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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. I'm in desperate need of a new phone, and I need to request it quickly before my Birthday. I guess I could make it any phone with a decent contract for £10 or less a month. But a reasonably good one.
  2. I thought it was just generally agreed that it was a good action game. Not a messianic prophet of gaming. I'd say it's infinitely better than Gears, man I hate that franchise. Ooh also: 'What the fuck did I do?'
  3. Yeah I know, those blue fly things are insane. I managed to get into a situation where I could take them all out without being hit, so was rolling in the XP. And those dog things are vicious. As you say, they pretty much come in 8s. I managed to clear out the entrance to a cave that they were guarding, but there was another 8 pack inside. Ridiculous. Giant radscorpions aren't too bad unless they ambush you. If you keep retreating backwards they will miss you everytime. Just hope you dont encounter a wall. I suggest using a shotgun, aim for the legs, and get the shotgun surgeon perk. It rapes.
  4. Oh canz I not has bofe?
  5. £150-£200 price range Ability to use this deal on it - £6 per month, Tesco http://www.tescomobilepaymonthly.com/product-page.aspx?Tag=f62d9fe2-e915-4d87-a821-3ce89bdc7a13&so=1 Go! Vagueness will guide you! () Thanks for helpzorz!
  6. We only ever play Daethmatch and Plunder. Bar one or two, the lab has been shit, and is only temporary. Very few people are found in other modes, because they're pants. Some of those are co-op, and are illegible for this discussion. What is Machinima?
  7. I haven't got Uncharted 3 yet. Did you also get your legit copy of this on eBay?
  8. Tell me about it! I swear Glowing Ones have been made into absolute rape-machines now! So glad not to find any in the NIPCONN ghoul quest. There's been a few new rock-hard foes, notably certain dogs and flying insects. Boat-flies I think they're called. Jokez!
  9. Vast array of modes? Interesting comment.
  10. I want that pink one. Japan only I think though. Wah. I remember Rez' disappointment with his new Red one because the likkle stickies woodnt work properwy with his gaims. Awww. (by properly, they weren't worn in enough, making Unch less comfy and easy to aim. Don't want to scare Daft now do we?)
  11. A poor man's Gears of War meets Tomb Raider? Hmmm. Definite disagreement. Uncharted 2's campaign was amazing, but... I still wouldn't say the actual gameplay (I hate this word, where are the substitutes?) overall was that great. Everything was solid, but shooting that many humans over and over drags, and I think the amount of 'set-pieces', cutscenes, spectacular locales and camera angles makes people forget about the general time they spent doing the eventually boring & meaty genocide runs. Even though the platforming is so simple, it's fun, despite it just being a pace breaker and a chance to admire the work of the designers. The thing is, the game needs something else. That thing isn't 'puzzles'. To call them that would be an insult really. I don't really know what the third thing would be. RPG styled character interaction? Throw in Zelda like items? Anything that shows Nathan doing human things I guess would help.
  12. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    I was referring to the fact that it definitely wasn't his most hyped thing this year.
  13. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    Bull. Shit.
  14. That was probably not one of your better posts Flameboy. Kind of like this quiz show --- I want moar skill books!
  15. Can anyone disclose some skill book locations within and around Goodsprings/Nipton regions? I've only found 3 so far N__N
  16. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    Awesome? You have to a tosser to sign up for Plus! (this is probably not the best way about going for a code)
  17. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    I thought you'd signed up to get me one? Otherwise I'm relying on Aimless. Argh damn.
  18. Don't become a reviewer pleaaseee! c'mon pal! 'Cover' !!!!!! OMGYGV!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. n000000000000b
  20. As I told you then, bellend. I thought World of Deceipt was a strange/crappy/fake title.
  21. I don't. I think they need something to mix the gun-play up more though, especially for multiplayer. +WAI MOAR MAPZ
  22. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    Stop wasting our time with that shit. Every bloody thread! (Btw, that wasn't 'announced', per sé) more of a crummy n4g leak a few days back. Hardly an excitement inducing fiasco)
  23. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    Please say one of you hasn't forgotten about my request? Pretty please!?
  24. The imperfections in general make the game. I don't think I'd rather have it any other way, bar the removal of the odd second or two freeze mid-movement.
  25. Not sure what role karma plays in this game, but I think I'm gonna be a good dude. It's just that whenever I see magnum ammo, shotgun slugs, and stimpaks, I have to steal them, and unlock safes and doors for xp. I guess it'll affect which companions will embrace you, but I don't mind about them too much for now, encumberment is just about manageable for now. This game is very agreeable.
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