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Everything posted by Kav

  1. I'm enjoying Black Blood Brothers at the moment, it's not one I'd say is amazing, but it's entertaining none the less. Zelman Clock is awesome!
  2. I've not played a Guitar Hero game before and the only thing I've ever imagined doing with a guitar is a Jeff Jarrett smash you over the head move lol So I bought this today, I'm unbelievably terrible at it but man, I can see I'm going to enjoy it!
  3. Just caught up on the Bleach manga from where the anime is at... awesome, can't wait to watch it all in motion!
  4. I got myself sent to jail in Thailand for a week!
  5. Mobile Suit Gundam 00 is awesome yet again, another really sad episode! Next week's is the final ep!
  6. Kav

    Wii FPS

    I remember a forum memeber AGES ago saying this, an MMOFPS, he said he'd name the game SR388. I'd love it!
  7. It'd be awesome! I remember somebody ages ago spoke of this idea and would've named the game "Hyrule". I'd love it, MMORPG based in the Zelda universe...? Yes please!
  8. I've not seen Ed Norton and been disappointed in him, I think he's one of the best actors around! I have faith that we'll love him as Hulk! ...also, Wall-E looks wicked!
  9. OH MY GOD!!!!!!! Watch Death Note, it's 37 episodes long! You will be so so glad you watched it! I seriously can't stress just how good it is! It's better than anything! ANYTHING! lol
  10. I've not played this for a while... my rank will have slipped badly!
  11. I enjoyed Blood+ I wouldn't say it's brilliant, but it's very watchable, episodes 20-30 are great and things happen that you just don't expect! ...surely you've seen Death Note? If not watch that, it's the best thing I have ever laid my eyes upon! Death Note is my fav... well, anything! I think it's near perfect, so well done!
  12. It's great isn't it?! I usually find the episodes on sites late Sunday evening or early Monday morning! I consider MSG00 to be a must-see anime! I'm absolutely DYING for the next episode to come out! CANNOT WAIT!
  13. AWESOME! Episode 22 of Gundam 00 was simply awesome! It's getting better and better! Is anybody else watching it?! Definitely one of my favourite animes!!!
  14. I'll join after the footy!!!
  15. My Left Foot... what a film and what a performance from Daniel Day Lewis! An absolute classic and a must-see! 9/10
  16. Tues & Weds, all night after 7pm!
  17. Could you say it's a cross between RTS and 3rd-person shooter?! A 3rd person RTS...?
  18. I want to be cremated, then my ashes should be mixed with milk and someone should drink me! Like on South Park when Cartman drank Kenny's ashes, thinking he had made chocolate milk!
  19. I've had tons of fights! Never started one or lost one though! Always people being racist or singling me out coz I'm the smaller of my mates... ...too bad for them I'm quite handy! I've done a fair bit of martial arts most my life (kickboxing, muay thai, aikido, karate and judo) and I've been fighting since primary school! The most recent time was the best, was about 13 months ago now, my friend and I got jumped by 7 lads. My friend had his nose broken the poor lad, I didn't have a scratch on me! I knocked 2 out cleanly and gave one of them a brain heammorage, he was asleep for 2 days and in hospital for just over 2 weeks! About 3 days after the incident I had CID, Detective Inspector Andrew Reynolds, come round to my house and take me to the police station for a tape-recorded statement. Luckily for me it was all caught on cctv and it was clear they were the aggressors and I was defending myself! The best thing was DI Reynolds saying afterwards "off the record, they got what they deserved... you can really fight you can!" Awesome!
  20. I've finished watching Blood+ and have to say I really enjoyed it! Episodes 20-30ish were simply awesome! Gundam 00 episode 20 was great this week, can't wait to see how events unfold in the next few epispdes! Awesome anime it is! ...looking forward to Bleach later!
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