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Everything posted by Kav

  1. @Sheikah, I know what Destiny is like and I know the differences to it and Halo... I've put hundreds of hours in both. It's still feels similar. I'm not saying they're identical, just very similar. Which is why it feels less fresh to me than the others.
  2. @Sheikah I remember very well what I did in games. It's not that I don't. I agree that Destiny does different things to Halo, but the actual gameplay itself is vastly similar. The character movement, control etc. this is what I mean by it feeling like Halo. It's like The Last of Us, to me it didn't feel new because it felt incredibly similar to Uncharted in this same respect. Sure, there are new characters and a new story, but to control and actually play the game it felt vastly similar. This is how I mean feeling similar. There isn't a lot on the market that feels similar in this respect to Pikmin and Smash. I guess for me, Smash always feels fresh as I usually select random on the character select screen. In the end, I'm not disputing what you feel, just saying that it differs from person to person.
  3. @Sheikah whereas I get where you're coming from saying how MK, Smash and Pikmin feel stale to you, that doesn't mean they feel stale to others. To me they still feel fresh, even when compared to a lot of other games on the market. It's because between the releases of them there aren't many other games on the market that feel similar to them. So by the time they come around they feel fresh again. Pikmin epsecially, it felt like a breath of fresh air to me. Destiny on the other hand didn't feel fresh in the slightest. It feels like Halo, which has had a number of releases between the last two Pikmin games. Yes, the social element made the game much more than it was, but this isn't new. Many of us here had that experience with games like Monster Hunter. So to me, Pikmin felt more fresh than Batman, Assassin's Creed, Infamous, Uncharted, Last of Us, Destiny etc (the list does go on - all still good games, don't get me wrong) because these have all had either multiple iterations or they play similarly to other games on the market. I'll not put Mario in there as there have been many platformers and they do feel similar. Except for the Galaxy games, they are God-level games and actually felt very fresh.
  4. Nope. I'm totally OCD and can't handle mixed armour, I am not even lying. @S\.C\.G I'm only High Rank so now youre HR4 you're in the same level as me. I'm happy to game with you although I don't use the PS4 to chat (long story as posted above/prior pages).
  5. When it launched they stated themselves that they needed to sell just one game to make their money back on it. Drop it by £100 and all they need do is sell between three & four games and they're making their money back. That's even if we pretended it costed as much to produce! Yeah, they'd make their money back and more.
  6. Nothing turned the Wii around, the thing flew of the shelves. @Serebii, they'd make the money back through game sales.
  7. "Mario Kart can turn it around." "Smash can turn it around." These were the 2 games that had any chance, we all thought so. There's not going to be any other game that turns it around, no way. The only thing that can make it sell is a drastic price-cut, sub £150, for it to start doing any decent sort of numbers.
  8. Mix armour?! Sure you can get better/more skills this way but it sends my OCD into "Cannot Cope" mode!
  9. Iwata is high on meds man. I don't care what happened with the Gameboy, NOTHING but an insane price-drop is turning round the WiiU's fortunes!
  10. We could always do what you do and paper over the cracks whilst pretending everything is rosy... :p Actually, on a positive note, I do really like the Gamepad. Off-TV play has been great for me because I share a flat and the WiiU is in the front room with the TV. It really is nice happily gaming away even if the TV is on. I'm looking forward to playing through Bayonetta 1&2 too so I know this will come in handy!
  11. It is the standard, Nintendo simply aren't up to standards.
  12. They'll be talking about their "vision" and the new game at EGX Rezzed on 14th March... http://www.egx.net/rezzed/news/ex-rare-devs-to-present-new-3d-platformer-at-egx-rezzed
  13. Is there online multiplayer? Online co-op maybe?
  14. There must be a stealth kill in the game whereupon you sneak up behind an enemy, unwravel some of yourself and use the wool string to choke the enemy to death..?
  15. The snake fight was a bit dull in all honesty. It feels epic at first but quickly becomes a bit meh. I kind of wanted to get hit by his blast or bite to see how much damage it would do but I kept dodging them just in case, haha. I'm going to be one of these under-levelled twats come G Rank and needing stuff from the single player, haha. I think I'll tackle it like I did against Jho in underwear on Tri... using a Lance and being mindful of defence, haha. By that time I reckon I'll be done with the game though.
  16. It's neat in some ways but for me it's a royal dick move. For me it's like if you could only get certain things in CoD multiplayer if you did the campaign... urgh! It's multiplayer only that I enjoy in these games. I'm HR7, I've only done Deviljho and Dalamadur (a couple other hunter's urgents) from those ranks though, not tried the others yet. Blade said he'd do a bit of hunting at weekend but when I joined I just figured I'd leave you guys to the G Rank quests as the room was full... didn't want to be holding people's own games up and at the same time I want to really battle against the new monsters I'll face and a full team of G Rank hunters would just end up destroying them and I don't really enjoy the hunts when they're like that.
  17. I've unlocked the farms and really that's as far as I'm willing to go. Hunts are dull on your own, even if it takes seconds, the biggest pain is the text. I hate skipping through all that text, for something I then just don't really find fun.
  18. As much as I love this game, the more I read that you have to do single player to progress in the multiplayer, the more it becomes my least favourite of the Monster Hunter games I've played.
  19. @Hero\-of\-Time there's no way you only put 500 hours into each, surely?! I put in 800 on Tri and around 600 on 3U. I reckon this one won't get near either of them to be honest though, not from what you were saying about needing to do the single player too.
  20. I'm glad I have absolutely zero interest in them, it sounds like a major ball-ache trying to get them.
  21. I just find it a little dull though... and there's just so much sodding text to skip through! Simply, I'd rather play on other games than do the single player on MH.
  22. No worries @Hero\-of\-Time it was getting on. I had a bit of a poop night. I was doing well myself but the randoms I was playing with just kept fainting (I changed rooms a few times too), they were very naive in their hunting I must say. It's at times like these voice/chat is a must. Just so you can give some advice... like getting out of the tight corner and not trying to fight the monster there, bring him into open space where you've room to position and dodge... you know, very basic stuff! Hardly got any hunts done. Red Khezu is a pain too, he's the only monster that makes me use a good number of potions, that damn electric git!
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