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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Kav

    Star Fox Zero

    I had to turn the Treehouse off too, this looks so rough! Far too rough to be a release this year.
  2. Watching the Treehouse, Starfox looks fairly awful.
  3. I agree wholeheartedly. Nintendo have completely lost it and they're finally gone and lost me. Screw their next console, it won't be worth buying.
  4. I went with the $100 pledge. Well worth it in my eyes.
  5. Holy crap I wish I stayed up to watch this now, never mind being up early for work... Shenmue 3?!!! Fuck yeah!!!! Sony have killed it right there!
  6. Will buy, cannot wait!
  7. Holy crap Rare Replay has some greats in there!
  8. Hey! I like motion controls and I'm not a chu... oh no, wait, I am a chump.
  9. Nothing to tempt me into buying one but a fair bit to enjoy and be happy about if you're already a One owner I think.
  10. So did anyone watch this? I saw it and thought it was a really good first episode, I'm looking forward to watching more.
  11. Congratulations Dazzy! I hope the nights aren't too sleepless!

  12. @Zechs Merquise, what I mean is that the game will split the teams as evenly as it can. Unless there's a party then ranks will generally be evenly spread across the teams. It won't be one team all high ranked and the other team all low ranked.
  13. I couldn't think of anything worse than a Metroid x F-Zero x Starfox crossover! God no! I just don't think the universes fit together at all. Starfox is too cutesy and F-Zero is too camp. Metroid belongs in it's own universe without any other series tarnishing it.
  14. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would although I didn't think it was that great, good though.
  15. No it's not. You only find it does this in other games when you can join parties and search for games, as one party may have all high ranked players and the lobby may have people with lower ranks in the opposing team.
  16. I hope they don't spend time in DLC. Sure, announce it but don't dwell on it. E3 is not the place to go on about DLC, it's the place to announce new games!
  17. Zechs rants, classic! Haha If you guys are up for skyping whilst on this regularly I'll pick this up this weekend?! Yes @Ronnie, that's how much talking to mates whilst gaming means to me, I'd happily do a u-turn and buy the game! Sure it'll have it's nighles still with it's low content and poor online options but talking amongst mates while playing makes that bearable... before you go on at me
  18. Fucking. Gold. Thank you Hero, I could not stop laughing!
  19. I've not given it a proper listen just yet but I had it on shuffle in the gym just now and thought it was great.
  20. @Blade you will LOVE Megaman! I've not checked the WiiU eShop for a while now but I think I've got all of the Megaman games on it. Megaman 2...my god I love that game!
  21. Kyle Bosman is the best thing in gaming! Other than games and consoles.
  22. For an online multiplayer game, I'd complain at 40 hours game-time... but I guess that's only because almost all other online multiplayer games keep me gaming for hundreds, and some thousands, of hours... with the exception of Nintendo games for obvious reasons (lack of content/options/voice-chat).
  23. It's such a good point though. I feel people are letting it slide as it's Nintendo, and a new IP from them at that. If any other big game company released it as it was they'd have been slaughtered for it.
  24. @Phube, given that you can't talk to one another on the game does it matter if you're gaming with friends or not? I don't see the difference if you can't chat together, they may as well be randoms.
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