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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Can't believe Chelsea haven't got a goal... woodwork 5 times so far! Haha
  2. Eurogamer have given this 9/10. I might have to get this... if I can pull myself away from Monster Hunter Tri that is!
  3. It won't fail the quest, take him, it's so worth it... he's awesome!
  4. I love the fact that the way to learn about the game is the "learn by doing" method. Sure it's taking me a while longer to get good at the game but it feels more of an accomplishment the more I progress. I can't stress how much I love the game, it's easily found it's way on to my favourite games list!
  5. Nope, we failed. We caught a small goldenfish but they don't count. We were devastated! Haha I really am lovng this game. I'd been playing it with the Sword & Shield up until yesterday and I gave the Switch Axe a try... what a weapon! I tried the Great Sword today and enjoyed using that too. I think I'll try out the Lance next so that I've got a feel to all the weapons and figure out my play-style when using each one.
  6. I can see why this game is so big in Japan, it's absolutely amazing! I wish I couldve put more hours into it so far though, I'm not playing it nearly as much as I'd like to!
  7. This games is just SO great! I'm having a blast with it in single player and after my first games online with Stoopidditties, Deathjam and Spune I'm loving it so much more! I can't wait to really sink my teeth into it now!
  8. I hope it's the case that we don't get a delay to Qtr 4!
  9. Just picked up a copy of the game (bundled with wii speak and the ccp) on my way home from work... can't wait to get in and get this on! Ooh, also, I hot the Rathalos figurine even though I didn't pre-order it. Nice!
  10. I haven't played this for about 2 months, I'm too hooked on Battlefield at the moment. What does everyone think of the Stimulus Package? Is it worth the hefty price tag?
  11. This post is so good! Gave me a good chuckle after a poop day in work. Cheers!
  12. I've got the game on the 360... well, my brother has and I play it too. Although because it's his I don't have a VIP code yet. Talking about the VIP code, does anyone know if you can get them online because my 360 won't accept my cards as payment options and I'm not buying a silly amount of points from a retailer when I only need 140!
  13. Go out and get yourself Metroid Zero Mission, Super Metroid and Fusion immediately! They're each MUST-PLAY titles!!!
  14. The VSS Sniper Rifle with either a Red Dot Sight or a 4x Scope is absolutely awesome!
  15. Haha, I've only unlocked the first 3! I'll definitely unlock the rest, but only after I've unlocked the M16A2. Update: I've unlocked the M16A2 now and wow, this gun is awesome! My first game with it and I got 50 kills to 17 deaths... the M16A2 wins gunfights! Haha I've been having storming games today so far, 17 was the most I'd died in any match and 31 was the least I'd killed. It wasn't all that long ago that I was in a negative K/D ratio, it's shooting up now.
  16. I can't wait to unlock the M16A2, my bro tells me that I'll love it considering I love the AN94. I've got to say, Magnum Ammo is ruthless! With that equipped people drop like flies... it's crazy awesome! My favourite guns so far that I've got are the AN94, the M60 and the GOL. I'm not a huge fan of the engineer kit.
  17. Unlocked the AN94 Abakan today... what a beast of a gun! I'm looking forward to unlocking the M16A2 now! Plus, I'm looking forward to having magnum ammo... each time I get killed by someone using magnum ammo they don't seem to put many bullets into me.
  18. Wow! Words cannot describe the feeling I got when I watched that trailer... WOW!!!
  19. I experienced something yesterday that didn't half piss me off! If you get disconnected from a server, all the XP and unlocks you've earnt during your time playing on that server disappears! I lost the GOL and the SVU sniper rifles, the Spot Scope, the XMP Compact and the extended shotgun magazines! It was so annoying to have lost it all, I'm just glad it didn't take too long to unlock again.
  20. Eurogamer seem less impressed and gave it a 7... still not a bad score though!
  21. Gametrailers have a video on control customization... you can customise so much! This looks to be brilliant!!!
  22. I played this for a couple hours for the first time last night and did reasonably well, I didn't die more times than I killed people anyhow and finished in the top 3 or so scorers in each match. I was using the medic class; the standard gun is an awesome weapon as it is, I can't wait to see what the others & unlocks are like!
  23. This sounds like my kind of stuff! Where is it you watch it (or read it, if it's the manga)?
  24. IGN have a few more impressions of Other M on their site, they seem to be generally positive but still a little sceptical. I'd link it but it's a ball-ache to do on my phone! Haha
  25. Red Steel 2 looks good, hope there's more to it than moving from one room to another, clearing it of bad guys and then rinse and repeat!
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