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Everything posted by Kav

  1. It's better than I expected too considering friend codes are being used... even more hyped for this now!
  2. I don't care about story or whatever for this game... all I'm intersted in are the controls and the online, that's it!
  3. I hope we don't see a Conduit 2... I wouldn't want one for another couple years after this one is released. I'd like a little bit of longevity from it before a newer version comes out!
  4. I love FPS games! Love them! I love them more than Kevin Keegan would've loved beating Manchester United to the title back in the day! Yes Shino, I'm hyped for this game... online multiplayer with such a level of control is what I've been waiting for ever since I first saw the Wii!!!
  5. I've seen plenty of videos where the enemies take cover, retreat if out-gunned and flank you... just Youtube it to see them! Also, the devs say on couple videos that the difficulty is turned down when they showcase the game. I don't mind the portals, I like the idea that while I'm fighting enemy reinforcements will be on their way unless I manage to put a stop to it!
  6. Awesome, had me hook, line and sinker!
  7. The Conduit - 10 Madworld - 6 ...I'm on my phone so I can't copy and paste and can't be bothered typing out the whole lot. Yet this probably took longer to type out, haha!
  8. My most anticipated announced title... day one purchase for me!
  9. Kav

    GDC 2009

    OnLive looks to be the future! I'm on my phone so unfortunately I cannot link, but check it out on any of the sites giving full coverage of the event!
  10. This is easily my most anticipated announced title... I can't wait for this game!
  11. Kav

    GDC 2009

    I agree with Zechs, I can't see Nintendo revealing too much themselves. I'm hoping for a Conduit teaser or info and of course any new IP's announced from smaller devs that would normally get overlooked at E3 as a result of the Big-Guns.
  12. I've just lost too much faith in Ubisoft to get excited over this!
  13. This is my most anticipated game of '09 so far! I'm really looking forward to it... mostly due to the customizable controls etc. A game that lets you say how it plays will always piqué my interest and when it looks as good as this one is lookinh like it'll shape up to be I'll be keeping my beady eyes on it! Haha ...I'm also DYING for more FPS on Wii! Haha
  14. Kav


    My God, that video has just made this game a MUST-HAVE for me!
  15. Prime 1 & 2 are definites for me as I simply LOVE them... not entirely sure of getting the Pikmins again. May wait for the next installment as opposed to getting the first two.
  16. After watching those vids I'm even more sold on this game... it looks simply fantastic!
  17. This game is gorgeous! So, so beautiful! Looks fairly decent too... I'll be picking this one up!
  18. OH MY GOD! (sorry for caps) Just watched the Terminator Salvation trailers... I didn't even know about it! AWESOME!
  19. Well I put this on last night... and didn't put it down until I finished it! LOVED the game, this game is definitely a bit of me! The only problem I had with it was that it was so short and a little easy... I'm looking forward to playing it on hard now that I've unlocked it!
  20. It'd be nice to get a big project from them however, one with some real effort and polish!
  21. If a Q2 release means it's going to be even more polished then I'm all for it... although I would love to get my hands on this right now! Haha
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