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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Yeah, my point is made in broad terms, I find myself wondering how all authors do it. I guess they have to find a way; it's their income.
  2. But then you don't want to be pausing in the midst of doing something awesome. And it's hardly a substitute. The best thing about Dirt 2 was its replay function, and I imagine it would have been absolutely fantastic in this.
  3. Currently reading another Jack Reacher (author - Lee Child) novel titled 61 Hours. It slots into the rest of the series like any other, I'm surprised how any writer can keep up with uniformity in their books to such an extent. You can join the series at any stage, there's obviously chronology in the events, but each time there's a new plot and very little, if any hint of continuity. Each one offers a little more history about Reacher though, who's a fairly mysterious, justice-fuelled character They're not going to open your eyes to much, but what it does offer is an entertaining and, in places funny, tension ratcheting thriller. I think what's refreshing about these books is that the protagonist is an absolute tank, and you always know he'll come up with some bat-shit manoeuvre to get out of trouble, or put others in it.
  4. dwarf


    I tagged a few of my first few posts but didn't realise the importance of doing so. Only realised it gets your stuff in Tumblr's search results other day, ensuring I've missed out on multiple subscribers. As soon as I tagged a few, I got a few more followers, however that hasn't completely solved the issue because my content will be dripping slowly off the bottom of the pages into the irretrievable multiverse. I'll live though. If you want tons of followers, tag the shit out of your posts with general popular terms and reblog shit and like shit every second. Sure-fire way to win. But then again I don't want to commit to hunting general followers of memes and shit. Recommended yours Daft, even though you should totally do more of your own content. Though I appreciate that lots of your posts are the siftings of fine matter. Also lol @ urban dictionary definitions for lomo:
  5. Scored an 8 at Eurogamer with a mostly glowing review http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-04-01-game-of-the-week-motorstorm-apocalypse-article This might be the game to put an end to not buying one since Fallout: New Vegas, which I haven't bothered to complete. Will wait for a price drop though.
  6. Resistance multiplayer is arcadey, fast paced, has awesome weapons, and generally just very playable/fun to be good at. FPS' are all about the 'feel', and this just happens to suit me down to the ground. Exciting prospects.
  7. Sex now please Cooky?
  8. Rewatching the start of part one, I'm reminded how remarkable that really is. How unlucky would you have to be to be born into that? Is there no way those kids could be plucked from that shithole through the legal system? There must be a reason to prosecute them... It's a shame brainwashing isn't provable and punishable. Edit: Just watched this (I'm sure some of you did) The interviewer is shite, and the applause she gets for being so is cringe-inducing. Watch the crazy-bitch-talk at 6:50, it's incredible. 'I thought this was the do your own thing nation; tolerance, loving...'
  9. dwarf


    I'm just wondering, with it being an Indie team and all, that they might not make it a full price retail game. If they dollop on some colour and add a bit more variety it may be worth a look.
  10. dwarf


    http://uk.ign.com/videos/2011/03/31/hawken-cockpit-view-gameplay?objectid=103025 Watch. I'm no lover of 'mech' games, but what this team have done looks mightily impressive. Wonder how long it's got left in dev.
  11. This game has 3D and move support. I'm at risk of sounding like a Schiz. Or whatever the actual term is Feel free to discuss how awesome this game will be.
  12. ....Rosie Jones! You lucky man, Goaf.
  13. I'll alert you if I think of something xoxo

  14. OMGTHATZAMAZING. I shouldnt have expected anything less when I clicked on that.


    You win sir.


    Uhmmm. As I said I'm not sure, but the online will never die so don't you dare think it'll never happen. I'll keep you post-it-noted.

  15. Super Stardust HD DLC http://uk.ps3.ign.com/articles/115/1156961p1.html Doesn't sound like it'll work to me but hai, I might be wrong. Also, is it too late for DLC for a game that's so old? Interest and business wise?
  16. Oh awesome, I think it's just as well we've giving others breathing space. We'll lulz them into a false sense of security by not gracing them with our presence then BAM we rock out online as they sit there all happy like 'ahah we're good and we don't get ridiculed' and that's when we hit them with a 50 grenade hammer. In real life. Then we get all grammatical and shit.


    Then they can move on and stop actually thinking that they're good. It's quite amusing they think they're good. Plebs.


    Oh and my Tumbz:



    probs not up your street but meh, where's yourz?

  17. S'all cool my end br0, we should play Unch soon but unfort ive lended it to some douche so they can experience the epicness.

    Also you has tumblr? Or do you not use it much?


    Blogly bbz hows things with you?

  18. ...Well what did you think he said?
  19. You can drink this shit may'n and it ain't butta!
  20. I'd just like to point out also that the fridge video is the best thing made. Like, in the world.
  21. Is it not even worth watching it to see the Resistance 3 billboard?
  22. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    I loved the downtime in Half-Life, it secludes itself from every other shooter in that regard. Fantastic atmosphere.
  23. Bunch o' sluts, the lot o' yee!
  24. Multiplayer video. OMGitlooksawzum! http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/710805/Resistance-3-Multiplayer-First-Look-Video.html It's weirdly similar to how I imagined it in my head - still arcadey (fast and high health) but with meatier weapons. And detailed maps. And clearly still Resistance. Dreamy.
  25. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    Boost shouldn't have worked but I thought it did. Yes, that was an issue with the spawn grenades but it kept areas of the map active that might otherwise have been neglected, and as well as this it placed you into the action much faster. Plus, there was always the camera enabling you to check if people are camping the spawns (although admittedly it was unreliable) and it usually wasn't a problem if both spawns worked in tandem, or were fairly hidden. The only gripe I had with way they worked was that they ruined the S&D mission types. Solution: allow spawn grenades to be placed only in certain regions. In the private beta matches it was clear there weren't enough areas to spawn, making travel cumbersome, and causing the aforementioned one-sidedness.
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