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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Played the demo yesterday, seemed a bit lacking in all honesty. You all enjoy it though fellas!
  2. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    Yeah the accessibility/design was bullshit. I would've platinumed it if it wasn't so borked and right wing, complete lack of explanation for key concepts was a big issue, and tendencies/level design occasionally sucked ass. Didn't stop me from playing it through twice though.
  3. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    Trailer looks sick. The DS universe is probably the only one that, if converted into an MMO, I'd get. Massive potential to be awesome.
  4. Pretty sweet. Noticed they've made the weapons a bit more accurate, also now there's KZ like hit-markers, so I'm guessing it'll play quite differently from the past two. As long as they keep up superhuman health in multiplayer this could be a right riot. I'm rating the design.
  5. http://twitter.com/insomniacgames http://blog.us.playstation.com/ Screens and gameplay tonight forthcomingz.
  6. The Bounty thing was ace. Incl. its out-take because I can imagine I'd crack at such a beautifully filmed gag too, I enjoy. Wasn't expecting Eevil/forgot about it, and thus brought a smile. The majority of the rest was fodder, mildly humorous segments, but when I say mild I mean mild as in how a Korma is spicy.
  7. Platty lol.
  8. That's wonderful.
  9. dwarf

    SOCOM 4

    I actually think this could be very awesome. If it doesn't have clunky menus/interface or clunky controls, and has a more understandable classes, and reduced loading times, and is generally a lot more interesting than Confrontation, I'm highly intrigued.
  10. I don't know why you'd take out a mortgage and then have it in white.
  11. My Facebook (across with every other Facebook, ever) just got trolled. Horrifically.
  12. Almost chundered when I saw that back touchpad being used to climb the vine in the Unch vid. And you just knew they'd claim it would be immersive, and the actions were similar to that of climbing in real life. No. Just no. You don't haul your body weight up a wall by rubbing your fingers against it. Plus it's awkward to control. If I ever got one of these machines I wouldn't want to be playing Uncharted on it anyway. And as for graphics - this is early stages I know - I'd say they're akin to a 'Playstation 2.5'.
  13. Because the comments are made so defensively Diag. And it's bitter. You ever get to play Wipeout HD?
  14. This bread got stale ages ago.
  15. No but you can tell a fair amount from that video. Of course that couldn't have been made in LBP, but it doesn't show as much skill or endeavour as some of the best community content from the original. Saying it's better than some twin stick shooters is missing the point, I'm not sure why you'd waste time on poorer efforts, unless it was a quick and easy flash game, which this isn't. Plus, you are paying full price for this as a videogame, and you'd have to say 30 pounds of that is weighted to intrigue towards the 'share' part of the mantra.
  16. That doesn't blow anything LBP made out of the water, in fact it looks damned dull to play. The concept of LBP is enjoyable. But as Rez said, you're more playing in appreciation/ intrigue than because it's fun. The levels still lack enjoyment and replayability because the mechanics in these user levels always end up a bit half-baked, due to the fact that it's a bit awkward making all of this stuff, because the tools aren't designed for it all. Even basic things like menus take an age to create, and on the whole they won't function that well. I'm just saying that it's unlikely you'll play a minigame on this and think 'damn that was quality enterainment, I'll have to better my score on it/spend time with it.' This is why you buy PSN/full retails because they deliver a solid experience that was designed with an objective. There's reasons why top developers 1) get paid fairly well for their creativity and 2) consist of more than one person. It doesn't prevent impressive works of art, but because it's a popularised format, and because the best levels must've taken forever to make (and still only hold your interest for a minute), it's a bit 'nyah'. I may end up picking this up, but it's for different reasons. Cosmetic wow-factor being a biggy.
  17. I concur with this. It's just like nyah, uhm like okay but, y'know, wut is it? Oh right it's betta cause that thing, oh right maybe, ah sort of, hmmm, mmmmsch.
  18. http://blog.us.playstation.com/2011/01/25/upcoming-novel-to-bridge-gap-between-resistance-2-resistance-3/ Yai.
  19. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    I'm sure I can accommodate your needs be they sweet or salty. If we push the boat out we could have minstrels as well but that depends on Galaxy's moral affliction for steep pricing. Ok we'll pull a film out of the hat then
  20. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    Awesome, what was it you wanted to see? I'm easy, but 'Braincrusher Apocalypse' looked quite romantic and cheeky.
  21. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    Sound advice. You've asked me to do that before, and back then I had some interesting scipture fodder. Nowt at the moment though. Would you like to share some popcorn with me at the cinema?
  22. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    Well if you could buy the popcorn for me, be my guest, because I'd love to experience that u-turn. It's just looking unlikely right now.
  23. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    Played a round on every Killzone 2 map consecutively in Warzone at a friend's house and had an absolute blast, it was just so damn entertaining. The tekkers that got whipped out were stonking, and by playing it you further realise what a step back the 3rd one is. Just thought I'd post this if my opinion wasn't clear. People didn't give enough credit for what the second one did online. Partly because peeps just can't comprehend how to hip-fire and use the magnum to rape effect. Even so long after release, players don't understand.
  24. I like how people will thank your post because you acknowledged it and totally broke the conventions. (this could become a circular thing)
  25. They all have their moments, but it's almost universal that the original owns the sequels. I'd like to see if they can add something new to it, but I think it'll only ever end up in bitter disappointment. That is, if these end up coming to fruition, which they won't.
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