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Everything posted by Kav

  1. I'll make the prediction that I'll find the Direct shite and that I'll moan about it being shite. :p
  2. Well, that depends on the content of the direct. :p
  3. What, is this an online multiplayer game?
  4. The motion controls were fooking awesome man!
  5. Proper online and Party Chat too. When I used the Oculus I thought it was amazing, I'd definitely pick up a VR headset as an optional extra!
  6. Yeah I agree, I was just pointing out that you can patch a bad game to make it good. I was just stating a case that went against what was said. I'm ok with the delay, it's not like I'll be playing on the WiiU anyway anytime soon. I'll just dust it off when XenoCX and Zelda hit. The PS4 will keep me well satisfied where the WiiU can't. Zelda is the pinnacle for me though so I'm ok with them taking their time over it.
  7. @Ronnie @Blade a badly made game can be patched to be fantastic. Battlefield 4 was a broken mess and rushed out to meet it's deadline... plays like a dream now though, you can back me up on that too Blade. Granted, I prefer a non-broken game to start with of course.
  8. So I'm just looking forward to 1 WiiU game in 2015... Nintendo, what happened to you man!
  9. Just saw Nintendo tweet it. I hope Xenoblade CX comes out this year.
  10. Is it the thought of more Monster Hunter or the thought of meeting us? Haha
  11. How would Sheffield sound? With @Hero\-of\-Time, would you fancy it perhaps?
  12. Well I've found myself here. 56% Labour 22% Green Party 22% Lib Dem Looks about right for me.
  13. I'm always on it, can't get enough! Haha 300hrs is only halfway through my time on each of the other versions (less than halfway on Tri), surely it's only small hours for you too? Haha
  14. I'm still having an absolute blast on this! I can't believe @Hero\-of\-Time @lostmario and @Blade are done with it already. Get back on you part time hunters! Haha I've only been using the Charge Blade so far but I'm going to start mixing it up now I've got my armour sets sorted. Having used all the other weapons plentifully on Tri and 3U the Glaive is the next one I'll be maining but I'll definitely be mixing it up to keep the gameplay fresh.
  15. Well in MKWii you could set up a group of friends and then search for global online races along with randoms. You can't even do that on MK8!
  16. That's the thing, if anything their attitude towards, and game features within, online has regressed this generation. They were better with the Wii!
  17. It's easy to manipulate consumers when saying it'll do all these things but not really show it's OS prior to release so that the consumers are duped by these lies. It really is akin to false advertising. It's wrong. I've learned my lesson at least and as a result Nintendo have lost another future sale. Given their sales record with WiiU you'd have thought they'd want to turn that around..?
  18. Well in doing that they've almost certainly lost a customer in me for their next console... surely it wasn't his job to do that?
  19. I'd be well up for one! I'd finally get to hunt with you guys. :p
  20. I was simply calling out Serebii for him posting saying he took exception with the honest trailers MP10 trailer being dishonest. I wasn't moaning or whining, just asking a question that I felt relative to his post that I would've liked an answer to. Then when he gave his answer I felt it was a non-answer so again called him out on it.
  21. It is the same thing, but when those things readily apply to multiple things (multiple games) then they'll be brought up multiple times. We're posting with merit at least, you're just inciting.
  22. Consider this. I bought the WiiU really looking forward to this generation mostly as a result of what Reggie said because it would mean a better connected and social experience with my friends. Then the WiiU is released and it's not what he said it would be. It's sure to leave you a bit deflated and annoyed because you bought something on a premise it's not delivered on. It's akin to false advertising. I've overpaid for this console, that's how I feel. Accept that and just shut up moaning that people fel this way. To further go on, based around all this, their continued lack of online features in their games and attitude towards these features hasn't really filled us with excitement towards them addressing this with their next console. Just accept this and stop whining! We're allowed opinions too, just because they're not all rosy like yours you don't have to bitch so much. The fact you bitch is what's causing any arguments /discussions to further long than they should.
  23. Holy crap man, the One Piece manga is giving me goosebumps... so good!!!
  24. This is such BS, haha. You're as bad as Reggie Serebii :p It was at the E3 just before the WiiU launched, all plans would've been in place by then, he knew he was spouting lies and you know it too!
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