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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Eurogamer have an article stating that the Map Pack DLC will consist of 3 new maps and 2 Cod4 maps... it'll set you back 1200 Microsoft Points (£10.20 / €14.40). What do you guys think to the price?!
  2. Going off that teaser, the voice acting isn't as bad as I'd feared I must say. I really cannot wait for this game, I'm dying for Samus' story to be fleshed out a little!
  3. I can't wait for this game, I've been checking out vids of it on YouTube and it just looks so awesome! The switch-axe looks to be a pretty cool weapon.
  4. Dante, those vids are genius! I couldn't stop laughing after watching them!
  5. I've not bought House of the Dead or Umbrella Chronicles because I just don't like on rails "light gun" games, I think they don't sell well because they are definitely a niche. I don't recall these types of games selling better on other platforms when they've been released. Madworld for me was a bit too repetitive and No More Heroes just puts me off itself whenever I watch any of it, it's bit too f**ked up for my liking, so they never warranted a purchase from me. If I feel like that then I imagine a few other people do too. Resident Evil 4 sold well on the Wii, I've a feeling Monster Hunter Tri will do well, 3rd Parties can definitely have success on the Wii with "core" games but they've got to be the type of games that appeals to the full spectrum of core gamers!
  6. Nice little article on Eurogamer talking about third parties on Wii, if anyone fancies a read: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/third-party-puzzle-article
  7. Regarding the voice acting, I'd say it sounds like the voice actors didn't learn their lines but that they're reading them straight from the script as opposed to it being from memory.
  8. The opening cinematic has been posted on YouTube... it's badass! Oh yes it is!
  9. Add another Hunter to that list... day 1 for me!
  10. Free online now means this is a must-have title for me! I can't wait to slay some monsters!
  11. I'm much more happy with this date than the "Q3" given for Metroid's. Can't wait to get my hands on this game, pre-order it is!!!
  12. Q3..? Poop! I must admit I was hoping for a closer release to the US date rather than them simply saying Q3... thats just... poop!
  13. I can't wait for news of the European release date now!!!
  14. I've just watched the first episode of Gundam Unicorn and must say... it looks like it could well be friggin' awesome! It definitely has a clasic Gundam feel to it and the animation is superb!
  15. I'm buying this for sure! AWESOME moment in gaming!
  16. I agree, I think this needs to happen before Natal and Sony's wand come out!
  17. I hear there's a new care package glitch since the patch was released... there best be no truth in this! Anyone know if it's the case yet?
  18. The wait for the patch on the 360 is what is doing my head in!
  19. You're right, I didn't play the first. One of my mates got it and I was watching him play it for a bit but it just didn't make me want to play it, I don't know why. There was just something about it that put me off it. Killer 7 didn't really do it for me either (prepares for a beating)... I can appreciate that they're good games, they just don't do it for me.
  20. This is the one I use, but i can't find half the early episodes of Naruto, for example.
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