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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. What's wrong with Eledees and Dewey's Adventure?
  2. I was standing in my local Game earlier and I overheard one of cashier monkeys having to tell a calling customer they were still entirely out of stock. Doesn't Nintendo know how much money they could be making?
  3. Just bought this. I love the sensor controls, you need a steady hand but once you've grasped it it just make the whole thing such a fluid joy.
  4. Well, it always makes me laugh.
  5. Flinky, if it helps, your every post sounds more and more like you're slowly being sucked into the Porno-universe ruled over by The Grand High Lord of "Gettin' It On" Diemetrix (now officially sponsored by Durex).
  6. Apparently in Virginia a person is able to purchase a semi-automatic military rifle with no background checks of any kind.
  7. I think since you can pick up a 2gb SD card for less then a tenner, I don't think it's going to be much of a problem.
  8. How big is each song file going to be though? A few megs each?
  9. Being one of an elite conclave of men who have yet to play Guitar Hero in any form I'm genuinely looking forward tot his. Sounds fantastic.
  10. Channel 4 news noted that this is the 19th school shooting in ten years. You'd assume there would be more support for tighter gun control by now.
  11. This game just so wonderfully sumptious. It's like they translated a rich banna smoothie into game code. There's a good level of charm in the characters as well, which is always difficult to produce. Very much on my provisonal buy list. Also, I'm appaled that an RE4 rehash is getting more attention then this, I really am.
  12. Bowser is fucking terrifying me.
  13. I'm sure it will be. They always seem to have two characters running around the place.
  14. Ok, I'll bite. I'll wager he is.
  15. Me and my mates have been playing a lot of Bomberman reently. He should totally be in Brawl. Snake, Sonic and the B-man a fine trio to join the fun.
  16. Loving the cheese-tastic dialogue. "This one is tougher then I expected!" "I bet his mouth isn't so tough!"
  17. I can't handle this show. I understand the whole point is that everyone in the ironically named Lazytown is an ADD suffering super fit hyperactive go getter but the whole thing does my head in. Can't we just, y'know, settle down and enjoy the scenery?
  18. "Shaking beats?" Oh come on, if it isn't a Samba De amigo sequel I will roll down a hill and detonate myself in the middle of banna grove. We already have the maraccas!
  19. No more stupid on-footsections and campaign co-op would be be smashing. And I want Slippy to die. Die and burn in hell with his vocal cords.
  20. Power and free time. It's a dangerous combination to be sure.
  21. Ah well no Lylat Wars, but Pacman and Bonk more then make up for it. Nice one.
  22. I'm loving the detsructable envioments. I'd like them to apply it to the zombies as well now please! Looking pretty slick.
  23. *I once suffered from crippiling nightmares about me being torn apart my strange shadows. These were banished by a preacher. *Some nights I lie awake for hours imaging my death and the deaths of others. I honestly don't know why. *I can still recall the time I tripped as a toddler and busted my head on a iron pipe jutting out of the ground. It was to be the first of two instances that I would require stitches in my head before I was 8. * I fucking hate Mel Gibson.
  24. Of course this is the Revolution, libertaing the glories of virtual entertainment from the likes of us "hardcore" snoot biscuits. Talk to most "non-gamers" on the street about "gaming depth" they'll stare at you blankly before uncomfotably making their excuses and leaving. The majority of the general public don't give crap about about "depth" or "AI" or what "true HD" is. What they want is fun, light, accessable, family friendly entertainment. Just look at the PC charts. They just wanna bowl for realz bitches. And push little virtual peeps about. If someone made Sims Bowling they could probably buy the universe.
  25. Nah, they're probably all to busy posing for "It prints money!" GIFs.
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