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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. If this doesn't feature the kind of bullshit from Split Second I may consider aiming to get the platinum for this. That's the problem though, I don't know what the gimmick or big change to the game will be. Pacific Rift basically just had a massively more diverse environment and colour (as well as elemental effects on boost) , but because the sales of the game aren't brilliant I feel they might kill this by trying something too different.
  2. dwarf

    inFAMOUS 2

    Mutual wisdom and agreement victory.
  3. dwarf

    inFAMOUS 2

    Half of me wants to kill Nolan North.
  4. (Mine was meant to be a joke on Mike's post, shh)
  5. dwarf

    inFAMOUS 2

    I deleted my save, so a trophy-based system would be better. Which brings me nicely onto my next point. Don't bother with shards for fook sake. Seriously, stuff like that, feathers, video tapes in Godfather etc are all pointless. At least make them fun to collect by making them rare, put them in obscure locations or give a serious benefit from finding them. The treasures in Uncharted were almost there - they were all individually different and were quite fun to find (unless you went for the trophy first time). Like the secrets in Tomb Raider really. New sandbox item hunts just got it all wrong.
  6. Like education?
  7. dwarf

    inFAMOUS 2

    When I said more freedom and speed in movement - hopefully this provides it. Being able to leap high into the air, then hover (and what I hope for) boost whilst hovering to speed forwards to a new building, as you land perhaps have a massive skid forward and the friction heat created kills enemies. Would be win. And yeah, the constant machine gunning got really annoying. Give enemies bludgeoning equipment and hammers.
  8. Yes it does.
  9. The big external cost here is the visual pollution of having to look at the fats. (Epic apologies if you're fat lolwin)
  10. dwarf


    I'm just surprised they showed the temerity to call it an 'unprecedented' attack on America, seeing as in film and videogames that's about as original as the ending action cliché "this is gonna be fun". It just screams of Lost Planet 2, it's close to identical. Mechanics wise, graphics wise, character model/design wise and every other type of wise there is. The bosses have similar looking orange weak spots and the grapple-hook jump thing is the same. It just looks uninspired. As I said, it's essentially Lost Planet 2, with slightly better controls and visuals, presumably minus co-op.
  11. Are you sure? I'm pretty certain you don't come from down my way! (this is lame)
  12. Edited, cause you got it wrooong!
  13. Videogames, very well. (I used to play Trumpet to level 3, was pretty decent.)
  14. Pedant's point - they have removed the '3' from the title, now it's Deus Ex: Human Revolution. If you didn't know, it's a prequel to the original as well.
  15. Where's the 'just kidding' part to that post? I haven't seen Persia, but the new Robin Hood was shite. Just saw Batman Begins on ITV, not seen it before. I thought it was pretty awesome, maybe even better than The Dark Knight. Christian Bale was OK, but I can't help but feel there must be a few people that would've played the role more professionally/awesomely. 14.6/17.1
  16. Oh yeah, I forgot to say - running over stray people for ultimate win!
  17. IGN gave it a 9.5 http://uk.ps3.ign.com/articles/109/1094988p1.html I don't think you can play people online though.
  18. Doesn't necessarily mean they've been working on it for 3 or 4 years though. Remember Duke Nukem? I don't either.
  19. That's a very nice trailer, you can tell a lot of money has been invested into the presentation that's for sure.
  20. dwarf

    inFAMOUS 2

    I think the tedium got to him a bit with the game, as it did with me, so big breaks were needed. Get rid of the Karma system too Suckerpunch. Just give us an option at the start asking if we want to tear shit up or be hero, instead of giving us a primitive choice at each turn, because you know what path you're going to take before they tell you. Or you could make the system work by not limiting the powers you have if you're perfectly neutral. Abolish the upgrade menu, just allow Cole to automatically become slightly more badass at whatever karma. Usually I like abilities to upgrade but in this it was pretty poor, because you knew by the end you'd virtually have them all. Plus, if you're playing as good Cole you don't want overly powerful megaton ground pound for obvious reasons. And finally, give the final boss a SuperSoaker so that we don't have to experience a third entry. That would be lame. Wrap it up.
  21. Christ, it's sequel heaven on PS3 at the moment. I'm fine with that too, because they keep improving by quite a margin - Killzone, Resistance, Motorstorm and LBP are series which have seen vastly updated. From this I'd like to see a greater sense of speed than the last 2. It definitely existed but the turbo always seemed to be maxed and for me it was rare to get that real sense of BOOST POWERS! Also, a better drift/turning system that doesn't make your vehicle slow down to such an extent. Cooky will be pleased at this, if I end up getting it we'll have to try our demolition plan again somehow (i.e. driving backwards for epic crashes).
  22. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    Yeah that article is more about the single player campaign and level style break-down, rather than the general issues we covered.
  23. Well the Fallout karma trophies were a pain. I spend enough/too much time playing one or two playthroughs, so to make people play it three times is excessive, and I hope they don't feature in New Vegas. I forgot to ensure I had a save file before the level 8 one which was a bit annoying. I wouldn't have bothered if I'd forgot to make a separate one prior to level 20. The karma system is very flexible anyway. You could kill off everyone in an innocent location like Big Town, which would pretty much get you from a saint to a devil, or if you wanted positive you could just pay the church a couple of hundred caps for a remarkably easy turnaround. Didn't matter if you killed every friendly NPC in the game either.
  24. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    What sauce have you been using? I'm just going by the gameplay video I posted earlier, it looks like it has the same viewpoint.
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