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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Kav


    Cannot wait to finally get my hands on this gem!
  2. Kav


    This game is beautiful! What a gem!
  3. I'm starting to feel excited fot it! C'mon Chelsea, do us proud!!!
  4. Hmmm, bunjee jump, 90ft freefall into a net facing up, sat next to a bengal tiger and sat on top of a crocodile... they are probably the most daring things I've done... well, one of them or spending a week in Bangkwang prison in Thailand! Although that wasn't something I chose to do of course! ...I imagine most people wouldn't believe my Thai jail story but hell, it's true! Even got a pic of me and my mate in the Donmuang police station cell!
  5. Code Geass, whereas it's good, has absolutely nothing on Death Note! Death Note is far more superior in every way! ...still, that's only my opinion! lol
  6. IGN Hands-on, they seem fairly impressed! http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/873/873737p1.html I must admit, I'm extremely hyped for it!
  7. Too right! I'm hoping squeaky-bum time gets the better of United and Wigan get a result and hope we beat Bolton! It's a great end of the season at the moment, so so tense!
  8. 1:41 on the comp with Funky Kong and Torpedo... I didn't use the best racing lines either as I'm not quite used to the bike, geez this is a fast combination!
  9. Im using my Mii and the Mach Bike. ...so I'm heading for a possible 1:30 - 1:40 time, I got a golden mushroom as my first item, and I get hit by lightning AND two, not one, but TWO damn blue shells... ended up in the high 1:40's... gutted!
  10. So I've spent most the evening on that comp and I've got a time of 1:44 something, I'm yet to get triple or golden mushrooms so I think I can still go faster! 1st place is still 12secs away... how do you make up 12secs?! Haha
  11. Come on the Blues! Watched the match with a few friends, two of them Liverpool supporters! I was the only one in the whole pub supporting Chelsea... needless to say I took a bit of flack during the night lol! Best team won in the end, even my Liverpool fan friends admitted it... one after breaking a chair in the pub lol... Awesome game, awesome night, I'm so drunk it's taken me about half an hour to type this out! lol I'm loving tonight!!!!!!!! ...also, I might make it to Moscow... my mate (United fan) has offered his scouse friend £3000 for flights and for 2 tickets (just have to change the name on the flights etc) and he said maybe... God I hope so!
  12. Tense end to the season, I'm thoroughly enjoying it!
  13. So I've finally put the Wii Wheel down and am now using the Nunchuk set-up... which isn't quite as fun but it is better to control! Now I'm between the two on which to use... hmmm...
  14. Just so everyone knows, me being the plonker I am typed my code in incorrectly... it's in my sig as it should be now!
  15. Think I'm gonna hammer through this and unlock Karts/racers as quickly as possible so won't be online tonight methinks!
  16. I'm loving this game, after getting used to medium I thought I'd try it on expert... 50% of notes hit! Haha This game is so good! Friend code for those who want to add... 2921 9082 3528
  17. I can't believe that after being in total control almost the whole match... we lose 2-1... damn you Fenerbache!
  18. I'd play this more but Guitar Hero III has consumed my soul! Haha
  19. A sad ending to Gundam 00, I really did enjoy this anime. Absolutely can't wait for the second season... only 6 months to go! Haha
  20. This game is AWESOME!!!! ...even though I'm still crap at it! Haha!
  21. Ok, well I'm loving the game! This is how I've always wanted to control Pro Evo! It'd be better if you could have more control while defending but this is still decent enough. I think it's too easy on 3 stars, 4 is a good match and 5 stars is a great challenge... I'm having a Pro Evo day tomorrow with a few of my friends, see what they make of it!
  22. Got it, gonna start it up in a mo, thought I'd add my friend code here first! 3437 3012 3733
  23. Got it... only played it briefly as I bought Pro Evo too but i like what I've played so far!
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