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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Not necessarily, I've said it's just a bit of banter in my post. I just found it funny how you still bit, even though I wasn't actually fishing for one.
  2. "So easy to get a bite" eh @Ronnie..?
  3. "Splatoon - perfect for gaming in a library because you can't fucking talk!" "Splatoon - the brand new (anti)social online game from Nintendo." "Splatoon - great gameplay, just feels a little soulless online." Just lighthearted banter chaps It'll be good to see some Nintendo adverts for once. God knows they need the exposure!
  4. I guess that's why they've called this a teaser trailer. You can't expect/be disappointed with lack of story in a teaser trailer. In a story trailer, fair enough, but not one that's quoted as being a teaser. It's done exactly as it's said, teased. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you've said this or that, I do agree with what you say above.
  5. Options is only a good thing! I just wish Nintendo saw things like this too.
  6. Even with the sacrifices that'll undoubtedly be made, it's still a genre of game that the WiiU desperately needs. Racing sim fans who only own a WiiU should still be pleased(ish).
  7. Screw that, I'll be covering up as many derpy faces as possible! Those videos that you posted just above @Wii... holy poop, soiling almost happened!
  8. I watched it, loved it.
  9. What?! It was the best part of the trailer!
  10. Whatever they thought to use it with, they must've been high thinking it would sell.
  11. For me the best of the 3 pads in question is the 360 pad. The PS3 pad was utter tripe. That said, I prefer the stick placement on the WiiU pads, especially for FPS games... funny how those games are lacking on the WiiU though! What's even funnier is that I prefer the Gamepad stick/button layout to the Pro Controller and any other controller as the spacing between buttons and stick is perfect for me. I find them a little too spaced out on the Pro Controller in comparison.
  12. I have the same problem, I have to be in the same room to use my Gamepad, the signal is so weak.
  13. Neither does the WiiU! Haha
  14. Ha! I'm not tight, not in the slightest, I just realise that the WiiU is a sub-par console. As does the general public evidently. Lest you forget I bought one at full price at launch, after 2 years owning the console I've very right to deem it's worth! You seem to forget that the WiiU has been out twice as long as the XBO. Come the end of the generation you'll have to eat your words. The XBO will have sold well, the PS4 incredibly well but watch the WiiU, I doubt it'll even make 15 million in it's lifetime!
  15. At the rate they're selling they should pay people to take them! I was simply saying a price that I feel the console is worth... and is around an impulse-buy figure.
  16. In all honesty, I don't give a fuck about their business, I'm just making a suggestion that might get their dead in the water console selling based on what I think the console is worth at max.
  17. Given that they've got absolutely billions of cash in reserves, yes, it is a great idea. They can afford to do so and at least if they did then it'd start pulling bigger numbers in sales... at least then Nintendo would be recognised as a console seller again! If they started shifting units then the positive press it'd gain them would bode well for future consoles. Instead they've become forgettable!
  18. I reckon £129.99 with Nintendoland or ZombiU (for a Gamepad showcase) would be reasonable would it not? I honestly believe that rising above that it's not worth it.
  19. Kav


    Better than keeping it and never playing it again.
  20. Kav


    Bungie have well and truly pulled the pants down of anyone that paid full-whack for the season pass. Last game I'll buy from them, unless pre-owned, they can fuck right off! All that repetitive, endless, repetitive grinding to level up your exotics only for the overpriced DLC to make them obsolete. If you want them on par you then have to grind on them from scratch again, losing the skills you've already ground out?! Fuck off Bungie!!! I only played the first DLC once through, got immediately bored of it as it was next to nothing in content, no way was I just repeating it all to get to level 32, fuck that, I stayed on level 30. I'll play the new DLC only because I've already paid for it but once it's done Destiny is getting traded in!
  21. Ok now that trailer looked sweet!
  22. I've not said Toure lost them the match, just pointed out that he was the worst of them. They were all quite bad. Chelsea vs United could go either way, hopefully we'll do the job.
  23. Kav

    Tomb Raider

    Yeah PS4. I've no idea if it's any better, I downloaded it on my phone, not switched my PS4 on for gaming for a couple months. I'll not play this anytime soon either, my 3DS is keeping me busy.
  24. Kav

    Tomb Raider

    £9.49 on PS Store? Bought.
  25. I've played it a fair bit.
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