintendo will likely 'catch-up' as it were with iterative hardware to negate that issue. I think they're too bullish with their philosophy in the sense that clearly a standard controller would be a wise option, but instead they're bolting it into the tablet. It's just a tad stubborn, because clearly they see a need for the 'traditional' options and figurations but there's a refusal to admit it. They're disguising it and hiding it by attaching it to a minimalist device. I guess you can't have both the tab and a more conventional controller because there'd be even more accessories for your Nintendo shed. Maybe that's coming next? That Zelda tech demo looked awesome, hope it comes to fruition.
  11. Did they specify how the online would work?
  12. I'm left confused and underwhelmed. Not just by Nintendo but by gaming in general, I find it almost boring now. The banter is funny but as time progresses the number of fucks I give depletes. You realise that people won't change and that consumers are magpies. And branding a fucking vulture. Edit: I thought the tragic thing was that he pretended I cared or had some sort of problem with Nintendo becoming viable again. Not that they are now viable, they're once again catching up too late.
  13. Well I had the disc version, so I'm guessing both. And Zechs is unbelievable. I forget how... Zechs-like he is. Was going to say '...Zechsy' but that would be wrong for obvious reasons.
  14. I don't really understand the purpose of the WiiU. I'm interested in knowing its specs because Zelda looked pretty impressive - but if it's more powerful than the Wii I don't see how that works.
  15. New solution is - bucket vaginas
  16. ^ I think I remember that happening to me. I don't know why but every time I completed a main mission I did an easy side quest before quitting and that seemed to work.
  17. Well I'm (badly) making the point that when you're dead you have no ties to anyone anymore other than memories - should you care about the organisation of your funeral or worry about people attending? They can't mean anything to you seeing as you're not there to experience them mourning > you aren't part of the world. It's a romantic idea to think of the nice things people would say, and to see the impact we've had on people, but it's only a romantic thought and not realistic or of any meaningful bearing.
  18. My take is that when you're dead, it doesn't matter whether people are at your funeral or if you meant anything, because you're no longer part of the world. Does the happiness/reflection of your relatives of you as a good person once you've passed? ^ For me an unforgiving question.
  19. Yeah perhaps. I can't imagine there's all too much for them to be revealing, there's only so many first party resources. PSN games is a good shout, I certainly hope to see a few.
  20. They weren't horrendous last year. And looking at Microsoft's effort... They'd pretty much have to shoot a baby on stage to top it.
  21. Any pre-e3 bantz? Fuck the temporary board until the Live Stream. Basically I'd like to see some more from Last Guardian and uhm. Maybe a little slice of Resistance but not too much. Uhm. Bit of Unch maybe? I'm not really sure what they can do that will strike me, the NGP is kinda nyah because I'm not going to be buying one anytime soon.
  22. There should be some sort of committee that stops this filth from being published. It's exactly the fucking same. It doesn't look fun. At all. Uninspiring, unexciting, same average graphics, devoid of shock value, no compassion or emotion portrayed through NPCs or story, same guns. Same shit. Give it two years more of this and I think even brain-dead consumers will start to release the cycle has worn its course. Pathetic, truly.
  23. I can only watch these new videos and think 'what's the catch?' It seems too good to be true and I'm not sure what exactly it is they aren't letting on. The graphics and destruction seem too good to be true and until I see if on a console I refuse to believe. If it's anything close to how it's being marketed I'll be mightily impressed. The multiplayer would be monstrously cinematic.
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