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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Got myself some PS+, almost solely for the R3 beta in under 8 days tyme. Golden Axe & Legacy of Kain: SR any good? Have downloaded anyway.
  2. I don't think so, but you'll have to check up on that.
  3. http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2011/07/28/resistance-3-public-beta-dates-early-access-starts-august-10th/ Resistance 3 beta for Europeans starts on 10th August if you're a PS+ subscriber. I might get PS+ for a couple of months.
  4. dwarf


    ^Late to the show with that video. Like I'm late to the show even eyeing this game at all. Might give it a go some time.
  5. I'm beyond the point of keeping composure with kids like that, just tell 'em how it is.
  6. I'd suggest chronicling Zechs' posts for a skim read whenever you're bored, but I'm no ECT maven.
  7. Easier to sound like a gimp, moreover.
  8. Precisely. It's like that image you reblogged of the Prince not marrying the Princess if you remember -and fucking loving life.
  9. The role model tripe you're pushing Zechs is of zero worth. I live for myself, I don't live to be a role model, and I'll be fucking damned if I base my life on role models. To hell with role models you boring cunt. The rest of your story is cack too of course.
  10. I think you should learn a bit more about addiction considering the way it's changed your life, it's more than the simple development of tolerance and it's more than having withdrawal symptoms. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. We're not absolving her by asking you to review the crap you've blessed this thread with. Nobody's claimed she's a martyr. I'm not sure why I bother to point this out. Some people liked her music, k?
  11. For the past few weeks I love it. Simply love it.
  12. No. The quality of life is relative isn't it? If it seems shit to someone, it's shit. If others are worse off and fight through it, it doesn't mean everyone has that same drive, or even desire, to come back from it. You know only what you feel yourself, the emotions of others may as well be a bit of writing on a wall. As made clear, you need to know the personal and situational circumstances, and even after then, nobody can ever really be in a position to judge you. Stark remarks moreso. That's not to say the dead-pools and death-related jokes should stop, I wouldn't give a toss if I knew they were done over my dead body. Matter of fact judgements have little place though in all honesty. Not that I don't make them on a day-to-day basis, but neither do I butt in and spell them out scornfully when I don't even know the person.
  13. Cool to still see people talking about it. I thought the thing was fucking nuts, one of if not my favourite action/superhero movies. P.S I'm a comic nub
  14. Oh the woes of a middle-class white boy
  15. I'm not offended by people hating on her, I don't allow myself to be offended easily. I just think it's stupid to belittle her death in relation to an event that's completely unconnected. The timing is coincidence, yet it makes everyone blind. On my FB when there's this type of double-incident it feels like there's two crowds, one that posts a R.I.P status about a celebrity death, and the other which takes to rationalising the fact that the person is just one of many. It's such a wank argument, it really is. There's no point in pretending to bereave some well respected person if you don't particularly care for them, but there isn't anything that wrong in showing that you're sorry for someone if you appreciated what they did. When Amy Whinehouse pushes the Norway Crisis off the news, then rant all you want, but any reputable news sites refrain from being so ignorant. There's more I could say but I might look like I'm caring too much and I don't want to preach like a prissy killjoy.
  16. Nobody asked him to shed a tear, and yet he came here to effectively bemoan those who might've done themselves (maybe a slight exaggeration) as if they weren't justified in doing so. I don't salute Moogle at all. The circumstances can't be comprehended.
  17. I'm in this camp: http://tylercoates.tumblr.com/ (that isn't the original poster btw) I understand there's a difference between self-righteousness and sense/logic, but when it comes to this tragedy comparison, I get annoyed by the moral battles. I wasn't touched per se by any of Amy Winehouse's stuff, but I understand the crowd who liked her. It's possible to feel sad for all tragedies - unknown groups, celebrities, or singular fatalities -in an equal way. They all bear different meanings and their personal impacts vary with individuals. You can't fight the fact that horrible events may feel more distant than those which are comparatively frivolous but perhaps closer to home somehow. Blah dee blah. Edit: realised Daft covered most of the above just now
  18. Yeah it was tightly knit, good assistage, sometimes I'd take long shots and you'd flank and pwn with a punch. I would've said the matchmaking was unfair because we were paired against mere humans, not supercomputers. Opponents: "That was embarrassing"
  19. What betas out of curiosity? Would I cry if you told me?
  20. I don't actually know what that means. But we won all 4 or 5 matches with ease there, I am now totally with the buddy system and ting, it was a hoot. When I made that comment I meant I had an unused kickback in the game on Chateau. I thought I had the disappearing at but it was actually teh rupuug. Didn't need it.
  21. I think me and Rez covered this shit in the Unch 2 thread a while back. Personally, good camera control is paramount.
  22. You got pro version? @ Charlie.... Nah, Famas is beast. The competitive gaming community crap is littered only with that gun.
  23. Bbz I'm in Paris again from Thursday. And there I was hoping we'd be 2v2v2ing all the way to Soho. Rez, if Cube cockblocks me like he started to do on Unch 2 I swear to God I will kill the both of you.
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