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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    The cooperative n00b culling may have to wait til next year, but yes indeed.
  2. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    Game wikis will always eclipse the efforts of guidebooks. Add to that, paper guides will greater influence you down a particular path than you might want, whereas in Wikis you can just consult one page, one problem, or identify one character and then read up on it to extract the smallest detail you're looking for. I want to meat-cleaver somebody over the head online again.
  3. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    So this is out on the 7th right? If I could be bothered to get the ol' PS3 online in my uni room, and if I had money, I'd be buying it instantly. But neither of those will happen.
  4. One of my favourite bits of cinema ever: Such a good film.
  5. I thought they'd gone offline already.
  6. Nice work, I would've gone for that but the tendency thing grinds my gears, and there's a ring you can get from a swamp like place by hacking down a hive of slugs, I did this oncce but didn't claim it when it fell to the bottom and beyond that mishap I couldn't bring myself to bear the poisonous swamp area again.
  7. Yeah the person in second place in the game I mentioned scored 10 kills and died just 5 times, I came first with 6 kills and 6 deaths - I wasn't running around like a lunatic, almost all of my assassinations were undiscovered. Other dewd was hunting like he was bloody Rambo.
  8. Cba to link but the ongoing bonus round this month has been rather awesome so far.
  9. The Requiem theme just made that. Superb.
  10. It's Sony's new policy for first party games, so it'll likely be the same for Unch 3. People should be buying these games new anyway.
  11. Played a quick game online having had virtually no experience on Assassins Creed. Managed to win the first match I entered somehow, it was pretty enjoyable but very tense and I still have very little understanding of the mechanics. It's a good mix of being patient but also choosing speed and stealth at the flip of a switch. It's almost a test to act like a bot half the time. Should probably try out the second training because aside from movement and the square/circle buttons I know jack shit.
  12. Yes. In most cases I find you can create a viable class after just a few competitive games anyway, balance issues newbies bemoan are always overstated
  13. But it would've been in development for a long time before now seeing as it launches so soon, I'd be surprised if it wasn't ripped from an actual segment of le final game. Either way I'm not sold by a handheld Uncharted. System has mahoosive potential with the right software though.
  14. I thought it looked a bit clunky and uninspired myself. Seemed to have the same barebones mechanics/look of Drake's Fortune.
  15. My Chimenea got lost in the post did anyone else can help me find him?
  16. Looks the tits to me.
  17. ...DLC argument is void Cookster. And R3 has bags more personality and character when it comes to art direction.
  18. They're really bland games. And the level design is appalling.
  19. You are actually dead on the money with that. I don't think they have a creative spark among their whole team.
  20. I didn't play the Killzone 3 campaign when I borrowed it because I knew it would be the same guff as the second game. Little did I know they took a massive turd on the multiplayer component too.
  21. Playing Killzone campaigns? You're doing it wrong.
  22. You on crack br0?
  23. I just want Dark Souls.
  24. dwarf

    inFAMOUS 2

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