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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Yeah that's a good point. They thought Kinect would be a boon and would justify the higher price. In this, they made a similar mistake as Nintendo wherein they thought the casual market that the Kinect attracted would flock back. Whereas the gamer that invests most time and money into their hobby just wants the console & games and the price-point will be a big factor in their decision making. Add to that the DRM policy and compare it to what Sony's vision was, it was always going to be a clear win for Sony. Kudos to Sony though, they've been very smart but still aggressive in the correct way this gen, learning from the prior gen. Microsoft have been too bullish and Nintendo were, and still are, simply stupid.
  2. I think it would've been closer if Microsoft hadn't initially tried to go with the policy of restricting used games, DRM etc. I do think this made consumers have a lack of faith in them. This little bit of mis-trust snowballed on them, especially when Sony came out at E3 and confirmed there'd be no such policies with PS4... that they got such a reaction for just carrying on what was the norm showed the hurt that Microsoft would suffer. Don't get me wrong, as I said it would've been closer, but Sony ticked all the boxes with what they were doing and how they approached both the consumer and developer. I don't think it's the console per se which is why they're doing so well, it's the thought process and relationships built in the background as well as how they've conveyed their message to the consumer that has boded so well for them.
  3. Haha, I can't buy that. Being able to chat with your mates is always a plus. Not just for strategy or anything like that but for the laughs you have.
  4. Tried the demo today, unfortunately it's not my type of game so this won't be getting a look-in from me now.
  5. I've finally put this back on after not playing it for an absolute age. I must say it really is a fabulous game! I'm only two areas into the game (done two areas) so I've plenty left to do... and I'm really glad I have loads left!
  6. I will do, to give it a go, but Hardline doesn't interest me as much as other BFs from what I've seen.
  7. If they were to confirm it's in, I'd beat one off right where I'm sat... at my desk in work! Haha ...but no doubt they'll not mention anything of the sort.
  8. I'm not really bothered about them either. I never was in any of the other Smash games either. It really is just regular Smash that interests me, with items, without items it loses something and isn't as fun. It's basically going to boil down to how the online is for me, that's the deciding factor.
  9. I've not really played this much but played a little over the weekend, just regular Smash, still got Game & Watch and DuckHunt Dog to unlock now. Once I've unlocked them and given them a little go I'll start going online. Hopefully it'll hold up well online, if so I'll play a fair bit but if not I think I'll probably trade it in... it's just not much fun on your own (I don't care for all the other modes/challenges etc).
  10. He deserves the ban, no complaints.
  11. I've started watching Another, just finished episode 3... man, that ending!!!
  12. This game is just screaming out to me that it's going to be nothing short of amazing. I cannot wait!
  13. I read another couple Ray Bradbury books not too long ago, The Martian Chronicles and The Illustrated Man. They're not quite up to the standards of Fahrenheit 451 but still really enjoyable reads, each of them are more of a collection of short stories that intertwine into one long one. I loved the ending of The Illustrated Man! I've also picked up the books of the Black Magician Trilogy from Trudi Canavan. Yet to start but I'm looking forward to reading them, they were a "Wasterstone recommends" spur of the moment purchase, as were Fahrenheit 451 and the books of Feist's Rifwar Saga which I absolutely loved.
  14. I am hoping you boys do it, it'd be awesome for us both to be in the final!
  15. If Sturridge was on the pitch both teams play would have been effected. Sterling wouldn't have been in the positions he was in and so in turn neither would have the other midfielders as they've been accommodating positions that would be different to the usual ones during play on the pitch. As a result Chelsea would have played different in reaction to this. Liverpool might not have created the chances they did with a change, they may have created more yet they may have created less too, you may have scored but you may not have done to, we just don't know. It's wrong to say you'd have "definitely" won because it's impossible to say. Although, Chelsea were always winning that no matter what. :p
  16. Balotelli gave away the ball to Hazard who immediately won the free kick which led to Ivanovic scoring after losing Balotelli as his marker. Balotelli was our best sub, haha.
  17. You never know, that was my point. It may have been different, but he may have fluffed the chances too or Courtios may have been equal to them and made the save, you just can't say.
  18. I'm certain you wouldn't have done and I hope Costa doesn't get banned. :p
  19. Well it looks like the Lance will still be my favourite weapon... it has a jump attack that leads to mounts... SO GODLY...
  20. Costa was unlucky not to be awarded a penalty but he was lucky to have not been sent off. I was listening to it on 5 Live and my heart was in my mouth at times! Haha
  21. I'm looking forward to sinking my teeth into this and I'm really looking forward to using the Kinsect Glaive, I think it looks to be a fantastic weapon, bridging a gap between Long-Sword and Hunting Horn. I must say, the Charge Blade looks to be amazing too...
  22. I like the changes, they all appear to be improvements from what I'm seeing. This being my least favourite home console Zelda title (I still love it of course) just means I may well appreciate it more... could I perhaps prefer it to Wind Waker after these changes..?
  23. If there's a manga I'd like to see an anime of, it's Gamaran. If they got the animation down it'd be a treat.
  24. I know it's late but here's my suggestion and reason behind it: 2 female cats... 2 female black cats... Black cats are said to be witches cats... Witches... Computer game witches (specifically 2 of them)... Koume and Kotake, the Twinrova sisters.
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