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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Signed! I hope this game sees a PAL release!
  2. I'm in agreement, WiiSpeak is a MUST for this!
  3. Kav


    AWESOME game, yes it's easy but that doesn't stop it from beaing great in any way! I absolutely loved it! If yiou've not got it, buy it, it's a MUST HAVE!
  4. Aw man, I'm loving Monster! I've seen the first 18 episodes and I'm loving how it's panning out!
  5. I'm watching Monster... I had only seen the first 20 or so episodes until my old PC blew up and never picked it back up. So I've started again today and watched the first 5 episodes... I remember why I loved this anime!
  6. I can't wait to watch the next few episodes of Naruto, it's getting good! Also, ARGH, the Naruto Manga... oooooooh, can't wait for next weeks!
  7. If the first Metroid Prime was advertised well it would've sold a bucket load more than it did, same goes with Eternal Darkness... hardcore games need advertising too!
  8. I don't have faith that this is enough. Look at Zack and Wiki, that had HUGE hype over the internet and magazines and didn't sell all too well. Really a big push in advertising from SEGA will be needed for this to sell well.
  9. That's a fairly good read, I'm getting more and more hyped for this game!
  10. I hate Ali Al-Saachez, that bastard (pardon my french)... although I can't wait for next weeks Gundam 00 now!
  11. I'm in full agreement, the episode was beautiful! Extremely well done! I can't wait for next weeks manga too, this weeks was great... ending on such a cliffhanger!
  12. Hmmm, I'm going to have to wait until payday to get this... poop! Ha ha
  13. You could say that it's difficult to really say if you should watch the first considering there's been only one episode of the second. Yet how I loved that episode all because of season 1, I'd say yes, definitely watch season 1! Without a shadow of a doubt!
  14. Well the first episode of MSG 00 Season 2 was great, I absolutely loved it! I can't wait to see how this season unfolds as the first was pure brilliance!
  15. Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Season 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD YES, FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Chelsea were just fantastic today, really impressive! Me = happy!
  17. On the matter of Death Note, has anyone read Another Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases? I've got this book and have to say, it's awesome! It tells of the past case of Naomi Misora's where she works alongside L, it's a great read! Also, I CANNOT WAIT FOR SEASON 2 OF GUNDAM 00!!!
  18. I know what you mean about Metroid Prime 3, I'd describe it as Godly! Haha Very much looking forward to The Conduit, I hope it lives up to it's potential!
  19. As soon as the money hits the bank (from work) I'm buying this!
  20. That's just so so awesome! I can only just about get through Through Fire and Flames on medium! Haha I've tried it on expert on training a fair few times and my best is 60% and a 55 note streak... bearing in mind that i'm near enough mindlessly hammering the buttons and I'd get booed off immediately if it wasn't on training! Haha
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