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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. We had this thread before didn't we, and someone was making the point that 'no, you shouldn't shoot them or slice them up because as soon as you get Zombie blood on you you could get the germs, but your hands in your mouth and get infected and die and it wouldn't be very clever and wah wah wah I've thought about it too much. I'd imagine a zombie apocalypse to be kinda awesome. You'd be scared in a kinda 'cool' way. Surviving would bring a real sense of achievement. I don't know what the most obvious thing to do would be. I'd probably stay in the house the first day and be content that my fort creation abilities had usefulness irl endangerment situations. Then I guess it would be a family thing - check the news, try and save the family, join the communal shelter wherever it may be. Although that might be dodgy. If not, I'll just by a load of plants, mainly Ice Peas.
  2. As long as it winds you up, I'm happy. (Y)
  3. I don't know how mine sounds to other people, but 'in my ears' it's fairly deep. Thing is, I get this mic echo and it makes my voice sound really weird and shit and I just hope that it doesn't sound like that to other people. Though it probably does, I don't like my voice :/ Gah, I just get on with the blogging. Too right. Plus, Cooky makes you look awesome, you always have him to fall back on
  4. I know, I wasn't sure if you were even on the mic Sup with that dawg? All I could tell was that you had a real deep voice. When I asked if you had the DLC, there was this little squeak of a 'no' and I was thinking 'is this some privated gimp or something?'. Then I asked again to see if I heard right, and that's when Arnold Schwarzenegger replied.
  5. Possibly. And that was the perfect shotgun surprise I sprung on you at the end. Reeled you in reeeeeeeal nice. Edit: Unless we miraculously get the full 10 people for custom games, I think I'll set it up so we play publicly for cash because somehow it wasn't as fun having it N-E vs. N-E (I must've been mistaken about my earlier comment). Anyway, thanks to all those who said were going to join and did join. To those who didn't: thou hath sinned
  6. dwarf

    Halo: Reach

    They speak alien. Also, you probably can't see the differences because you don't play FPSs much.
  7. Video killed the blooo-o-og star Video killed the blooo-o-og star In my lol and in my blog, we can't re-blog we've gone too far. Pictures came and broke our blog Put the blame on the blogging star!!! .... You areeeeeeeeeeeee, a blogging star-ar-ar-arrr!!!!!
  8. I'm going on now. I want to see Aimless, Ganepark, drahc and Dog there. Me and Jon and Cook will probs be waiting for you in teh lobbeh! I'd say it's more advanced then that. But I'd be lying. UPDATE FOR Y'ALL I'm making a custom game party, elimination, max rounds 3, max time limit 2. So don't worry about waiting long for games to finish if you want to join the party. Get on now.
  9. I'm happy to do an all nighter. Also UPDATE edit above.
  10. You're getting very chummy all of a sudden I like it UPDATE Right, everyone add each other if they haven't from the list - MattC_64 - me ReZourceman Micro_Jon MadDog91UK drachcon Ferine Matt_RN Cookyman1970 (+ Ganepark once his ID is known) Then the target time to get on is 9.45pm (cause it suits me, I need a pizza first) feel free to hit up before or after, Cooky and Jon have already got the ball rolling. If we get enough people we'll do some private games (which is epicly amazing as the Man of Cookies will attest). Don't feel pressured to put on your mic or have the dlc. There's literally 0 pressure to sound cool if you are on headset, seeing as there's no point and it's lols the less formal it is. Very easy to settle in imo. Be there.
  11. Gamestation is your irl retailer best bet, frankly. They're pre-owned deals are nigh on close (sp) to eBay dealingz.
  12. You're also in. Don't be shy, you win. OK? We'll sort this another time. I require Sanctuary and Village on Hard mode. Sactuary on crushing is a kent. But yeah we'll make sure everyone has 100%, no questions asked. Disclaimer - questions probably will have to be asked. But I'll pose them.
  13. I'd agree, but it won't happen. Plus it wouldn't be as awesome as Uncharted, KZ maps are too big, plus it isn't as loltastic to shout at people. Get Unch 2 in your disc drive.
  14. You're in You're in You're in, unless you fart around doing shit like that when we need to capture the fucking treasure. :P It's fine, you don't need the DLC (well you kinda need it because it is awesome). Join us, I'll add you. You're a prick.
  15. The thing is, team wise, N-E were awesome today. Dog has turned out to be quite the team player, and Cough was the resident shotgunner. Then there's me and Rez: the rest is history. It sometimes depends on that 5th member, but still. We must do this more.
  16. This is a massive punt and I'm pretty sure it won't be fulfilled, but do you reckon we could get a full N-E party going tonight (i.e. 5 players)? Say, be on the game and be alert from 9-11pm. Owners from N-E, even if we haven't played with you much, join us! Maybe we could even get some intense private matches going, say elimination or something? Potensh players (online IDs) MattC_64 - me ReZourceman Micro_Jon MadDog91UK drachcon Ferine Matt_RN Cookyman1970 +moar I've forgotten probably
  17. I just watched myself in the game where I went 19-1 in 2x speed, it was pretty impressive, then for the lolz I looked at your 17-4 in the same game in 2x. We're fucking incredible. Seriously, the skills that were shown by us in that round could melt the sun.
  18. That was seriously amazingly insane. So good. I want to do more right now. I've just been cinemarring everything and man it's hot, turned on. I can't remember what Rez did that turned me on but it was certainly something special... Might've been a Deagle headshot. I checked that haxflip out, turns out it was a triple back-hax into faceplant humiliation pound. Also, a few hilolious tripledz. One with the Hammer where I somehow god-like take out 3 bellends without killing the Jon, then we just gently jog away from the situation, him with a shotgun in tow. Bad. Ass.
  19. dwarf

    btw thats the best prof colour scheme ive seen

  20. dwarf

    KK kitteh, napz finez bi mee

  21. Everyone knows that! YOU MAKE ME ANGRY!!!!!
  22. dwarf


  23. No it was bang out of order. Racism towards cats, specifically ones owned by Murray. I think you hurt his Felix, Rez.
  24. The confusing thing about all this is how that guy managed to double hax backflip (haxflip) after being convinced to be pulled down by the JamiesonMan. goDdaM you eavesdropping nob... \:o/ Edit: I'm cinemarring dat right now
  25. That was monstrously good. 5 hour charted session, with only one or two annoying games. Guys, that was sommat else. Srsly
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