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Everything posted by Kav

  1. It was a good'n too ...also, I'm terrible at typing on my phone, I'm always having edit my posts and correct random typos.
  2. Yeah I know, my post seemed a bit of a lame one, as per my edit I got distracted at work and it didn't come across well as it appeared to be a reply to Sheikah when it was actually a reply to Wii.
  3. They should put it on XBO then. :p Get some momentum behind that platform.
  4. Pretty poor. Pre-set messages during hunts, keyboard in the lobbies. I'm G2 Rank now but I'm not looking at progressing too soon. I will be looking to hunt some Shrouded Nerscylla, Tigerstripe Zamtrois, and a couple High level monsters, S.Zinogre and Daora for weapon upgrades first. Although I do need to unlock the Desert Seltas Queen hunt... I want the armour!
  5. This right here! One of my brother's mates had a modded Metroid Prime running on his PC with Oculus Rift, he said "it made me want to mess my pants"!
  6. 20 million already is good going. I don't think the WiiU will ever hit this mark.
  7. I'll be looking to forge the Seltas Z armour as a standard set for my Charge Blades, it's got a nice list of skills for a C.Blade and decent enough slots... not overly keen on the look though. Given that you can change the armours colour on this I might be tempted to look at mixing armour... shock horror, how will my OCD cope?! Tonight I'll be looking to do my urgent so I can go to G2 Rank!
  8. Have you put this on yet @Blade?
  9. They should probably add "unconfirmed" to the title, it'll be less confusing. Looks great though I must say. If it gets a PS4 release that's where I'll buy it.
  10. Oh man, Trine 2 is a fantastic game! You need to get playing, haha. Pics stolen from the other thread, cheers @Wii...
  11. Gorgeous as always, looks fantastic... Only PC at the mo, console versions expected to be announced at a later date.
  12. What I'm finding difficult, playing with randoms, is managing to find any hunters who are even slightly competent. Especially so now I've reached G-Rank. I'm coming across G2 hunters with worse defence stats than me who has only just turned G1. Got myself a set of G-Rank Nerscylla armour... I look like a Gundam, albeit without the V on the forehead. Anyhoo, I managed to scrape through hunts with distinctly average players, using so many lifepowders in the process. Urgh.
  13. I don't know how Van Gaal is still in that job... but I'm glad he is! Haha Thank you Liverpool... I just hope we can capitalise when we play our game in hand. @dazzybee, excited for today?
  14. I finally managed to find another room of decent randoms. It was just 3 of us but we all set off from HR7, did a good few hunts from there and got each of our urgents. We proceeded to slay the beast for each of us and then got the urgent for G-Rank. Again we slaughtered the beast and all hit G-Rank. It's great when a group works together, takes turns picking quests and doesn't screw each other over. Now for G-Rank! ...unless anyone still fancies hunting at their level, I'm happy helping (I've still only got High Rank gear so I'd not likely be overpowered).
  15. Anyone seen the Number 23 face-plate? Skull Kid in the woods holding Majora's Mask? Nice!
  16. @Glen\-i these were hunters that were the same HR as me but they didn't bother upgrading to High Rank armour. They just relied in others dragging them up the HRs. I'll probably be online at some point tonight and I'll jump on with you if I see you.
  17. I've not been able to see it as white and gold for the life of me! I still can't see white and gold at all.
  18. You've got that right @Hero\-of\-Time! The amount of times I've been in a room only for a random to enter, not say a word and immediately run to the counter and chuck a quest on the board. No "hello", no "do you mind if...", there's no etiquette at all. I just boot these fuckers when it's my room. If they ask I tell them we're all taking turns. I was looking to slay Akantor and 2 of the hunters in the room had low rank armour... at HR7... how've you still got low rank at that HR! As soon as I get to G Rank I'll farm out a monster to get an armour set and then take to the hunt properly from there. On a positive note though, the new (to me) monsters in this game are AMAZING!
  19. Sometimes it can be so hard finding a good group of hunters in this. Only managed around 5 successful hunts last night. Randoms fainting left, right and centre all over the place last night. I don't think I'll ever find people able to prevent themselves fainting against Akantor. So many failed hunts against him, it was so annoying! I'm not sure I'll ever get my HR7 Urgent Quest up at this rate.
  20. The stable 3D makes the upgrade well worth it I think.
  21. That One Piece chapter was all kinds of awesome, I love Zoro!
  22. Yes! Nintendo should make these games. It doesn't mean they should stop making the ones they still do though. This is the pout people are making; give us variety! That's what would be best! I'd have taken a Nintendo game even if it was a bland grey colour pallette over either Yoshi or Kirby, two 2D Platformers on a console that's absolutely rife with 2D Platformers!
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