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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. After their rather loose definition of "exclusive information" (month-old Zelda screen shots) I question their ability with phrases such as "long overdue classic."
  2. I'm willing to bet hard cash that NGamer have probably got the same "exclusive" (as pictured above, in fact) and that they get their issue out first. Also, somehow I doubt it's nights, or even a Sega project. But we shall see.
  3. I'm liking that art style on this. Should be pretty sweet, the in game stuff looks great. I hate this rampant desire for "mature content", it almost seems like to flood the wii with the usual stuff would be a major step backward.
  4. Home: Doesn't do it for me so much. LBP: Quite possibly worth the purchase price.
  5. That doesn't seem too odd really. I can see both becoming very popular, but possibly only for the more discerning gamer.
  6. To be fair, I reckon PS3 is finally starting to get its act together. What with Motorstorm and LBP and all:
  7. And Madden. Don't forget Madden.
  8. Nothing's filmed anywhere it's set though. Furthermore I'm not sure how the NY Transit system would feel about being clogged for up for several days to watch some dustbins wheel themselves about.
  9. Hmmm, I'm gonna wait until official NPD figures myself.
  10. I dunno, bringing the Timelords back into the equation sounds perfectly like sci-fi. This is high fantasy we're dealing with here, not delicate urbanite human drama. Queens rules. Hero or villain, if it's popular it'll be back.
  11. Welcome to sci-fi. Don't worry, you'll get used to it.
  12. Every night a lie awake and allow the firery loneliness in my heart to consume my mind and soul until I start babbling comforting nonsense into the depths as I attempt to console myself with this daily purgatory. Plus my teeth hurt.
  13. I read the full skinny about it all in the Guardian today. Apparently, almost all the scientists featured had had all their theorems utterly debunked years ago, except for the ocean science guy who is know claiming that he was "misled and misrepresented." Basically it was a crock of shit.
  14. Looks like it's going to be an awesome finish next week then. Guess it's down to France and Ireland as well as England with an outside chance, while a victory for any of the bottom three will clearly upset everything. Place your bets now!
  15. Excellent result for England, couldn't have gone better and now we're right back in there. I feel sorry for Wales too, they totally should have taken that one home.
  16. I really do like the friend codes, I've listened to too many screeching requests from American pre-pubescents wanting me to join their clan to feel otherwise.
  17. Very possibly, they don't even like to use Live if they can help it.
  18. Genetic cloning and/or manipulation will be involved somewhere along the way I reckon.
  19. So I'm watching the England - France game. Fantastic so far, a few mistakes on both sides but nobody's mucking about here. How that French 10 can keep playing after what happened to his ankle is amazing. Also that little blonde fella's like greased lightening.
  20. Weren't the folks over at iD talking about something similar? Sounds like a great idea, digging up and converting older tech. That would be great, just stick your dev B-team on a project and let em' pump out all the crazy crap they've always wanted to. Good times for all.
  21. You sir, can surely not be human.
  22. I'm all for alternative forms of artistic expression, but, for me personally, this is where is draw the line.
  23. The series was unmitigated genius, and personally I rather enjoyed the film. The cartoon wasn't so hot though mainly because of the lack of actual physical presence from the entertainingly bendy Mr Atkinson himself. I'm looking forward to this new film, though I'm reserved over if he can still pull of the same calibre of primarily physical comedy in his later years. If he can however, (and I think he may just) I'll be mightily impressed.
  24. ... just... why?
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