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Everything posted by Kav

  1. I'm up for a game at anytime tonight! Not had one with you lot yet! )
  2. Dwarf Gourami has cracked, he's showing signs of being dellusional! lol
  3. Nope, but there's no law that says it has to be used!
  4. That boost ball guardian was a right ball-ache at first! lol
  5. Kav


    Really looking forward to this as I never played the PS2 version! Bad Kav, bad! Haha
  6. I'd say Prime has been the best boss of the series! Followed by Meta Ridley (from the first game) and then Quadraxis and the Omega Pirate!
  7. After playing MoHH2 online I'm again saying FPS games! MoHH2 is another step in the right direction! I'd say the perfect game for the Wii would be Battlefield: Modern Combat, just like it is on the 360, with all the game modes, options and voice chat but with Wii controls! It'd work a dream!
  8. Yeah, I've got a balance, I just feel a little more comfortable withs Metroid's I guess! Plus I've only played for a couple hours on this! EDIT - So after a little while longer with the game I can safely say... these controls are fecking AWESOME!!!!!!! Anybody online tonight?
  9. Finally gotten the game! I'll be on tonight too! I don't think the controls are as good as MP3C but they're still great! ...and I now know what you mean when you say you respawn next to the enemy a fair bit!
  10. When I first played this through I never really got a decent amount of time with the game... I was always having to cut my play time short and so it broke down the experience a little! Having time on my hands recently, I put this on yesterday and started my second play-through on hyper difficulty. With a break for sleep, I've just finished the game with a time of 13hrs 23mins and 100% items collected. Man, what a game! I'd forgotten just how good this is! So much so that I'd say I prefer it to SMG! This is my favourite Wii game to date! Simply perfect! (Not including Twilight Princess) Oh yeah, and I've got a good few friend vouchers if anyone is up for swapping!
  11. Kav


    I thought this was really good, best film I'd seen in ages!
  12. Was seeing some girl, she cheated on me twice... possibly more, asked me to give up my job and go abroad with her, which i did, we got back and she then broke up with me and got with a "supposed" close friend of mine a few days after! That was all in the space of 6 months! Thats the short version! lol I had known the girl, or at least thought i did, for a good couple years too! Is it ok for me to go on a killing spree? lol
  13. Next weeks Mobile Suit Gundam 00 is going to be AWESOME! Can't wait!
  14. Funnily enough, as much as I'm saying this game is my choice, I've not got it yet... but by the end of the week I will have! Buy this so we can face-off against each other online!
  15. Finished the game today... AWESOME game! However, I'm trading this in for MoHH2!
  16. Is it that it doesn't have the Nintendo WFC logo because it uses EA's own servers? Anyhoo, I'm hoping to pick this up soon!
  17. Ok so my PC has blown up and doesn't work at the moment. Anyone know of any sites that I can watch anime off my Wii? I only know of one, AnimeCrazy. Any others anyone can suggest?
  18. Oh my dear God, I'm off to watch it now then as Death Note is Godly!
  19. 00 is of a political theme too, I've not seen Wing but I believe they're supposed to be similar!
  20. Awesome game! Giants defense won them that game! ...and "that play" from Manning and Tyree... awesome!
  21. Had a Pro Evo night with my mates tonight, had a right laugh but all the time I kept thinking "if this was the Wii I'd be making you make a run there and have you draw that defender away there" lol Can't wait for this!
  22. The same goes for me, going to be trading it in along with Red Steel to get MoH: Heroes 2. But it's an AWESOME first play through! Worth the purchase!
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