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Everything posted by Jack

  1. Jack


    Oh, God, no. People need to stop giving Joss Whedon work.
  2. Jack


    It's a show about a bisexual time traveller who fights aliens from a secret base underneath Cardiff. The show is silly through and through, and I loved it.
  3. I don't think veils should be banned totally. I think if a woman wants to wear a veil, why should anyone stop her? Certainly they shouldn't be forced to wear them, but banning clothing is just stupid. I wonder how many people here who are calling for a ban got up in arms when there was talk of banning hoodies. The difference is that none of the other religions were started by a completely fucking retarded Internet campaign to try and bait the Government into recognising a sci-fi police force as an official religion.
  4. The only album you ever need for any gathering: Party Animals by Turbonegro. "Wasted Again" is an awesome song. What you're describing isn't "party music", it's "fucking appalling excuses for sound which people think have to be played at parties because they're always on whenever your dad's had a couple of cans of Red Stripe and is boogieing on down, and the world's a little darker and we all die a little more inside music".
  5. I'd kill to have Sanchez's voice. "I'm in a dead-end. I've been cornered by some cutlery. I think I can take them. A whisk, a tin opener, and a spatula. Yeah, I'll take the whisk out first and hold them off as long as I can. ARGH! I'm hit, I'm down. Yep, got me in the leg. They'll be after you next. Bye!" "Let's do this."
  6. "You again, you bastard..."
  7. They're going to release an adapter called the Xbox 360 Wireless Gaming Receiver for Windows soon. http://www.xbox.com/en-US/hardware/x/xbox360wirelessgamingreceiver/
  8. The TV detector van is a crock of shit. All it is is a laptop in the back of the van with a database of who has and hasn't got TV licences, and they work on the premise that everyone has a TV.
  9. We already had that discussion. It basically ended with me calling everyone a c**t. Cest la vie.
  10. Cheap AAs?
  11. Beats me. Developer laziness to add the option? Pretty much all of Nintendo's games supported 480P. Even then, Nintendo didn't seem to be too fussed about pushing 480P to people - if you wanted the necessary cables, you had to buy them direct from Nintendo, and removed the Digital AV Out from later GameCubes because barely anyone used it.
  12. Games are rendered progressively, then the image is interlaced when it's sent to the TV. There's no reason why there isn't an option in the GameCube's system menu to constantly output in 480P - the Xbox has the option to, if you've got component cables attached. I reckon Nintendo will probably offer the option this time round though - more people have 480P compatible TVs now than when the GameCube launched.
  13. It shouldn't be any effort at all - games are rendered internally at 480P before being interlaced.
  14. Jack

    Doctor Who

    October on BBC 3.
  15. You should get some smoke then. Everyone else is having fun and you're not. :p
  16. Because they're really, really fun.
  17. I picked up a totally sweet flannel shirt in Flip in Newcastle the other day. Classy. Awesome socks there.
  18. If you're having trouble shaving, invest in the following: Gillette M3 Power razor King of Shaves shaving gel Nivea for Men aftershave balm I usually shave after I've had a shower - the hot water softens up your skin and your facial hair, and makes it easier to shave away. Remember to take your time while shaving. It's not a race, and you won't cut yourself if you take it slowly. Work with the grain as much as you can - running against it will irritate the skin if you do it too much. Keep the water hot and the blades sharp - if you use a three week old razor and mildly warm water, you won't get the best effect. Once you're done, rinse off with cold water and apply a bit of the aftershave balm. I used to have really bad spots, but my skin's awesome these days.
  19. The tenth planet blatantly isn't 2003 UB313, it's Mondas.
  20. The PS2 wasn't designed to natively output VGA for games (It can for the Linux kit though), so there won't be any cables like the 360's VGA cable. You can always use an X-RGB2+ and an RGB cable to do the job. Incidentally, I'd like to sell mine, if anyone's interested. :P
  21. Whatever gender it is, I would.
  22. I had to have a lie down after that scene.
  23. Sounds like a slow Tuesday afternoon.
  24. Cheese Steak on Hearty Italian for me. My dad's marketing company does the ads for the North East franchises, so I always get shitloads of half price vouchers for free.
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