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Everything posted by Patch

  1. How about we do a mini-poll here and see if we can predict whether or not The Conduit will sell better than MadWorld (though I can think of at least ten reasons why this may not be a 100% accurate prediction). Total People who definitely will buy the Conduit (assuming it is quality): 1 Total People who definitely will buy (or have bought) MadWorld: 0 If you're not sure, don't add yourself. Copy and Paste!
  2. Haha. I can imagine Wii Fit being popular amongst core and casual alike. I wouldn't classify it as a game.
  3. Patch

    GDC 2009

    Wow, I went into it not expecting anything new to be revealed and we have three big announcements. Not to mention the revelation that Nintendo has (belatedly) listened to its fans and come up with a storage solution. On a side-note, anyone notice how Zelda is being given otherworldly themes recently? Twilight -> Phantom -> Spirit.
  4. Really? Timed to coincide with the GDC Keynote?
  5. Patch

    GDC 2009

    Eurogamer's updates have started... We've managed to get a nice spot in the front row, just a dozen seats across from Reggie Fils-Aime. He's not doing anything exciting. Perhaps he's just quietly taking names in his head.
  6. Patch

    GDC 2009

    Yep. If a Nintendo boss's speech is being blogged, there's no stopping the hype-train. I'm picturing an audience filled with up-and-coming game developers with notebooks getting exasperated at Satoru for revealing a plethora of new titles and not telling them anything about how to make games.
  7. Patch

    GDC 2009

    Just remember guys - this speech is being given at a conference for game developers. It's not a hardware/videogame unveilathon designed to give you orgasm after orgasm.</Spoilsport>
  8. Patch

    GDC 2009

    Indeed. From the GDC website: In his keynote address, Nintendo global president Satoru Iwata will talk about Nintendo’s role in creating better tools and bringing opportunities for developers to introduce their innovative ideas to a marketplace that is increasingly willing and eager to embrace new game design possibilities. Link
  9. Patch

    GDC 2009

    Masochistic tendencies? Although some of the speculations so far are a bit tongue in cheek, no?
  10. Patch

    GDC 2009

    Why stop there? I'm anticipating that Nintendo announce: 1. They are going bankrupt. 2. Won't be making any more consoles or games. 3. To cover their losses, they will be visiting every household to retrieve their consoles/games back. 4. They will be killing witnesses to the above. That way, I know I definitely will be pleased.
  11. June, according to the recent release dates posted on the main page. Can't wait for this. I love the graphical style. The Japanese boxart is quite nice too: [ATTACH]2553[/ATTACH]
  12. Guns. Lots of guns. But seriously, I would like to see a Mario game with a deeper story set in the Mushroom Kingdom. I liked the whole Mario Imposter story behind Sunshine. Something along those lines would be good. It's difficult thinking of a way to top Galaxy, that's for sure.
  13. It's been a long time since I played it, so the details are a bit vague. It takes place on a small circular platform that has sides initially, but loses them later on. He spins on the spot, sending you flying if you get too close. I think as he spins, you have to time your jumps over his arm (Or maybe he's holding a stick?). Later on, he jumps up and down, creating a small earthquake. I think you hurt him by going behind him and hitting his bum. I can do it, but only after dying twenty or thirty times first! Which is no good for a no-continue run!
  14. Super Monkey Ball is one of my favourite series of all time. Banana Blitz is great. It's refreshingly different in presentation to the previous games, though I had no problem with the old style. Mini-games-wise, it's entertaining enough and we still play it even now. It's the Single Player mode that I'm always most interested in though. I've completed every floor up to the end of World 8. You have to complete all Worlds individually without using a continue to unlock World 9 and if it wasn't for the boss battle on World 8, I'd have easily done it by now. I just can't do it without dying loads of times. Has anyone here managed it? Anyone got a good strategy?
  15. Yes! Those items were amazing and totally unexpected. I would like to see them used more. Link to the Past I would love to see the dash boots (whatever they were called) that let you run on the spot for a sec, then charge forward, sword in front. In 3D that would be pretty hilarious! Majora's Mask The realtime mechanism was great - people following set paths and all that. Perhaps some time-travel related item would let you revisit scenes from different perspectives somehow.
  16. Why the second time, out of interest? I've heard of snaking too, but I don't know how it's done.
  17. Augh, you answered me, knowing full well I promised not to be serious again? Man, that's low.
  18. I think you would agree that there is a limit to how much negativity can be tolerated though? If every thread had a negative title, then something would need to be done, right? Obviously, that's at the extreme end of the scale; the actual tolerance limit is much less severe and subjective for each individual. Some people probably feel that that limit has already been reached. That the negative outweights the positive. That's their call and they're entitled to it. Man, I hate posting serious posts like this. I promise I won't do it again.
  19. I'm currently playing through Final Fantasy VII on the PS2. This is the first time I've played it - I've always wanted to see what all the fuss was about. To be perfectly honest, it's a bit of a chore. The battles are slow and frustrating, the characters that are trying to be oh-so-cool are annoying and the directional controls in the field drive me up the wall. However, it's easy to see why the game was critically praised at the time. The graphics and presentation are outstanding, there are tons of side-quests, secrets and titbits to discover and it retains an epic feel about it. I would agree with darksnowman on this one. Overrated, but still very good.
  20. Perhaps the development time is genuinely short, affirming their belief that 'games are taking too long to develop'. The anticipation isn't as high this way, but at least we don't have to wait for ages. That being said, if that's the case, we should be seeing tons of games from Nintendo. What are they doing with all that dosh then?
  21. I would like to see Nintendo appear to be reinvesting their now-vast fortune into more first-party games. They could probably afford to start up a new second-party company every month at the moment! I would also like to see them take an active role in securing decent third party titles. Maybe they already do this quite a bit, but it's not that apparent.
  22. Haha. This thread is classic. So anyway, I says to my mam, I says...
  23. *Claps enthusiastically* I only own a Wii this generation and I don't need another console. I'd be interested to see a thread listing those who don't own a Wii!
  24. Patch


    Fair point, although I would mention: a) films are much more passive than videogames. b) There are many films that have had calls for bans too.
  25. Patch


    TBH, I can see where they're coming from. Same with Manhunt 2. MadWorld is a violent game that WILL be played by young children. For that reason alone, I can understand an organisation wanting to ban it. But they're not looking at the broader picture. They're addressing a side-effect of the real problem. That is, the idiot parents letting their children play it. If they must spend money and resources to stop children playing it, then spend it on educating the parents.
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