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Everything posted by Kav

  1. This absolutely has to be my most anticipated game! Bring on that demo as soon as possible man! I'd love to see that!
  2. This game is another definite purchase for me, playable Yoshi = buy! Haha
  3. I've just read that interview and headed straight here! Oh hell yes! This is awesome! So, so awesome! My most anticipated game easily! I cannot wait!!!
  4. As far from the Metroid gameplay as it looked, man it stll looks unreal! This was an awesome trailer!
  5. I really liked the look of this! I love the narration as you play!
  6. So im playing a game on Natal, i'm playing as a cop... I can grab a guy in the game world, slam him against a wall and interrogate him until he tells me what I want to know! Natal screams for things like this!
  7. Oh man! How I loved that demo! I'm keeping my eye on this, this game was a bit of me!
  8. That email from HVS, as impersonal as it may be, is why I am really starting to warm to them as a developer! The fact that they've stood up and asked fans what they want from an FPS on Wii and implemented these things into the game makes me have respect for them! Plus it's helpful that I LOVE the look of The Conduit too! Haha
  9. Kav

    The Grinder

    I've booked a week off work for The Conduit! I intend to hammer out that game something rotten!!!
  10. Well I'm glad the final wasn't marred with poor refereeing decisions like the Chelsea vs Barca semi was, but I thought United would've done better, especially considering that it was an under-strength Barcelona team! As much as I hate saying it after that semi, congrats to Barca, the best team won!
  11. Kav

    The Grinder

    You'll be in for a long wait; they're looking to release it around the holiday season of 2010!
  12. Kav

    The Grinder

    This is freakin' awesome! HVS really are setting out to do what I've wanted from my Wii since day one! The thing that has really impressed me about them is that they really do listen to gamers feedback and impressions, then look how to impliment the feedback into the games... this is what I want to see from developers! This has hit my radar big-time!
  13. Yes it has more than 3 attacks but it's 3 "types" of attack that seems limited... no thrusting, grabbing or throwing etc is a little of a let down, especially a thrust motion... I want to stab as well as slash! Haha. However, regardless of how sceptical I sound, it's on my radar because of HVS's attitude toward creating games. They've impressed me with how they really listened to feedback from gamers themselves to create The Conduit!
  14. It's the "3 types of attack" thing that has made me think; "meh" too! That doesn't sound very decent at all! I hope you can chain these 3 types in some way... varying combos etc, link into a finisher.
  15. Completed all 3, only really had a bit of a problem with the boost ball guardian, not too much trouble though... These games are just so so good!
  16. In a way I'm extremely envious of you Noku... you get to play Metroid Prime for the first time! That, I'd love to be able to do again!
  17. Day one purchase, absolutely, totally and definitely a day one purchase! Prime > Corruption > Echoes for me.
  18. Kav

    IGN Tease

    I loved that Raven Balde trailer... it'd be awesome if that came to fruition!
  19. Abidal should've gone in the first half for his trip on Drogba which in turn should've been a pen! I'm a Chelsea fan, I'm not angry or upset, I'm happy with they way we played; I thought it was fantastic... but win some, lose some. These things happen in football! I just find it extremely unfortunate that there were multiple refereeing decisions, big decisions, that have gone completely unnoticed, I find it an absolutely poor show on Uefa's part as they evidently had an impact as to who went through! Ah well, what can you do..?! Best of luck for both teams in the final, I hope we don't have any incidents of this nature in the final so that we get a more fair reflection of the match!
  20. Screw Capcom! They didn't even consider Resident Evil 5 in any form on the Wii! Grrrrr! Haha
  21. I'm so tired after staying up to watch this then following it with a monster gaming session! I'm now going to do my best Hatton impression... ...go to sleep! Hehe
  22. Well I stayed stayed up late, did my best not to go to sleep... the least Hatton could have done was stay awake too! I'm sure I heard Pacquiao shout Shoryuken as he landed that punch, that was a move ripped right out of Street Fighter that was! Haha
  23. Kav


    That look DUMP in comparison to how it did! I loved the cartoon-style it had before! Now it looks simply mediocre!
  24. That's a great interview there, I like to hear about the extensive AI... I hope it lives up to their promise! I really can't wait for this game!
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