You just are. In every facet.
Members battle it out in arguments because it's entertaining. People agree to disagree, and mutually hold the other in low regard, in 'tosser' status perhaps. It makes things interesting. But you don't seem to realise that you've unabashedly made it more than that. You don't seem to realise that you're hypocritical. You've made judgements about personality which you have no real evidence for and no real grounds to comment on.
It's OK to be bullish in opinions, but over the time I've seen you it's been disgraceful, frankly, lacking any sense of humour. I don't think I've known a member who is so self-assured of his own viewpoint, one who is so biased. Recollections of the football thread tell me that much.
Who gives I guess? I'm spent. Too easy to get caught up in this shizzle, like y'all. Tell me I'm wrong if you like but I think the audience can decide - plus, debates are best left to 2 posts I think, when things elevate from a gentle simmer into full blooded atomic bomb. At any stretch, my argument penis is flaccid right now.