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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. I have no interest in seeing 24, just seems too farcical, with a twist every minute and Jack Bauer comes across as a prick, someone I wouldn't root for. The brilliance in watching all of these series I guess is that they'll provide different kinds of long term entertainment.
  2. Hahar! True. Yeah, I think we'd all get the job done quite easily.
  3. You'll not be a dad one day. jks ofc
  4. Basically there's 3 TV series I want to get stuck into and enjoy. If you're a heavy gamer, or a heavy gardener, or you're constantly working, I say it's high time to put aside some of your time to watch something enriching and excellent that's part of a series. I'm making a vow to watch The Wire, because it's apparently amazing. I'm sure a few of you guys have already checked it out. I'm trying the first series online (let's keep my method quiet shall we?) and then I'll probably buy the rest on duuvdeh or bluh-ruh. I also want to watch Battlestar Galactica and Mad Men. (Plus catch up on latest Family Guy series) Anyway, so yeah, make a vow to watch something, and report back on your opinions, or talk about any of the things I've mentioned here briefly r_r
  5. This used to be true, but yeah Chrome kicks ass.
  6. I use it every now and then, basically use it as bank. Sell stuff that's old, buy other old stuff, usually games. Got 39 (100% positive) feedback. Nothing special. I like the thing, though 10% ebay take is ridiculous.
  7. I'd go as far to say that I'd agree with that. Straw as well to make it a bit better. Sometimes drinking straight from the glass is good though. Either way, yes.
  8. No x 10 You were right first time with Lilt. For Coke it has to be full fat Coca Cola. For squash, lemon squash is the most refreshing. Tea > Coffee Water > everything, on select occasions. Still Lucozade has to be the Raspberry & something one, or wild berry NO J20, you're crap after one bottle. Lemonade = 7UP, the Zero version of this is very impressive. Cider > Any Beer Spirits are shit but if you're getting drunk then they're better than any beer. Alcopops = meh, too sweet, but better than beer. Whilst quite feminine, Peach Scnapps/Smirnoff Ice (multi-flavours) are better than most alcohol.
  9. You'll figure it out. I think Channel 4 may be watching us.
  10. Lilt. ---- The only way I could see this working is instead of having massive threads, the Rate threads have a new edition each month and are replaced etc. Also, other consoles needs new members, it's very dull in that board. It's almost worth going out of my to root some good people from other forums.
  11. Definitions of anarchy on the Web: a state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from a failure in admin choice) wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/NEgotpwnd
  12. Hopefully it won't affect existing accounts, because I was banned if you remember .
  13. It's not scientific, it's quite simple. I'm just saying that you should ignore the reticule. I wouldn't say that all the stuff is obvious, just know that there's a ton of techniques that will improve your performance that you won't know about. It isn't as straight-forward as an FPS.
  14. Just make sure to go to that spot opposite the second boss (5-2) where you can do the same thing. In fact, if you have a decent bow you can kill any world 5 boss amazingly easily. It's quite frightening really. There's 5 unique weapons I need for the unique weapon trophy. 4 of them are in Valley of Defilement, the only world I haven't done in my new playthrough, plus that'll mean I have pure white world tendency & pure black character tendency, which fill out requirements for 2 of those weapons. The other is in 3-1 where you have to have pure black WT, which is fine seeing as I've completed it. Black Phantom Rydell sounds difficult. Meh. Anyway, I'm going to obtain all of these weapons for pride. Slightly miffed I found the slug-nest and wacked it down in 5-2 but didn't bother to check out what was in it at the bottom. It's quite an annoying place to get to.
  15. Well seeing them before you is quite major, but seeing them when they've seen you and getting out of their line of sight is majorly important. By this I mean - where you go on the map, and how you use the camera. That's the key to Unch multiplayer, to manipulate it even whilst running somewhere, sometimes when jumping and basically just surveying when necessary, i.e. pretty much constantly. When I let a mate have a go, it's obvious why he does badly, because he just doesn't know how to use the camera well. If you're amazing, ala me, it becomes second nature, and I guess you'll grow better the more you play and the more you know the maps. You'd also surprised by the techniques, it's incredibly deep when you think about it. From simple things like when being near an enemy *hold fire/tap fire for half a second and then punch for the quickest kill* or elite stuff like doing L1 throw grenades and landing it perfectly on someone who's trying to hide or climb a ledge near you. Knowing when and when not to attempt to kill someone is something you can only really learn through dying in those circustances. For example you'd be surprised how much of an advantage a person has who's taken cover behind the same cover point first as you - blind fire from these positions is amazingly quick and accurate, scarily so. Also, it's generally a bad idea to be out of cover, waiting for someone to pop out of their's, unless you have a sniper or an RPG. It's just the fact that they can have their aim perfectly on you, and they have the element of surprise against you because they know when they're going to pop out, so they can start firing instantly and basically these people should always win from their position. Importantly for you: Knowing the weapons and the enemy 'hit-boxes' is truly of high importance. The AK-47 is amazingly inferior to pistols unless you are using Down the Irons. Down the Irons + AK is great for new players because killing enemies is a hell of a lot easier. But after time you'll learn that any pistol is better than an AK with that booster. Just a thing you did say - 'If I'm in a gunfight face to face I always seem to lose and it's not that I don't aim well or don't pay attention to recoil.' Firstly when you say you pay attention to recoil, I guess that means you're burst firing. Really, with an AK, you shouldn't ever stop holding fire when aiming at someone. You just have to control the recoil with the right analogue stick i.e. through aiming differently. You also have to make sure you're connecting for a long enough time, which with an innacurate AK, can take quite a while. Thirdly, you need to be sure of when you're hitting something. There should be a constant mini-rumble in your controller when you're connecting with the maximum number of bullets with it. If the rumble dies down at any point when you're shooting them, you could be killing them faster. What my friend was thrown at was how big the cross hairs seemingly go when shooting an AK. I think Naughtydog slightly overdid this, because it's more accurate than what the cross-hairs represent. When you're shooting, the most key thing is for the whole time to try and lock your cross-hairs on the biggest bit of the enemies hit box - their body. Basically, just imagine that there are crosshairs half the size of the ones that appear when your holding down R1 for a more than a second, then try and get hit the body with these cross-hairs to get that little rumble. Down the Irons basically reduces the recoil/cross-hair expanding so that more bullets hit when you're aiming at their torso. Anyway, hopefully this was all useful to you. It could improve your game somewhat.
  16. I was actually glad at the second part of the 'Life's unanswered questions', because originally I thought the first segment was crap because it was barely a pun, and I was thinking 'isn't it just forehead skin?'. The second segment was much better, because I thought that was where the decent joke was. Basically I believed the second part was meant to be a piss-take about the poor quality of the first (as if you knew it would be forehead skin but pretended not to). I agree with Murray, you should cut your clips so that people aren't left understanding the joke for a couple of seconds but you're still there, vacantly staring, trying to gauge our reaction from your bed. This is really the major criticism I have, because it can't be hard to edit surely. If there's an almost instant cut-off it works much more effectively. Our honeymoon is still good to go, just so you know.
  17. Console games feel better. Designated pad, trophies etc.
  18. Hang upside down from a doorway at night and squash her at the threshold. Obviously get multi-angle, possibly even Hawkeye in on the case. Have 999 on hold too.
  19. Probably. I just can't wait to try out the hardcore mode (which apparently nets you an awesome item at the end) whereby ammo actually has weight, and you'll certainly have to use radiated water to keep your health up. It's just going to be amazing, I know it will. More of something you just enjoy immensely should never be seen in a bad way.
  20. Don't worry about it, you attract lower level players, so that's fine. Getting a 0.5 kd isn't that bad for someone who hasn't played it much, doesn't know the techniques, and doesn't know map routes or what weapons are best. Just keep plugging at it and you may reach our standards. Actually I'm not going to lie, you'll likely never match us. We're insane.
  21. It should be in everyone's setup for at least 2 classes, it's amazing. Basically get you're favourite AR, a Spas, put on stopping power and grips etc and you're a beast. The SPAS is so great for clearing out portions of the map quickly, literally spin and shoot. Once you practice with it and appreciate it's range, it's hilariously good.
  22. They look like some pretty sweet, as I usually say. Can I have one of each before the lock?
  23. Nobody's talked about this for ages. If you hadn't seen the E3 trailer, then here it is: I'm rating everything about that, including what seems to be the main theme. I am pumped for this. Still weighing up whether or not to make this my first special edition thingamie ever. The cards are drawing me towards it. Watched the trailer from the PS Store which surprisingly made it seem all the more awesome. Wide-screen helps surprisingly. I love old American music. Here's the tune: Audio
  24. Deep Purple, song is pacey, leads somewhere and recognisable to me because it's on quite often in my house. The second song is fucking boring. Also, why Elbow featuring in 2 rounds?
  25. Free For All would be good if the spawns weren't so shite.
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