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Everything posted by Kav

  1. I started the single player today and blasted through it. A couple nice levels in there and the final boss fight was great! The rest though wasn't all that great, pretty run of the mill stuff. Still, got all the scrolls so I've unlocked more weapons. After adding slots to gear though I'm short on cash!
  2. Their point on having 2 maps, it wouldn't be an issue if they let us change gear in lobbies.
  3. I gave the Ink-brush a run-out tonight and did consistently well with it. Pretty much always scoring over 1000 points, even when I was on the losing team. It may be my new favourite weapon too as it so fun to use and so satisfying when you ninja up on someone and smack them down in a rapid flurry of whacks! Now I just need clothing with the right perks on for the weapon. I reached level 20 too last night.
  4. Another strong showing I thought.
  5. ...shit, you've found me. :p
  6. If Nintendo do what Nintendo normally do and release the NX then I don't think it'll sell anywhere near enough to force Sony or Microsoft's hand at releasing another console anytime too soon.
  7. Why don't you listen Serebii? They could sell BOTH handheld and console games. Why sell 5 million or 15 million when you could sell maybe 20 million in combined sales... and these aren't necessarily people buying both games, these are people who don't normally buy handheld consoles picking up the home console version. Going on your logic, why should Nintendo make home consoles when they could just make portables?
  8. @Serebii, we have given a justification, you've just chose to ignore it... A home console Pokemon game would sell.
  9. Nobody is saying to stop making handheld games... and here's the thing Serebii, plenty of those that would "miss out" on all that stuff you mention already do, they don't buy Pokemon as they don't have a handheld. What you aren't grasping is that some people will be happy to buy only a home console version and don't care about the stuff you've mentioned... and at the same time, people will still buy just handheld games. Not one single person is being forced to buy both.
  10. Show these facts and data. Show me that people wouldn't buy a home console version.
  11. I couldn't disagree any more with this whole post. In my view it's some of the greatest nonsense I've read on this forum.
  12. There's no "making people buy a second game", who said that? I sure as hell didnt. I'm just talking about making a Pokemon game for home consoles as well as making them for the handhelds. You know, like they do with Mario and many others... people aren't forced to buy them too. When someone is at home and might fancy playing Pokemon, how is that it's portable a huge thing then when they could just play it on console?!
  13. Yeah I don't agree with this. You overestimate how huge the portability aspect is.
  14. @Serebii, I think you're nuts saying it shouldn't be on home console just because the portability aspect is a huge part of what makes Pokemon. You sound like Miyamoto saying F-Zero shouldn't be made if they can't think of a new and novel way of having you play it. It's just silly, people would still enjoy Pokemon on home console and just because they put in on a home console it doesn't mean the handheld versions lose anything. Put it on both... why? Because both will sell. Still, with me not being a fan of Pokemon (hate turn-based games) I'd not be interested unless they changed the battle aspect of it. With talk of an open world RPG, I'm more interested in that. I'd imagine a world like in Xenoblade Chronicles, where there'd be wild Pokemon that you would battle and try to capture, take home and train, then take the new additions out with you to help catch more. Throw a story in there and an online battle arena for multiplayer and it sounds good to me.
  15. I've said before that I don't think the power is the big issue, it's that the architecture is too different to the other consoles, so the porting of games isn't just scaling it back and toning it down, it's building/modifying an engine to work on it as well as that. The devs see it as too costly and resource heavy to be financially viable. They need the architucjeture to be similar to the other consoles, not necessarily as powerful, just similar enough so that ports are easily and as cheaply as can be done. I really do believe this is the only way they'll get 3rd Party Devs back on board. I think they should make the controller uniform in the number of buttons and analogue triggers. ...but I do like the idea of another Wiimote-nunchuk combo (not with the same design though and both would be Motion+ standard), effectively 2 nunchuk controllers, with D-Pad and buttons off-kilter. The size of the New 3DS XL D-Pad and buttons should suffice. That controller talk is because I still want pointer controls in FPS games, haha. I'd be ok with a standard pad (analogue layout as with the WiiU though).
  16. We really need class slots in this. I'm wanting to set up numerate ones for different maps and playstyles. It's beyond frustrating having to back out, change stuff and then come back in again.
  17. Again, I think you're wrong. If a team is colouring the map and coordinating together, these things do help. When I died in my example I gave, if I hadn't told Zechs he might not have known immediately and then two people would have got behind our lines and started colouring in our territory. Yet I told Zechs I died and where the threat was and he stopped their advance and made them respawn, which in turn allows us to gain even more territory because there are fewer of the opposition in the battlefield... it's as plain as day that it works. Killing doesn't count towards points but if you kill the entire team then you have free reign whilst they respawn so you can advance even further down the map, pushing the enemy back and reducing their territory. Killing is very important still. Come the august update when you can party up and search games as a team you'll see how tactics come into play if you game with us.
  18. I'd completely disagree @Kounan, the more I play it the more I see the need for voice chat. It's not too fast paced and that the games are short doesn't mean that you can't have tactics. Even something as little as quick call-outs help. When I was playing with @Zechs Merquise the other day I spotted a roller drop down from a higher platform and go for Zechs, I just said "roller behind you Zechs" and he quiclly turned around and dispatched the roller. Another time I'm pushing my way down a flank on one of the maps and got taken out by two of the opposition. I simply said two coming on the left flank and Zechs turned, whipped out his bubbler and killed them both, stopping their push forward. Having gamed with Zechs all throughout the CoD days, we know how to work well together which helps us communicate but also, it's the forward planning prior to matches even starting that is most important, so that you can make little adjustments on the fly with simple call-outs like we do.
  19. @Kounan, I'd recommend Batman Arkham City of those listed.
  20. I only watched the first season thankfully so my interest in this is probably higher than what it would've been had I continued to watch it.
  21. What's her excuse for not wanting friends talking to each other whilst they play?
  22. I'd have chatted on Skype, haha.
  23. I'm about to head out shortly so I'll post again later but I played CoD on both the 360 and on the Wii. I had a blast on both but it was on the Wii that I gamed with other N-E folks... and we had an absolute ball with CoD! @Zechs Merquise @lostmario @welsh_gamer @ben @Nightmare @Mokong As the N-E Clan on the Wii, we completely dominated online. Black Ops being my stand out of the series online.
  24. @Rummy the Zechs and my posting wasn't trolling and it was confirmed not to be. Zechs posted how he thought Mario Galaxy (2 if I recall) was Game of the Year for him in a thread where, at the time, the topic of conversation was if the game of the thread should be Game of the Year. That's not trolling, it's just an opinion. His post got deleted, so I posted the same thing (it was my opinion too) and it didn't get deleted... we just pointed out how some people get unfairly moderated to which it was said they thought he was trolling, just because it was Zechs.
  25. This is the truth of the matter. I've been as harsh on Destiny as I have with Nintendo and online, yet on the Other Console boards there's no Ronnie making snarky comments to my views only to antagonise. When discussion does break out it's actually a discussion, as I found when I was posting in the Last of Us thread giving my opinions (I felt it was insanely overrated) there. We actually talked about it as opposed to snide remarks. Over here we tend to get the back-handed comments and baiting from Ronnie. Now when I say this, please note that I actually quite like Serebii and feel he sometimes gets unwarranted flak, but also when he does defend Nintendo, he pulls out the most outrageous and sometimes blinkered views it's beyond me... but the thing is, he is never an arse, he nearly always says his views in a manner befitting the place. Yes, Nintendo have got me down this generation. I feel they've lost sight of who they are and who their actual market is. As a fan of theirs, I feel disappointed and angry at times and I vent. I should probably try and be less colourful in my language when doing so.
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