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Everything posted by Solo

  1. The demo is up on Live has anyone tried it? I can't help but feel slightly disappointed, for all the development time it has had it just feels (and looks) like a stealthier Gears of War. The controls feel a bit fiddly and i'm just a little tired of seeing the Unreal 3 engine. I have faith in the full game though
  2. As preachy/whiny as that sounds I pretty much agree with you. (and I am also enjoying FFXIII but not on the level of previous installments)
  3. I'm also loving the battle system, yet everything else (running around the field etc) just isn't that great. It really is too linear and I miss adventuring to random towns, mingling with the locals. I hope they go for a more traditional angle (or a radical change around) for the inevitable sequel (XV).
  4. Vanille is already the worst FF character ever, where did she get her accent from?
  5. I've been playing it for about half hour too and so far it's pretty bland, i'm literally just running forward occasionally pressing A. I'm sure it'll get more interesting I just need to stick with it. The thing that annoys me the most though about the 360 version is that the cutscenes (both FMV and in-game) don't seem to be in HD! Talk about low res!
  6. Solo

    Halo: Reach

    I think you mean semi-automatic.
  7. Maybe if you get real lucky Leona Lewis will descend from the skies above and grant you a signed copy.
  8. Eeeeee I actually can't wait for that Is it me or is Jake Gylenhaal sounding just like Matt Berry?
  10. Solo


    Damnit! I didn't have much fun with the first two DLCs (mainly because I couldn't find any players, doing it solo is no fun), so I sold the game. Then they release this arghhhh.
  11. BAM perfect answer.
  12. Aliens vs Predator Bit crappy, I liked it at first, such as the colony stage with the marine but it just went downhill pretty quick. Boring level design, awkward controls and meh graphics left me feeling rather underwhelmed. I actually found the marine campaign to be the weakest! As a fan of the films you can look past it's many faults but I doubt non-fans would get anything out of this. 6/10
  13. As a continuation of the original series surely they could be a bit more adventuerous with the level design. Maybe include Tails and Knuckles? I think they're just playing it a bit too safe, looks too much like Sonic 1 damnit!
  14. If anything it looks like a sort of cel shaded reboot of the original.
  15. They've certainly shrunk I can tell you that much. Maybe Kraft can bulk them up a bit.
  16. I'm playing through the marine campaign and it was great fun at the beginning, atmospheric and well paced but now i'm outside with the temples and it kinda sucks.
  17. But.. but at least it has Ripley (and Ron frikkin Pearlman for that matter!) AVP has... an ageing Lance Henrikson. Without her I would totally agree with you. I know it's not a great film but on frequent occasions I am defending it. It's Jean Puet-Jenuet, a great French visonary and his first Hollywood outing which to be fair, considering 20th Fox are very controlling (it is their cash baby after all) he did a brilliant job in the direction front. OK the film looked incredibly horrid in places (the newborn and alien designs were boring and uninspired) but the overall feel was pleasing to the eyes, the film had a nice golden warmth to it (ie everything looked yellow, like in Amelie) The characters weren't that great but again... Ripley, she's like an old friend that stays with you when you move on to a new school. She's embodied Ripley's clone character with alot of tongue-in-cheek and great one liners. AVP was just a cold, lifeless, by-the-numbers fair. No blood or guts either! EDIT: I should give some credit for Joss Whedon too, he didn't do a bad job in bringing a seemingly closed franchise back to life.
  18. Agreed! It was soo magical *weeps*
  19. Yeah I meant online mainly. Amazon have it for about £15
  20. Too Human ....only joking. Here are some crackers under a tenner GRAW 2 Halo 3 Saints Row 2 PGR4 Prince of Persia Dead Space And around a tenner to £15: GoW 2 Batman Arkham Asylum Bioshock Fallout 3 Modern Warfare (if you're lucky)
  21. Eurogamer gave Lost in Nightmares a 9. I'm glad it's a return to Resi of old. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/resident-evil-5-lost-in-nightmares-review
  22. Well you've certainly seen something in the game i'm missing, I wish I could share your level of enthusiasm.
  23. Quick question, is lost in nightmares fairly long? I'm only worried because it's only 400 points! I'm sure at that price it'll be worth it anyway.
  24. Aww no I liked Mushroom Hill music, it was slower sure but it was quirky and different. Perfectly fit the strange, alien like atmosphere of the zone. I fear that the music will be closer to that of 1 & 2, as much as I love it I thought 3 & Knuckles was a step up.
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