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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. From what I played, it was certainly very different from past Resistances. When everyone is using their abilities at once it's absolute mayhem. Just got into a game and it was pretty damn fun. Got the Auger which is now a killstreak and it's thoroughly entertaining to use. Edit:Just scored a 21-5, man this is fucking brilliant. The gameplay suits my playstyle amazingly well. I'm so glad this has turned out how it has, certainly worth the wait. Edit 2: Other than the assault shield being completely overpowered, the beta really well and is surprisingly balanced.
  2. Beta is live guise.
  3. That looks mint. I fully expect everyone here to be playing the beta today.
  4. If anyone somehow gets the lowdown on when this goes live on the store before me, make sure to inform! I follow Insomniac on Twitter because I'm not uncool and stuff, so they'll likely be badgering the Europeans to get on that shit anyway. Apparently they've been having a lot of issues with the beta in terms of matchmaking errors and whatnot, they've got a patch coming for all regions coming but I wouldn't be surprised if the servers go tits up tomorrow. Triple post ftl.
  5. Yeah it was a joke, I take that as you insulting my intelligence you bastard!
  6. @ The Peeps - they said The Furnace was burning, which is gutting because I sometimes listen to music there p.s. lol
  7. I'm near Swindon, which is currently being smashed up. Before and after pictures would be pretty pointless though.
  8. Deindividuation.
  9. Once you attend grammar school?
  10. Trust Sickipedia to unite majorities and minorities: My racist jokes are getting a lot of dislikes today. It's almost as if hundreds of niggers have all just got a new laptop or something.
  11. I'd just like to apologise for my racist joke, it wasn't nearly as funny as Goafer's previous effort.
  12. Only just noticed that you've already done the black man joke. I lose.

  13. Yeah the royalties on that bad boy must've skyrocketed. P.S. I'm not even kidding, it just started playing on Spotify as I typed! Didn't even select/remember having it
  14. Now that's not very lady-like.
  15. I'd argue that most of these people are fuckwit delinquents who like to smash shit up at any opportunity. Otherwise known as black men.
  16. BREAKING NEWS: Rioters at Arsenal's emirates stadium. Looters seen to be coming out of arsenal's trophy cabinet room empty handed.
  17. I listened to Jeremy Vine's discussion show in le car recently, and it's great for raising your self esteem as you can count the amount of people you're more interesting than. They had a discussion about whether children with ADHD should be allowed into theaters and cinemas, and they also featured a monologue from a B&B owner citing 'top tips' about how to run such a boring lifestyle. Then a ton of people were texting in their wondrous experiences in travel hotel establishments. Me and my friend were tempted to call in and inform Jeremy Vine how much of a cunt he was because his shitty drawl sent a kid with ADHD into a hyperactive state, thus waking us up from our slumber in a B&B. But we realised it would be too funny for him.
  18. Costume. ... I'm saying Heath Ledger's attire wasn't tacky, and that Pffoeffefjeksnr's was.
  19. But it didn't look like melodramatic wank. I wouldn't have described it as tacky myself.
  20. I don't want tackiness in Nolan's version. I'm guessing the man himself doesn't either. This 'trilogy' will likely turn out to be incredible and I honestly think a shit design like that would tarnish the thing. Go Nolan I say, he knows what he's doing!
  21. I'd like to express my sincere regret over this most convoluted of misunderstandings experienced between a community and its once-cherished young arrival. It is a sad day indeed when a case of inappropriate behaviour comes to divide our people in such an all encompassing manner, but instead of ruing his loss, I believe that from this dark hour a valuable lesson has been learned forthtold: the public execution of Mr. Kuntle has taught us that tolerance for fellow man should rightfully be ignored if the plaintiff in question is a blithering arse, lest we forget that no sane dweller on the interwebs should be forced to suffer such time-wasting bile in text format. I beseech Ashley to show zero compassion for the 'loss' henceforth and to instead review his decision to dig a metaphorical grave for Mr. Kuntle via such holy thread. In fact I consider it a sin to publish the deathnote of this fool having experienced the rejoicing of our members upon his departure firsthand - the tears of sheer joy were put on hold with a kick to the nuts as they realised that there still one more scrap of shit to vomit over. R.I.P Mr. Kuntle
  22. TEAM KNEE! Shall I watch The Lives of Others or No Country for Old Men ? Wesley out
  23. Less than 3 dayyyz nom nom
  24. The walking off part was gay/homosexual i.e. fucking disgraceful. Predictable shit. Apart from that it was pretty decent, some good Evian's and stuff which I've forgotten but was deffo OK. Also I'm not sure what it is but I like outtakes where people fail a sketch through laughter, The Office outtakes (UK & US) are brilliant for example. A good 7/10
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