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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Geoff Keiley's Twitter - 'Big Sony PS3 reveal tonight on GTTV! Single and multiplayer footage coming your way. The countdown to E3 begins!' Not sure what it is, we probably won't find out til tomorrow. --- Played the Motorstorm Apocalypse demo, was very impressed with the sense of speed they've nailed, the boost system finally works and it seems as excitable as Burnout. The only thing is, the track and precision doesn't feel complex enough, it's become a bit more arcadey in that department. Anyone else bought it/tried the demo?
  2. 'For regular people...congratulations.' Cunt.
  3. Yeah I agree with you, a lot of it is figurative, which is what sets it apart from your standard soap, or even the Desperate housewives example. You get more shots of static scenarios, or panoramas of a setting which clearly hint at being more than what you see at face value. It's always tres gripping. Gonna watch an ep now in fact. Edit: Also, the music is awesome. Gonna have to find the soundtrack/featured songs. Favourite time period/context tbh
  4. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    But is your soooouuuullll?!
  5. About the free online thing...
  6. This was always at risk, some of the gameplay videos looked a bit naff, and the campaign was bound to be shit. Shame, because the multiplayer had some decent ideas. I'm interested to see how the potential NE clan awkwardly disbands. The word 'clan' presumes loyalty, troopers. Now get outta my sight.
  7. I was also instantly hooked. It's a fantastic show, even if a lot of it is style over substance, the character relationships are good and the contextual irony is awesome and yet understated at the same time. I know you didn't directly compare it to The Wire Grunch, you're better than that of course, but I think this achieves exactly what it sets out to do: stylish entertainment. I'm mid-way through season 4, on le borrow. I forgot how much I missed it. I think one minor issue I have is that I think Don should've developed a bit more by now, if anything it's him that seems a bit one-note. That's half the point, but still.
  8. Was gonna post that but frankly we'd both be late to the party. Not fashionably either. -1 Moog.
  9. Like every other shitcake Yube argument.
  10. That, and tactical voting.
  11. dwarf


    I set up a new account late in April just to get the 20 hours with unlimited plays - transferred all my playlists from the old account, which only has 10 hours. So I essentially still get an hour a day on Spotify. So fellas and fellesses, make a new account. I think it still works, 6 months of how things were before the change.
  12. I'm not really sure what you're expecting from a voting system Daft, that's not the point of this referendum, at least I don't see it in that way. I agree with the bleak situation, and the fact that voting is nigh on pointless, but I disagree with the overall attitude and reasoning.
  13. No worries, luv u bbz

  14. Yeah, I was just querying the relevance Flink







  16. they see me trollin', they hatin'

  17. ^ You forgot to mention whilst playing Wii Party or something gay hahaha
  18. Walking in a winter lol-derland
  19. Fuck off Flinky! You monster! I think you should quit your dead end job and not have kids cause they'd look sick and you should stop supported ManUtd like a complete mong.
  20. You just are. In every facet. Members battle it out in arguments because it's entertaining. People agree to disagree, and mutually hold the other in low regard, in 'tosser' status perhaps. It makes things interesting. But you don't seem to realise that you've unabashedly made it more than that. You don't seem to realise that you're hypocritical. You've made judgements about personality which you have no real evidence for and no real grounds to comment on. It's OK to be bullish in opinions, but over the time I've seen you it's been disgraceful, frankly, lacking any sense of humour. I don't think I've known a member who is so self-assured of his own viewpoint, one who is so biased. Recollections of the football thread tell me that much. ---- Who gives I guess? I'm spent. Too easy to get caught up in this shizzle, like y'all. Tell me I'm wrong if you like but I think the audience can decide - plus, debates are best left to 2 posts I think, when things elevate from a gentle simmer into full blooded atomic bomb. At any stretch, my argument penis is flaccid right now.
  21. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think there's a slight difference between playful banter and outright twattery. Besides, there's no denying you're childish Daz.
  22. You still have some left for Daz? no, not the popcorn
  23. He definitely threw a paddy at his keyboard. Yup. I can see what you mean about the white tag thing, I was going to give him a gentle ribbing myself. But then again, I agree with his recent sentiments.
  24. Speaking personally, that's the best moment of N-Europe ever.
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