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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. They should do Lab playlists every week, it needs a bit of freshening up.
  2. Didn't make enough use of that time properly, wasn't properly concentrating and playing well. May still be more time in weekend to do well, but with me at Wembley tomorrow, and you at Shittington: Big Turd Venture we may have just skipped the best playlist opportunity ever.


    Still, it'll cycle back at one point, at which time you'll probably have Blooper Wario Embassy to play through.

  3. 2V2 is go, I've tested it, it's pretty awesome, and I've raped.

  4. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    Pretty cool, even if bad quality somewhat, it still gives a great picture of what it could be like. Looks like the protagonist of Read Dead is playing it at the start too, for win. Images: http://psxuk.blogspot.com/2010/05/new-beautiful-killzone-3-images.html
  5. That dodgems wreckage reminded me so much of the one in Fallout 3's Point Lookout DLC. The similarity is immense, unfortunately no pictures of it online.
  6. On ittttt!!! *as fuub noobs say*

  7. Those comparison photos are surprising. Because there isn't much to compare - it's gone from decent graphics to slightly more decent graphics.
  8. So you didn't expect me to reply to you, explaining how you got it wrong? OK. Well I thought I was helping, whether I was or wasn't; does it matter? Doesn't matter how many times you've completed it. Multiplayer is better than single player in most cases, bar the first playthrough in my opinion. Being a bit nasty there :wink:
  9. Paul Merton in China I remember watching this series when it first aired, and really enjoying it. There's something about the production that betters most documentaries about certain countries. It has an enchanting quality somehow, and is really relaxing to watch. Plus Merton is awesome. 9/10.
  10. Paragraph one: I've helped you, you've helped me, I've enjoyed and appreciated the Demon's Souls sessions. I'm just showing what I find annoying about some of your posts, even if I usually agree with you, I'm not expecting smilies, all I'd like was for you to chill out a bit. The amount of arguments you get caught up in is amazing, and I understand why. Paragraph 2: It's not about opinion. It just isn't, you actually don't get it. When you mentioned Smash Bros. and how everyone had it, but you still loved it; well, that's exactly the same as me with me. With this game I thought it would be an experience to share with just a select few. Even if this game were bad and I'd bought it, I'd still get that 'privileged' feel if it was sold badly. This applies to things other than games, like special objects etc that feel personal to you. Of course this doesn't impact on the actual game and my opinion of it, I'd just preferred this to be niche because I thought it was going to be a fairly quiet title, adoption wise. 'Elitism' plays no part. What I originally said was that I was 'put off' slightly. Not enough to stop me buying, not enough to tarnish anything, it's just an external factor that is slightly bugging. I wish I hadn't brought it up now, it's been blown out of proportion. Paragraph 3: My bad, didn't see the part after Fallout 3, but yeah, we can agree there. F3 and Red Dead are far more appealing than the standard sandbox games. Paragraph 4: I'm not confrontational, I'm open to a joke, as I'm sure you are. It's just your posts are irritating on the eye in the way you probe at people. I don't find this whenever I have a different opinion to someone else here. Your appeal to Cooky: As I've told you, I brought up Cooky's massive game library because he was always going to recommend Red Dead, so to him for me to complain about the niche feel is completely ridiculous. I have to be a bit wiser with my money, that's all. If you have the cash then fair enough.
  11. The theme tune is so much better than the show. Should've been used for something cool.
  12. You'll be better than him, your K/D was insane, mine mustve plummeted mega times to under 1.50 somewhere terrible. Tbf at the start I played a lot of plunder and didn't care about anything but delivery but still. Not good enough tonight.


    2v2 is gonna be very different.

  13. Wow there were some annoying people in that match, managed to rape them before I left which was awesome.

    You had some unfinished business though :D

  14. Yes. I'll be der lolz HAHAHA

  15. You'll have to stop your urge to turn your TV off when playing Read Dead then. COMEDY RAINBOW!
  16. Can I just clear this up? - I've never questioned the quality of Red Dead, I just said that it hampers the feeling of that new game somewhat when you have tons of other people playing it. For example, playing GUN on the Gamecube felt like I was alone in its world. This game is set up to be an online experience when I thought it was catering for a solo feel. I have no doubt the game is good online, it's just I thought it would be much more niche, and remind me of GUN in a way. If the game in question is Bad Company 2, or any game that I buy for online, then I'm glad about popularity. And this is why you irritate me sometimes, I've mentioned it before: You act extremely confrontational. Phrase your questions differently please, otherwise it sounds like you're bludgeoning every point you disagree with instead of posting an honest, friendly question. It's almost as if you have to comment on every part of someone's post even if there's only really one aspect you stand against. Firstly - no, it isn't elitism. Very judgemental comment there. Maybe you don't understand that a game may appeal more to me if it's less mainstream, but not due to the fact that I think I'm better or more knowledgeable than others because I 'spotted' it. There's a reason why I said 'generally' when referencing my sandbox dislike. Fallout 3 is an entirely different sandbox experience to the games that were mentioned i.e. Just Cause, and you were probably thinking of Red Dead. Games I could list in this pool that don't appeal to me include: GTA, Saints Row, Infamous, The Saboteur, Just Cause, Mercenaries, Red Faction, Prototype etc. None of those are like Fallout. Fallout is completely different from those for obvious reasons, and it's sandbox has vastly different dimensions and potential. The atmosphere, the narrative that isn't just a throw away to interrupt you from engaging in 3rd person action, and the RPG nature being give-aways. Now Red Dead Redemption for me doesn't belong in that list of titles I hate because, like Fallout, there are tons of focal points and extra things to do. That list of games feel like bunched together infrastructure, taking place in boring cities or towns, where you run around killing wave after wave of the same humans. RD:R and F3 almost brim with life in my eyes, and take place in interesting locales, as well as offering other elements that suit me more. Now that is me, I'm not sure there's anything to argue here. No six pages of discussion. However, with you there probably is, and I'm guessing an expected breakdown of each individual paragraph I've made, that comes to a head when you try to tell me how you don't sound confrontational.
  17. Me and Rez completely luld at this, it's simply made for us, and we can't thank NaughtyDog enough for allowing us the chance to completely rape everyone, hard. It's as much as a lab for us as it is for them, because we get to test, in controlled conditions with high internal validity - how much do we really rape. My hypothesis - Rez and Dwarf will completely rape up.
  18. I don't like Sandbox games generally speaking. Didn't enjoy the demo for JC2 either, I made a post detailing everything I didn't like about the game, it was quite extensive, but for some reason it was lost in one of the forum updates. Sorry to backhand your suggestion.
  19. I'm not having a go at you for playing games, I just think you should be more selective and get more value from your games. If you don't like Socom that much, save money on something better, and play something you haven't got much out of instead. No I'll be glad for you to get Demon's Souls. I'll have done with it by the time it hits here, plus we're a gaming community here so it's not going to be unusual to see a few people cropping up playing it online. When it's all you friends and cousins buying a game you thought was going to be less commercial it does reduce that new-game vibe somewhat.
  20. I largely disagree. Though it would be better said normally, I thought it was funny.
  21. Yeah but you have bought pretty much every half-decent game and DLC for the PS3, so you're always going to recommend stuff. For example you bought the Socom DLC and recommended it even though you've hardly played it, moving onto the next game pretty much straight away, there's always something new for you. If I think it's good enough, of course I'll buy Red Dead. I have listed it in my top 3 for the rest of the year for good reason, I'm not considering it at the moment though because of exams. Playing Demon's Souls felt awesome because it almost feels like a privilege to play the game, all imported/niche products have that feel.
  22. I wish they'd just stop staggering these VIP maps, just put them out EA. Or make some actual new maps. I had a quick blast on the game today after not playing for a while, didn't realise the update was recent. Didn't really notice any changes, although the Abakan was still packing a massive punch, which is good. I barely used it but the M16A4 seemed underpowered (this is probably just bad shooting on my part). The headshot hit detection is still dreadful.
  23. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    I want one, I just don't want one enough. If some shop did a scheme where you could trade in standard HDTVs for 3D TVs (obviously you'd have to pay a certain sum extra) I might be tempted. Problem is, current gen consoles are going to struggle with 3D, seeing as everything has to be rendered twice, or summut. This is one of the few games I'll happily buy brand new at release day.
  24. Just a track I noticed in one of the trailers
  25. A personal thing really, having tons of people on my friends list that are playing it makes it less niche. I don't usually mind if it's a big game but I didn't realise this would have the same kind of popularity factor as blockbuster releases.
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