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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. What is Daft Punk?
  2. So I don't know about this strange comic series, I hadn't heard of a certain mainstream song, and I've never watched Tron. This makes me culturally unaware? No it doesn't, I think you're just mistaken by the idea that everyone should be accustomed with this pool of 'knowledge' that you have. I'm unaffected by all this bullshit 'x' year old stuff. Some of my posts are lazy, some I take time over, meh. Nothing to say really. Had to read your comment Sheikah because it was there. I find it interesting that you believed I'd only include randomness/jokes/mispelling after I encountered Rez as it were. The main things he introduced to me were 'irl' lolz etc, the switcheroos, and certain grammar. The thing is, anything I post now that could be considered funny you immediately strike down and label it as a Rez post. Silly. Fair enough if you don't find him funny at all (not exactly sure how you can't), but to state that he is not funny, period, well. There must be some reason why he's consistently voted funniest member. If you have any questions feel free to contact me here, by email or in this thread if mods allow it. Yours Sincerely dwarf gourami
  3. You worded all that in a very obscure way. Title tongue twister toils with my twisting toothbrush twirling taster. Anyway, I'm pretty sure this is not what you're after, but it's applicable to your title so it'll do. Basically you reminded me of Heavy Rain, a certain scene that made me scream with tensity and scaryness. Both made up words. Massive spoiler warning for those that haven't, but intend to play it. It's one of the most amazing/shocking moments in videogames, heck, in entertainment. The interactive element just makes it so "OMG FUCK THIS SHIT!"
  4. I was just referring to the fact that Dannyboy always says stuff doesn't exist in Denmark. Next he'll tell us that there aren't any girls.
  5. First I'm 14, then I'm an old man. Ize confuzed.
  6. There is a thread. Seems popular. Have no idea what it is myself.
  7. Are you sure you just haven't been outside before?
  8. Impulse bought Tekken 6 for £17 in Gamestation today. Whilst that's not the best price you'll see, it was in a shop, and it felt right, so fuck you. Btw there were some pretty good deals going in there, 2 for £20, including games like Bayonetta and Bioshock 2. Nothing I particularly wanted though. Anyway, I love teh tekken, it's badass. Played for 5 minutes and obviously enjoyed how familiar it all was (again). Bought it mainly because I imagine it being hilarious in survival mode against a friend or two. Was tempted by MAG but it was £22 and I wasn't feeling it. Too much of a fan to not pick this beast up.
  9. Exactly true. I just made the mistake of watching the first 5 videos in this IGN coverage of the multiplayer: http://uk.media.xbox360.ign.com/media/142/14276699/vids_1.html It looks fucking awesome. Argh, is there no get around? Going to have to borrow a 360 off a friend or something. Bungie are developers for gamers, you can just tell.
  10. I had no idea Dante.
  11. Believe me, I want it a lot. But very few games would make me buy a system. In fact, I can't think of any game that would make me.
  12. I like pictures of spiders, but when they're irl, that's bang out of order. I blame my Mum for making me fear them, her screeching is engrained into my brain from early childhood (she also screeches when sees spiders, Haii-Ohhhh!) Stupid classical conditioning.
  13. I'm calling bullshit on that one. Ready to see giant gourami?
  14. Like what?
  15. Were you impressed by me?
  16. What the shit!?
  17. It's good Dr.Dare, but not the experience everyone is after. It just isn't worth buying a system and Live etc for one.
  18. PS3 KZ2 beta confirmation video BLOGLY! http://www.ironstarmovement.com/profiles/blogs/killzone-3-multiplayer-beta This isn't a sign up, just confirmation of existence.
  19. We've been over this!
  20. Lolz. (I know what you mean) But yeah, campaigns in FPS suck balls unless they're futuristic or quirky in my opinion. KZ2 was terrible in that department. Connection issues? I haven't experienced any, the problems I have are in the loading times, and that matches can feel a bit sluggish. The weighty feel is good but sometimes you want to get moving and get into the action faster. Plus, many of the maps were designed terribly, Guerilla doesn't know what they're doing in that regard. Vetka Cruiser was probably the only really well designed map, the rest, while some of them good, have a lot of flaws and generally have boring expanses and needless sections.
  21. If you read some of my posts in that god-forsaken shithole of a board, you'd find me 'complimenting' the controls and being intrigued for games like The Conduit, and the new Goldeneye. I said when I bought a PS3 that I'd like Wii controls for my shooters, I just never thought it would happen. I don't necessarily think aiming is easier with a pointer, but it is more fun. Of course I trolled in the board, and even though I wasn't being (100%) serious, people took offense by the humour, which is hardly surprising as at least half the regulars there are braindead. I was tempted to buy The Conduit for a Wii-owning friend just so I could have a go myself, plus if I'm round it's always tempting to try Cod WaW. As for Killzone - it's a lot different to any other FPS, but people judge it without playing it. They did make some things really annoying in the multiplayer, as Choze said, the patches made the bots tremendously enfuriating, but it just needs a few tweaks and it'll be there.
  22. I knew I'd forgotten something, was intending to write it down. But meh, it looks pretty shite, run of the mill rubbish. People say it's a lot more like Cod but it's so god damn similar to BF I don't know why they do. KZ2 & Res 2 served me well for 6 months, so to see them both again would be fantastic. Really interested in seeing Res3 multiplayer, because the first 2 online were vastly different to each other, but both awesome. I loved the arcade style and the weapons etc. Rargh, stop teasing me Insomniac.
  23. I should've made the joke more obv, obv. :awesome: Rargh I just feel like lynching someone....
  24. Losetube. I at least thought Crysis 2 was December. Ahh well, include Killzone and stuff as well in that case.
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