Spoilers you kents:
Hmmm I was expecting to follow this easily because I usually get films, but I sort of dazed during one scene and missed a few bits of important dialogue and so it spiralled into confusion there. I kind of get the structure but basically reading everyone's ideas here makes me think I've missed a whole film's worth.
I still enjoyed it, I personally thought all the actors were great. Yes to whoever said Arthur was cool. Nice effects, good dollops of humour as mentioned 'Heheh, did you see that... Oh'.
Best of all (not really the best but still) that forge guy used a fucking M32 Hammer grenade launcher, i.e. the one from Uncharted 2 (& this vid):
Can someone explain the whole chaining of the dreams, I was of the impression they have to wake up in sequence in order to wake up when in that van, but wasn't sure if they did.
Also, I must've missed the points when they went to a new layer somehow, it kinda merged for me, despite there being obvious cut-off points/scene changes.
Basically I'm going to watch it again when not under the influence of alcohol. That's my excuse. Actually fuck that, I blame the film not making it as clear as it could have done, with actors murmering under their breath, and major subtle reminders being excluded.
Great film though. Just wish the twattish Beyblade fell the fuck over at the end.