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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Didn't realise you were that good at puns 'Peeps! You've turned a new leaf.
  2. Could've sworn it was on teh original Xbox. Apologies for the shite mal-correction. Uhm, Motorstorm is another big new PS IP, Pacific Rift was really good. Although it looks like it's going downhill in Armageddon (heh). Can't think of that other main franchise.
  3. Gears of War isn't this gen. LBP & Resistance and one other big thing I've forgotten are though.
  4. Won't happen. Scaremongering bullshit. w00p! Is it meant to be a joke article? Because that's how I see it.
  5. Never seen that film but that is fucking graphic/tragic. Euuuggghhh! As is the way of Tarantino.
  6. I'm not saying you should go out of your way to try it. Niether would I expect anyone to try it if they were offered it. I just think it would be better to try it than not to try it. I reached 17 fairly proud, for a reasonable reason, because I hadn't tried anything. But after having to do research on it, and seeing it could be a good thing, I don't see why you wouldn't. This isn't some roundabout way of saying people are narrow minded, but there isn't really anything great about claiming you haven't tried cannabis.
  7. Worst. Argument. Ever. All I'll say is that drugular sensations are awesome. It's a real shame so many people miss out on trying something. Even if you only try it once, there's no harm in doing so. Sensory things make you think and feel differently. Haven't articulated this very well but I think you get my point.
  8. The thing is, cannabis is literally a non-lose situation. It's absolutely fine unless you totally abuse it to shit, and if you're half sensible that won't happen. Studies have failed to really show it as something harmful in the short term, and therefore you may as well give it a try if it's dark, you're deindividuated, and are offered some. Live your life bitches! Just don't get caught with it obviously. Although to be honest, it's a bit of a joke it hasn't been legalised, especially with the benefits it can bring medically, and especially when considering how harmless it is compared with cigarettes.
  9. He didn't take into consideration a theory some might call 'for teh lolz'. I befall this category. Had two big tokes once, and got nothing. So there weren't too many 'lolz'.
  10. You'll want to be playing Vietnam. It sounds like the perfect mix of BC2 & 1943.
  11. http://uk.ign.com/videos/2010/12/17/battlefield-bad-company-2-vietnam-video-review This video review of Vietnam has me pumped. It's exactly what I wanted from the expansion.
  12. I never mastered any of the pr0 techniques in brawl or melee, but I think you could've summed up your post with one word. Tripping. Also, that melee vid is sick, especially enjoyed Falco's casting down of Fox with that menacing heal kick to the face. Also: Fallout 3 vs Metroid Prime. Well shit. They're my favourites.
  13. Yeah I'll see you round sometime

  14. I confuzzeld


    please go

  15. Do not buy The Club, it's pants. You're getting ripped for five quid. F.E.A.R 2 is decent, probably worth a tenner if you don't mind missing out on a few pints instead.
  16. Just played a load of conquest games with a friend. Was really good, Managed to go one game 23-6 and another 55-20. I was mixing about with Engineer: UMP, RPG, Explosive damage and Assault: Abakan/F2000, magnum ammo Was doing well with Abakan and started using the F2000 for the lols. It's actually a fabulous weapon, and absolute beast at close range, but you can still be effective at distance if you can control the recoil, which isn't too hard. The patch really has improved it, definitely worth trying out. I'm getting Vietnam over PSN share. Victoreeee!
  17. What's the fucking point in this thread? You boring cunts.
  18. If people start rattling off pointless lists I'm going to hit you with a spanner. Bad Company 2 Just about to have a sesh on it now. It's quite the amazing shooter, but it has a habit of being awesome one day, and fucking irritating the next. I guess the same can be said of other competitive FPS but none moreso than this beast. It's worth playing though, there's always potential for an absolutely awesome moment/amazingly memorable match. In one word I'd say the mutliplayer can be: empowering Heavy Rain Heavy Rain met my expectations. The story is pretty damn well told, it looks gorgeous, and it's one of the tensest games I've played. It has a certain scene that's probably the most scary/awesome things I've ever encountered in media form.
  19. I thought you could tell from the PSN trailers that it was shit. Looks horrendous.
  20. If I wasn't such a sucker for online shootingz, this gen would probably leave me feeling a bit short-changed in retrospect. PSN games haven't taken off quite how I hoped. There needs to be way more developers joining in, making the simple but well tuned titles (as Goronz0r cites). The App store is flooded with them, and obviously the touchscreen works great for these gems, but I'm still awaiting a surge in bandwagon joinage for console downloadables.
  21. Way too boring. Do you think the developer is going to molest you or something? Any publicity is good publicity, you know that. And it ain't no news to the world motherfu****!!! It's out Jan isn't it?
  22. Let us know how Brink is Aimless. Harz. (I am actually interested)
  23. This year has been shit for games, I think I've only bought three/four. The thing is, everything has been delayed until next year. And by everything I mean it, it's made Q4 an absolute piss-squeak.
  24. Just back tfrom the pub no backspaece Apotify is flooding fthrouygh me and its fucking win. Srsly. English coureswork was meant o be fninished but fuck mrs bell she can suck my dick. Arbgh. Llyods std for the journauy!!!! Passion Pit - the rreeling and Rod steward beyong the sea is for the epic yarn. Etc
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