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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Candy is such a horrible word. It feels sickeningly American and juvenile and eughhhhhhh. But uhhh... I used to really like sidenote- i see what Rez meant by shitty Google Images. Edit: gotta love this phail
  2. Can you let me know what Motorstorm: Arctic Edge is like please? Oh, and Wipeout Pure. Cheers!
  3. The closest thing I've come to text based games / interactive fiction was through this thing called Xi, a Playstation Home space that was basically this really cool and challenging mystery thing, with various puzzles and challenges that took place across different 'in-Home locations' and across the web. One of the spaces included this gem of a game: you basically use the analogue to go in a direction or control your inventory/actions. I'd happily pay for a full retail game of that, except with graphic changes that made it less strenuous on my retinas.
  4. 5 minutes and was thinking 'shit murmery dialogue, it'll probably improve'. 15 minutes in I was thinking 'shit, it's gonna be like this the whole film? Surely not! I haven't understood anything since it started' 30 mins in, thinking 'shit, what am I doing? I can't stop watching this drivel now. That was a bad move 15 minutes ago - thinking I should carry on and hope to understand what the fuck is going on. I think what's happened is that I needed to know what's been going on in every single minute, including the first 5, otherwise I have no chance of grasping it all. Ah well, may as watch the whole thing' At the end 'shit, I gained nothing by staying with it'. ---------------- I totally understand what you meant with the 'couldn't watch it'. I was in sheer boredom and it took roughly 7,500 acres of effort to just keep with it. And yet you have the ability to pull yourself up for another viewing Daft?! Wtf is wrong with youuu!?!?! Jesus Christ N-E, don't waste your time with it. Sorry, watch week 2 film now or summut, or just shout at an OAP or something more productive. Argh.
  5. Meh, I'd rather watch something good, not 'interesting because it's old'.
  6. I don't know why, but I like having lots of 'blue' envelopes in Gen Chit Chat. Makes it seem fresh (and win) in multiple ways.
  7. Maybiez, might be at a music festivelt, however me and Rez still need to get the co-op hard trophy. I need to do it on Village and Sanctuary, he only needs it on the sanctuary. I'll give it to him anywhere tbh.
  8. Primer: A boring, confusing mess of a film. I went into watching it not knowing what to expect, and that was a massive failure. I understood the basic concept of it all but came out of it so confused that I had to Wikipedia it afterwards to get the details. I'm not surprised it's got a cult following, but that's probably a very small minority. JUst not explained, and I was waiting for a 'dum dum dum' moment but it never happened. Ugh 1/10 I don't like film club What a terrible film to start on!
  9. The Midnight Express, if not too many people here have seen it, should definitely be watched. Favourite type of film i.e. escapist. But it's quite the emotion-ale.
  10. Well, I'm 5'11 and waiye 63kg. Just goes to show the comparison in the way we spell. Edit: if were to BMI this I think I'd end up a KG or two 'underweight', and you'd be straddling the 'morbidly obese, please just moderate for a god damn while' line. Ya might wanna check up on that though.
  11. Audio If someone could happily PM me an easy aquisition link method I'd happily take part.
  12. You're not funny enough to be the Joker. (you are really)
  13. Well it is intended for those between years 1-4, so I guess he probably does.
  14. Can ya tell us when the first comic will be up? I want to see this drivel!
  15. Start over again after this one little mishap... Genius. Your posts are good Wes, and to see you being reborn would shake my world apart.
  16. I think it has something to do with the calories you consume and the calories you burn.
  17. Yeah... If I kept you waiting then the extent to which I'm sorry is untold.

  18. Sorry, was at the rec. Give me a shout if you want a bash.

  19. Yeah I actually changed it to that. I'm crap with the knife unless I'm using a knife class anyway, takes me quite a long time to think of the button press when someone rounds a corner into my face. Occasionally I get a reflex one but I fail horrid most of the time.
  20. Someone was ever so slightly pissing me off, it was just a dude with marathon and lightweight and a riot shield, and I kept failing horrendously when I encountered him. Managed to sneak on him multiple times but failed to put him to bed because his shield defended his back with tremendous courage. Quite an interesting tactic. He was using akimbo PP2000s, not bad.
  21. I've just checked to see if I missed something horrific, but no: http://screenrant.com/inception-spoilers-discussion-kofi-68330/3/ I was kind of hoping it wasn't a dream, guess we'll not know til sequelage Edit: Obviously the cliff-hanger ending is intended that way, although I'm sure some pedant will deduce an actual outcome.
  22. I don't deem that fail.
  23. Spoilers you kents: Hmmm I was expecting to follow this easily because I usually get films, but I sort of dazed during one scene and missed a few bits of important dialogue and so it spiralled into confusion there. I kind of get the structure but basically reading everyone's ideas here makes me think I've missed a whole film's worth. I still enjoyed it, I personally thought all the actors were great. Yes to whoever said Arthur was cool. Nice effects, good dollops of humour as mentioned 'Heheh, did you see that... Oh'. Best of all (not really the best but still) that forge guy used a fucking M32 Hammer grenade launcher, i.e. the one from Uncharted 2 (& this vid): http://dsc.discovery.com/videos/future-weapons-m32-grenade-launcher.html Can someone explain the whole chaining of the dreams, I was of the impression they have to wake up in sequence in order to wake up when in that van, but wasn't sure if they did. Also, I must've missed the points when they went to a new layer somehow, it kinda merged for me, despite there being obvious cut-off points/scene changes. Basically I'm going to watch it again when not under the influence of alcohol. That's my excuse. Actually fuck that, I blame the film not making it as clear as it could have done, with actors murmering under their breath, and major subtle reminders being excluded. Great film though. Just wish the twattish Beyblade fell the fuck over at the end.
  24. I just imagined you in a film, narrating yourself as you make that joke, and then it goes into slow motion with shots of your laughing face, and the few others laughing with you, as you think this is your big breakthrough. "They laughed! It was an amazing feeling!"
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