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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Incorrect information.
  2. Oh right, is it just a one shot per cast thing if you're using the spell normally? If so then mehhry.
  3. Second chance is intense, I only bothered with 2 miracle slots so I could use that. Once your Intelligence/MP is high, Soul Ray is v.good, although not that important. I found the Poison to be very useful, especially for when someone invades, because fairly few actually enter with antidotes, and so many end up trying to get away and find it quickly in their inventory, and you'll just be able to attack them when they try. You can also back into a corner and cast it a few times, which makes many unwilling to come towards you, giving you the chance to power up or get ready. It's also great when fighting mini-bosses or strong standard enemies if you get the chance, it's a pychological thing almost as you know you're constantly inflicting damage for a minute or two and every hit feels better than usual. It worked great when I was fighting the Old King for instance. One spell I haven't trialled is the homing soul arrow. It doesn't do massive damage but it creates several orbs that fire towards the target and it keeps going for a little while. Someone used it against me in the player boss fight and it was quite effective at breaking up my movements and generally pissed me off. Killed him eventually anyway.
  4. I was watching some of this today, and caught the wheelchair women's doubles game, it was pretty hilarious. I mean c'mon, women playing tennis!?
  5. Sounds like you're one of the types of players I see where I whisper the word 'twat' under my breath. I mean c'mon man, playing with Dyson? Eugh!
  6. I understand that sights aren't needed, but you may as well use them on a weapon if you're using an essential double attachment on your other. Marathon is nice to have and is a lot more fun but if I'm giving away my position the whole time with my USPs then I'm not going to do as well. My main class is the ACR & SPAS with claymores (scavenger,stopping power, ninja) but now that I've got my AK silenced I'll use that instead. At mid-range the kill time is incredible. Obviously I don't silence the SPAS, foregrip is my choice (according to some the foregrip doesn't do much for this gun, so perhaps a switch to extended mags is better? Luckily neither of those weapons truly benefit from 2 attachments though.
  7. You get that from here by any chance? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDr9hD0Yat8
  8. Just unlocked AK... One of my favourites.
  9. Seeing ghosts walking around is just a completely brilliant idea. Gives a little confidence to see there's other people playing irl/irt and shows you aren't alone (even though you are). Plus they can make you jump if you know you've cleared an area and one pops round a corner as you've left your guard down. I think it would be a great experience on and offline, though online is definitely the way to go if you can. There's nothing like it.
  10. I was rolling in and missing a lot of them because I don't think they're as necessary as you. I may attempt and fail but that's what happens sometimes. I've not argued that the morion blade/CRR isn't great (I know I don't have it) I've just said it isn't essential. Ok it might make lizards and Allant pretty piss but frankly you don't have to hunt for it, especially not as a new player. So what other amazing weapons do you need pures for? Getting round with standard weapons and the odd forge is more than enough. Like you mentioned - the Meat Cleaver is easy to get and it's absolutely insane. No need for pures.
  11. Deffo trying that out at somepoint. Just completely cool. I'm surprised how good this series is seeing as I thought all these myths would be common knowledge by now if they were true. I disagree with Flameboy; I kind of want them all to be true, or at least partially. If they dig up something awesome about another of my favourite games I will be mega-enthused.
  12. Practically bum Rez? I do bum him. The thing is, whenever I make a post I do know if I'm making a Rez-influenced one and when I'm not. It's not like I'm unaware of it. Maybe I like to incorporate some of that stuff because I find it to be pretty funny personally. Whether you do or not I don't care so much. You've obviously misinterpreted me there - Of course pure ores are important but you find enough of them just lying around or by killing the occasional crystal lizard without having to consciously go out with the CRR and Morion blade. (or whichever way you can get them) Yes you can make great weapons with ores, and you've tried to turn that on me by suggesting I didn't relise that. Oh shit he might want to complete games? I'm aware that many players here like trophies, I'm a massive completionist myself, but I do not believe mining crystal lizards is enriching, fun or needed to be a 'completionist' in this game. Getting stuck into this game does not mean you have to do the chores of killing these creatures, they're just fuck annoying. By doing what I said for the trophy - getting a player to give you the weapons - it is a lot less hassle and you really aren't missing out on anything by doing this. Do pay special attention to killing the ones you come across, it's fairly easy if you have a hammer type weapon and you roll/use thiefs ring (heck using a bow obviously works quite well), but apart from a select few times when you're trying to forge a particular weapon it isn't that important to go out of your way to find their spawns. I condone finding all the rings/making the unique weapons yourself, but ores.... No.
  13. It's actually a fusion language that isn't solely Rez-filled. I'm pretty sure that very few people are going to bother with crystal lizards that much because it's hardly worth going for those trophies by doing it the long way. I never used the CRR for those situations and I killed more than enough lizards to do what I wanted. I have tons of shit ores that just aren't going to be useful simply because they aren't necessary. Basically I spent most of the game not using the ring and was very happy without it. BED.
  14. It's a good level, but I sure as hell wouldn't want to start out on it. All I'm saying is that there's no need to bombard newbies with advice like that, when it makes no sense. I doubt anyone would want to go back and read it all here, getting the morion blade and the rats ring just doesn't have to be done at this stage, plus it isn't the priority when you've not even levelled up. Ize gonna give relevant/general/useful advice for what people need to know at the start, going off on tangents is failblog-bound. Why you're bringing up the co-op sessions in your argument is beyond me, seeing as I was playing for the funz, seeing as it is, but learning a bit from a more experienced player at the same time. I thought I was helping you out a bit, seeing as you wanted me to play through a level and a certain couple of bosses with you. I'm not going to hold it as a grudge seeing as it's tit for tat and enjoyable for winrar. Try not to get too caught up in all this man.
  15. Well I need Bling so that I can have akimbo and silencers on the usps, honestly you should try it when you have the chance. I use the Uzi at close range also, but if there's a target that I might be able to pick off a slight distance away it helps to aim. It is nice having marathon but it's actually one of the less amazing perks in the game. I don't like how stopping power and cold-blooded are in the same perk slot because they are both incredibly beneficial.
  16. Lulz I knew you and Aimless would buy it. Explain whyeee. Tell me moar Tell me moar Was it Love at content? *I must stop degrading into Rez speak. Or is that upgrading? No.
  17. Yeah, I'd agree with that demo example, and it would be ultrally obvious if multi-format demos get released on XBLive & PSN+, but aren't released on PSN. More potential lose stems from the problem of limiting the evolution of PSN, namely the automatic downloads feature. Why should you have to pay to get that? If Plus was never invented I'd assume that would've been created anyway.
  18. He likes to do that. And yeah on his latest - just go craft a Morion blade & get the clever rats ring tbh. Simples. Ya know, just stroll in and craft one, no explanaish needed. You're taking notes right? No need seeing as you'll deffo remember all this. Seriously though: There's no rush to go to these worlds in any particular order, just do what is manageable. Trying to get through the slog and annoyance of world 3 is not what you want to be doing, especially just for that ring.
  19. I'm not sure what the point of subscribing to Plus now is if you have most of the content that's available to you in the first couple of months. Be patient and get a year subscription slightly down the line is what I say. The service would be a lot more attractive if you could get discounts on everything (thinking back on it this may actually be a feature) but even still, early adopters to me come across as people who are buying it because it is there, or BLATANTLY because they want the '+' icon next to their name. I think the service will expand in the future because it isn't currently offering that key thing. I'm still concerned that standard PSN will suffer because of the subscription service, and it will probably stop evolving to where it should be. Murwah tell me if ya think Ize wrong.
  20. Can't remember saying they all were but that's completely fine. Other useful rings for me were - Ring of Avarice (more souls per kill. I basically put it on if I can get away with it just before I finish off a boss, as many of the boss arenas have purposeful spots where you can evade them completely, so just pop it on for a pisstake victory soul-rape festivity winrar), Ring of flame or poison Resistance & Ring of Magical sharpness (although this one probably won't be the case for you). I'd argue Regenerator's ring can be pretty helpful too. In all honesty you shouldn't worry too much about rings. If you were to ever use one, thief's ring is the essential. However it is largely dependent on your situation and the world you're in, and sometimes it's better to not have thiefs ring on if you are fairly confident when playing, in which case Avarice can be potential lullification or whatever emotion you want. Imma stop bombarding you naow, just play ze game constantly and you'll have a ball with the superb ambience only rivalled by a select few games, like Mario Kart.
  21. Well... Haha of course we do. Sometimes anyway. Just kidding! But not really I want to kill him [Jesting/] or am I?... yes.
  22. Have borrowed this for a fair while, it's hilarious. Just recently found the most lol class in the book (for me personally) Bling Pro, Stopping Power Pro, Steady Aim Pro Primary - Mini Uzi with rapid fire and red dot (will probs attach silencer in place of red dot) Secondary - Akimbo silenced USPs (use these as if they were primary) Throwing Knife, Smoke Grenade Obviously streaks vary to your taste/ability. Personally I go for Pred/Harrier/Pavelow. The class is so good because both weapons swap so quickly and they deal massive damage. Plus you move really fast and knifing is quick when holding the pistols. Killing is so fun with both weapons, I enjoy.
  23. It isn't once you get into the game, the bosses are on the whole pretty piss and you'll realise body form ain't that important. There are a hell of a lot of 'wtf?', 'why?', 'how the hell was i meant to know that?' moments in terms of game design and weirdness. You could call it charm, but I'd say it's a little irritating. Just read back through the thread and lold at some of my comments (either because they were funny/harsh/or just plain n00bish) Basically 3 important things you should know for now: -Whenever you collect shards/chunks of stuff (raw materials basically) go to the stockpile guy and dump them on him. He has unlimited capacity for the lolz, and it saves you carrying the weight around. You never need them on your person. - You can get your body back ALSO by using the stone of ephemeral eyes. However, the item really isn't as good as it seems. If you die in body form in any world, something called world tendency goes down. This makes the enemies much stronger, so it's best to complete a level in soul form if possible as it may be easier this way. The ephemeral stone isn't really that rare and I've basically got a ton of them that just won't be used. World Tendency changes a lot of things but you'll figure it out down the line. - There's various useful or evil Non-Player-Characters in the game that you can talk to/rescue & talk to. Once you've freed them, they appear in the Nexus somewhere, and you can either trade or learn stuff from them. However, some NPCs are evil and could cause a ruckus in the Nexus.
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