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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Is there a decent place to stream anime from? I'm finding it difficult finding somewhere that I can watch older episodes of series I want to revisit, the most recent episodes are all there but the older episodes, for some reason, have been removed.
  2. Am I the only one that is more put-off by the game the more I see it? I think it's just a little to f**ked in the head for me! Haha
  3. I've got a feeling that this is going to be awesome! I loved AvP and AvP2 on the PC, they were great games and this looks to capture the feel of them too!
  4. I've had someone send me a message in game but i didn't read it, instead I ignored it, turned around and killed the guy behind me. Then I read it and sent him a reply saying thanks! After the match we were joking about it, he knew I didn't read it as I turned too quickly and that's what surprised him and allowed me to kill him! Haha Oh yeah, a patch is on it's way too: Infinity Ward is issuing a new patch for Modern Warfare 2 soon that plans to fix a whole host of bugs and glitches. The patch is currently only available for PlayStation 3 users in Europe. U.S. players will be able to download the update sometime later tonight. Xbox 360 will have to wait a bit as the patch is currently working its way through certification at Microsoft. Here's what the new patch will fix: - Care Package, Emergency Airdrop, and Sentry Gun marker grenades sprint speed normalized. - Fix for "infinite care package" exploit. - Sentry Guns: Improved placement detection, preventing cases of Sentry Guns inside geometry. - Model 1887: Bling using Akimbo and FMJ combination now has same range and damage as non-Bling Model 1887s. - Improved player collision removing cases of getting into geometry and 'elevators'. - Fixes to prevent various XP hacks.
  5. Awesome... although I note that Zelda isn't on the US and European list.
  6. Being Human Season 2 Episode 3... Ooooooh, it's getting good! I love the Being Human series and think you all should watch them!
  7. My 2 favourite classes are probably: Silenced Scar-H M1014 with Extended Mags C4 & Stun Grenades Scavenger Pro Stopping Power Pro Ninja Pro Final Stand Barrett 50.cal with FMJ Silenced PP2000 Claymore & Stun Grenades Sleight of Hand Pro Stopping Power Pro Steady Aim Pro Final Stand I do like to mix it up with other guns/perks but I'm usually at my most deadly with the two set-ups above.
  8. Are online petitions worth the bother? The petition I'm talking about is one from the Infinity Ward forums to get IW to add a "local only" search option to reduce lag-fest games. I've signed it anyhoo, although it's only got 2000+ signatures so far. http://www.PetitionOnline.com/MW2lag/petition.html is where the petition is at. If it gets a big number of signatures and is then sent to IW would they take any notice..?
  9. Don't burn me, I don't have an opinion of my own, I just agree with all of you lot! I find I contradict myself many times in doing so but I don't have an opinion on me doing that either!
  10. They need to give a big showing of these titles at E3 and then they have to market them well. I reckon the perfect time to start marketing them would be as trailers during the World Cup matches (the knockout rounds in particular). Everyone and their dog will be paying attention to the football, come half time, get those trailers shown! And not the crap trailers they have been doing with their other games, market them in a way that will really grab your attention and make you say wow!
  11. 1. Metroid Prime Trilogy 2. Super Mario Galaxy 3. Legnd of Zelda: Twilight Princess 4. Super Smash Bros. Brawl 5. Resident Evil 4 6. Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Reflex 7. Okami 8. Mario Kart Wii 9. New Super Mario Bros Wii 10. Tiger Woods 10 Special mention goes to Lostwinds, Megaman 9 and Zack & Wiki but I didn't quite have as much fun with them as I did with the above.
  12. Ganondorf! Windu's lightsaber was purple because Samuel El Jackson asked for a different colour to all the others so that he could identify himself in the battlescenes when the view was at a distance... it would've been standard colour otherwise. I watched an interview with him explain that prior to the movies release.
  13. Metroid Prime Trilogy, it's an absolute must-have!
  14. Naruto Manga this week = win. I'm dying to see next weeks chapter after the way this one ended!
  15. I've dreamt that I've died a couple times, one where I had been attacked by a shark (for some random reason) and the other was protecting friends in a fight. In both, after dying was similar in the respect it was like an out of body experience. However in the dream where I had been protecting my friends I did come back to life with fairly insane strength and rage after one of my friends had been beaten to near death... awesome dream that one was!
  16. Kav

    Tekken 6

    Whats this like online since the patch? I've not touched his since MW2 came out... and now my 360 has the red ring of death! Bugger!
  17. I admit, I'm addicted to xfactor... I love it! Olly to win!
  18. Make Pro Evo 2011 better: http://www.konamisupport.com/pes2010survey/index.php Link to a Konami consumer feedback questionairre for Pro Evo.
  19. Roc's Cape maybe? (it is Roc isn't it?! Haha)
  20. I've heard people saying there may be either 12 or 15 levels of prestige..?
  21. Anybody know how many levels of prestige there are on this?
  22. If Modern Warfare 2 was released on the Wii I'd have bought that, but CoD4; no thanks, I've already played that to death on the 360. That was Activision's problem in expecting it to sell well.
  23. We love you Sprout! Great to see you on again and whether it gets completed or not, we're looking forward to reading the comic... as they're always great!
  24. I've had a few doctors handle my baby-makers.
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