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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. My dick constantly gets in the way - I can't sit down because it just props me up as if it were a third leg. Infuriating. --- Hilarity aside, there isn't much wrong, other than the fact that I can be quite susceptible to stress. Damn those neuro-chemical imbalances, you bastards!
  2. TS3 was built like a cinematic campaign, where as TS2 was more of a quirky cobbled together funhouse.
  3. Gerry Mcann: 'Heh, bit of an anti-climax that. Turns out her body's been found in the forest we left her in.'
  4. If you take the word intense/immense/incredible and roll it into one, there's your end product. Probably should have mentioned that recipe in the post.
  5. That's pretty good reading, some old school posts in there too.

    Btw Unch froze on me, going out now. Peace.

  6. Well I was putting humour in my post, and everyone knows that lots of pictures equate to comedy gold. The point is, at least it was interesting, whereas so many times I've either seen you make piss-poor attempts to attract a laugh, or more often than not you're too serious and bot like. Now before I the thread, I think a goodbye is in order. "goodbye/good riddance". Everyone continue, sorry for the argument. (officially ignore listed)
  7. It's not cringe-worthy, it's real. We're just progressing to the point where our relationship goes completely public. Also, can I just say that I don't find you funny? Cool. I know what your response to this may be, but I think using the ignore button is a good option for both of us, it has got to that point now. Man, I originally thought you were a good member.
  8. You win the prize that Sheikah missed out on, the unscrupulous tart-man.
  9. Was that the bomb disposal one? That level was frickin' mental on the hardest difficulty. I loved all the levels on the campaign, even though most people thought it was bad. I just found it to be hilariously eccentric and random, plus the environments were generally well thought out.
  10. Time for a proper post in all openhood -
  11. That's the thing with this rumour, he thinks he's true but he probably isn't. That's deffo the thing.
  12. Oh yeah I came up with that good synonym of win that we've been looking for - triumph. Don't know why I hadn't thought of that. Demolition triumph win if that's the case, good game modes needed seeing as the capture modes are never played.
  13. T'other day I was at Sheffield Uni and spent £1.40 on a big muffin, it looked a bit like this: but slightly poofier and wider and it had zest on top and generally looked better. Lemon Curd Muffin..... My God they're good. Omnomnom, munch munch munch. The centre is just heaven in a munchbunch.
  14. I'd also recommend seventh version of the RPG, not commonly suggested It may lead to this: And potentially this: There's a PS2 inside that somewhere.
  15. If you have a decent PC, get teh Fallout 3. If you have a Gamecube, get teh Paper Mario: TTYD If you only have teh PS2 & teh DS I can't help. I can't teh help.
  16. It was as much about the fact that Claire congratulated you about it. It seemed sweet and tragic at the same time. Like she was your Mum to you - a 5 year old that plays shooty videogames.

  17. You've made me IRLol thrice within 10 minutes for different posts. LOLLL.
  18. Oh lolz, I posted on my own wall XD. Will never do that again

  19. I would if I was underneath it.
  20. Just saw this on your Facebook:


    Michael Jamieson


    has earned a PlayStation®Network trophy in "Uncharted 2: Among Thieves™ ".

    Rock A Rhyme (Silver) Get 100 Tricky Medals

    3 hours ago via PlayStation®Network · Comment · Like

    Michael Jamieson likes this.


    Michael Jamieson YES! 100 TRICKY MEDALS! WHOOOOOO!!!!!

    about an hour ago


    Claire Ash WHOOOOOO!! Well done xx

    about an hour ago


    Michael Jamieson I am pro at shooting people with a pistol whilst holding onto a building.

    48 minutes ago


    How I chuckled. Dear God. Unmatchable serendipity.

  21. Saw your one on Facebook, was very good. If you didn't add the 'obviously it needs to be secure' it would've been 10/10, as it is, 9/10 from me. You should remake wun with maybe some juicy timing and that thing, and post it for me.
  22. Amazing stuff, local multiplayer with duff controllers etc etc in many ways can't be bested.
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