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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Well maybe that's precisely what the NE team needs: some skill. Hoho gentlemen!
  2. Played this for about 3/4 hours online, it's absolutely fantastic, better than I remembered the beta being. A good range of guns, fast paced, more frantic and opportunities for more play styles. It's a bit of a n00b booster I imagine but the one that shows you the power weapons is more useful than I thought. In the matches I played I pretty much just ran for the T-Bolt the entire time. Man am I whore with the T-Bolt. It's so fun to use and nothing makes you feel more boss-like than using it to quick-scope someone from close range.
  3. dwarf


    Late to the party on this but I bought it from steam yesterday (there's no deals on it or anything) and finished it today. What a cracking little gem of a game. We need more of this stuff!
  4. If you plan on playing Infamous 2 I honestly wouldn't bother with the original. IIRC there's far more side missions in the first game, and the satellite-dish-hunt variety features wayyyy too heavily. They are fiddly and cumbersome and tedious and all other sorts of awful. The sequel is a can of laughs and thrills for the most part.
  5. So I'll be bringing my copy of the game to a friend's house later, gonna beast a couple of missions and then hit up online (sans headset ). If a few of you guys are online I'll be happy to join yaz. How does the online pass work btw? If I sign in on friend's system and download it, do I get one more download when I sign in on my PS3?
  6. My favourites: I cried a tad at this one. I would cite more but that would involve more clicky-clicky. A lot more clicky-clicky.
  7. I was going to say, she looked and sounded very much like Ellen Page in that trailer. I hope it's not a straight up shooter/brawler type affair.
  8. 'My fucking knee!'
  9. I'd been waiting for this for a good while, and it delivered. It's quite amazing how such a twisted concept that could easily be deemed a sick joke when looking at it on paper actually made for gripping drama and prompted a lot of thinking throughout the duration. It was never outright funny, but that's exactly why it worked so well, the humour was born out of desperation rather than finger-pointing. Superb. 'A Million Merits' sounds mighty fine as well.
  10. Getting this for Christmas, I will pwn you all in the mouth. That or facilitate your needs to pwn random n00bs, hopefully of US origin. I'm not really excited for it in the slightest though, which is weird.
  11. Hell yes. The art direction is what elevates this from being a good show into a great show. That Joseph Gilgun dude is superb, he's hilarious in this and in Misfits. Plays similar characters in both but that's not a bad thing at all.
  12. Not sure what angle to take in answering this. It's just too much.
  13. If you stopped wasting all your bandwidth by playing so many other games online whilst on Uncharted you'd experience less lag. Uncharted multiplater demands your full attention, I couldn't multi-task and still win all the time. Unless my opponent was Rez, in which case I would still triumph every time.
  14. dwarf

    SSX (2012)

    That Tricky trailer is yumful.
  15. The concept of A4O sounded awful to me from the start so I never developed an interest. Insomniac's multi-platform franchise, forget the name, also looks decidedly average and I'm only going by the art style.
  16. No online access doeee. Boner killer. I think my PS+ subscription expired anyhow.
  17. I'm doing economics & sociology, might mix it up with some politics and some other shit though in the second year. Degree is flexible nd all. Motivation has been severely lacking since nightlife is awesome and surviving is a harship in itself. You ever go to 5th Av nightclub? Probably the best club I've ever been to. P.S. I own a Playstation 3.
  18. Yeah ze main Uni. And yes Rez. But we are still brothers. No matter how highly these new kids on the block like to rate themselves, you know that I am yours, and that you are mine .
  19. As much as I'm elated to hear that and as much as I'd love to revive our online kinship, I can't be bothered/am slightly unable to establish a connection for ma Playbox 3000 at Uni. And I have zero money for new games. Of course I would rinse you all at Uncharted 3 and BF given the opportunity. Absolutely rinse. Since moving to Manch in mid-September I've made a rather grandiose contribution of 8 replies to this forum, and one of those was just to congratulate Daft for evading Death for a successive 365 day period. I guess it's because I've had jack shit to talk about considering the lack of playtime on anything. It's quite sad really, not sad in the sense that I haven't been gaming much or haven't had game-related troll material to smear you all with, but sad because I bothered to acknowledge the Birthday of the biggest cunt in this joint. I am jealous of y'all though, been some pretty sik games this half of the year. Going by trailers :'(
  20. That would be ridiculous and just wouldn't happen. Those PSN prices only serve to supplement revenue from disc sales. If games were PSN only, prices would undoubtedly be subject to demand, especially seeing as there are multiple systems knocking about. Boob.
  21. One member certainly worth wishing a begrudging happy birthday. Happy Birthday Daft!
  22. That is essentially the fundamental failure. RE4 Wii edition was fantastic because those two components weren't working in tandem. Navigating a corner in a Wii FPS is like trying to hit the apex of a hairpin in a drifting bus. You end up in a wall.
  23. I don't remember 'people' ever saying that. Also, I've still not bought Move or even considered it.
  24. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    I'd not play it offline purely for the fact that the real time apparitions make the game that much more special. I hope the music is as eerie this time round.
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