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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Or as Sully would say Man, this is like trying to find a bride in a brothel This is applicable, right?
  2. This didn't need to be made. They should call it something else tbh, disassociate it entirely. No serious director is going to want to take this up anyway, the whole concept of it is just bland. Half pun, but any territory this will be treading will already be chartered. Nathan Drake is likeable but he's about as deep as Jason Statham. Because to tell you the truth... I don't give a shit.
  3. I thought the vid was quite OK tbf. Nick Clegg is a wanker. I don't know where he's plucked to dare from to claim this is actually helping more people to get into education... During the mass protests he said something like 'if they actually looked at the details and what we're proposing this will benefit...' or something like that. Utter twat. 'If you actually look at it properly like all these protesters you'll realise we've chundered all over your futures by tripling your fees kthxbai'. Cunt. Just a complete sellout cunt.
  4. Don't 'hmmmm' me, sonny. I'd played the mini version of it on 'Rat on the Run', which is also good, but the scooter minigame was so popular that it warranted it's own expansion. It's 59p on the store I think, totally worth it. Another ideal example of simplicity perfection. Highly skillful too, backwheel grinds are the stuff of legend.
  5. Has noone mentioned Rat on a Scooter XL?!?!?!?!?! It's amazingthon! Addictive, you can waste hours just trying to best your high score. Neverending fun!
  6. FFS! I've only had these WESC Bongos for 3 weeks and now only one half of it works - the sound has just cut from the right headphone/can thing. No solutions to be found online other than buy a new pair.... Bullshit.
  7. No, more like the kind that dress up as girls but aren't fooling anyone as to their true gender. Apart from Jon.
  8. I love Kanye West and thus look forward with great enthusiasm in terms of hearing what brilliance his recording team have come up with this time.
  9. That be teh wun Rez
  10. Get on it. Have you found the PM?
  11. You didn't include ANY from the last PM I sent, which was absolutely mahoosive and had some stonking clips. Disappointing, you probs forgot about it xxxxx
  12. Sterling effort! I see you didn't bother with the 00ber hax clips I sent you but that doesn't matter cause i know it wudve over5hadwd u. THANZCCVX!!!! A LOT!!!!
  13. That animation was fantastic, I thought it'd be cheesy but Watson's narration actually worked with it well. When it cut to the characters again I was disappointed. I thought the film was good. It relied quite a great deal on emotion, something it lacked a great deal of, and some of Daniel Radcliffe's (sp?) acting was dubious, but nothing too jarring. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, and will definitely be seeing part 2, as will evrywun eva maid. I'm tempted to read some of the HP books again/the series just because I was rather young when I first read them and would like a second review opportunity. I actually think they're superb though. The fact that there's better literature around counts for shit in my eyes, I think the thing is well done. The ending book was weak, but it doesn't prevent the others from being thrilling reads.
  14. The new 3D trailer of this is really good, they showed it before Jackass when I went on Sunday. There's something win about the smooth shuryuken spinny kill things.
  15. dwarf

    Mad Men

    I think that's because Pete is basically a metaphor for a life of hardship, i.e. one that every man out there leads. --- So I finished Season 1. Holy shit, that topped The Wire for me. Seriously incredible. You can't come away from it without feeling hopelessly sentimental, but it's just such a drug. Man... There's TV, and then there's TV. The 11th episode is the closest thing to PURE MAGNIFICENCE as you'll get. The show makes you think a lot. I love it.
  16. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    Disappointment of the year.
  17. The best scenario is akin to the following "Oi Gr3naidMasta, I think you spelt your name wrong mate! It's 'e', not a '3'. And you have to substitute 'e','r' in for the 'a'. Cunt."
  18. In caese u missed it, my sister did a cover of the Wire theme (Way Down in the Hole) on Yube. Cheque itz iv u vant

  19. I don't think it does. I got the key to a room in that Novac place, but soe stuff in the footlocker and came back a while later to find it had gone. I felt especially violated that it was my own place as well. Pretty sure I wasn't just having a moment of madness too. I blame Victor. He's a creep.
  20. It pains me to pass up on the offer but I can't really afford to shell out right now, pubs and clubs and shizzle are currently gangbanging my wallet :(


    Cheers for the dealio though :D

  21. The PS3 has an on/off switch at the back of the console. Try pressing that in first, that's probably what's thrown you.
  22. I'll be seeing it Saturday I think. I can't remember what (if anything) happens in Deathly Hallows other than the ending fight. It's worth watching just to absorb how massive a budget the the production has. Effects galorez.
  23. You need to stop going to the cinema so much. Moderation boy! Especially when has job not one got.
  24. I saw this earlier, enjoyed it but it wasn't that amazing really. Outrageous stuff mind! It really didn't help that the audience was anything but packed. Probably would've been twice as good with every seat filled. Thing is, the stuntists aren't too funny in the aftermath, obviously a film length production is hard to create going just on stunt footage but the ending comments etc fall flat. 3D flying dildo was fucking amazing though. Hats off!
  25. dwarf

    Mad Men

    That's the same with everything tbf. I'm sure you can all remember what happened in the first 5 episodes of the first season. Right? RIGHT? Oxygen - I wouldn't say it's good taste, more just 'what's rating highly' and if it ticks criteria for something I'd enjoy then sobeit. TV and film... It's becoming a greater priority for me, and games are taking a backseat. I mean, c'mon, games have been shit this year. It's the same every year really.
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