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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. The walking off part was gay/homosexual i.e. fucking disgraceful. Predictable shit. Apart from that it was pretty decent, some good Evian's and stuff which I've forgotten but was deffo OK. Also I'm not sure what it is but I like outtakes where people fail a sketch through laughter, The Office outtakes (UK & US) are brilliant for example. A good 7/10
  2. dwarf


    ^ I've been on the edge of my seat waiting for Raining to log into Chess.com, but each day bears with it a crushing absence of pathetic fallacy.
  3. Lol @ teh insomniacs
  4. dwarf


    Ours went on for ages, down to Kings pawns and a rook each I think. Or sommat similar. Difference was my move time was much longer and he had a plan.
  5. dwarf


    This happened. ---- Not that I want it back or anything. I realised when I said I was good at chess that I didn't actually mean good. I meant that I knew the rules, which is one of the few reasons why I won at school. When I played Jay ages back it became apparent I knew jack shit.
  6. Watched ep 2 of season 2... now i don't know whether this was about the time season 1 shouldve ended cause of the writers strike, but man!

    this shit is like crack yo. intense stuff

  7. Watched two Alcatraz films in the past 3 days. Escape from Alcatraz - the Clint Eastwood 'classic'. Pretty good. Murder in the First - Superb film. Christian Slater is so enjoyable to watch in this, and Kevin Bacon ain't half bad either.
  8. Paella with Chorizo has no rival
  9. I wasn't making a critical defence
  10. I've just stumbled across TedTalks. .... The amazingness of this resource sends me giddy, most of the lecturers are fantastic. I'd link one but there's too many worthy vids for this thread.
  11. Dominic's also in BBC's 'The Hour', but I haven't been watching.
  12. Looks good Cube!
  13. OWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!11
  14. Well I snooped the ellen pag tag on Tumblr and everyone was losing their testicles over the thing. I don't even know if it's true, I was simply intrigued. I wouldn't have said it was an immediately clear 'observation' (LOL at derogatory win) , maybe my gaydar needs a polish. I'm not one of those people who obsesses over celebrities or desirables, I save that for those nice lasses in le real world. She is damn cute though, hence the gander session.
  15. Massive furor over Ellen Page being gay. May be hugely late to the party with this news but nyah, cba to trawl bare threadz yo.
  16. Since the random timing of hardware iterations and the eroding definition of what a 'new console' actually is, don't you think the handheld market has ceased to be head-to-head competition? Both companies have different strategies, and the systems' similarities are deteriorating, they're barely substitutes to each other anymore, feature wise. It seems out of date to be assessing the release windows in that way, sure there is some sales cross-over but the times be a changing yo.
  17. I think it'll be as redundant as Aimless is suggesting. There's no logic in backing it as that type of controller, that type of connectivity; the cost/price is too high and ultimately Vita wasn't designed for that purpose. Nintendo do have a deft touch when it comes to flogging extra controllers and accessories without anybody noticing. It's an admirable business model.
  18. Hmmm, I signed up for Plus on the second (probably not a very tactical decision) and didn't see Castle Crashers. Meh.
  19. - That must be a part of the US package Cube, I hope you're happy with yourself.
  20. ^ That wasn't up when I checked! If that's on there I've had a result.
  21. Golden Axe - wank Comet Crash - wank Legacy of Kain - slightly less wank, but still wank because the controls are wank and I can't be fucked Comix Zone - kinda cool, might stick with it. Rayman - Awesome. Any excuse to play it again and I will.
  22. 50 Cent I feel like the under Dog again. This is when I make my best material. Ill write a song that plays for 10 years again this week. English 50 Cent I feel like the underneath of a dog. I am producing good fabric. This week I am going to write a really, really long song.
  23. It's been a while since I saw season 1 but that does remind me of the uplifting vibe the show exudes.
  24. I cannot remember buying so much awesome.
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